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  1. I have the certified 9.17 and the minimum alert works perfectly
  2. There is a third one that is often overseen (ask me how I learnt about it) : There is a bearing just below the trim servo where the torque tube runs through. That is supposed to be lubed regularly but probably doesn‘ t get the attention it deserves…
  3. Hi, I would like to share my experience with customer support. I had mine ordered last month via UPS 2nd day. Long story short UPS messed it up. JR from customer support was outstanding in helping me with relocating the package and following up the case over a couple of days always monitoring and responding quickly to my mails. After many bad experiences with other companies I can‘t value his help and involvement enough!!
  4. If you consider all the labour and exchange parts a GFC 500 / G5 would probably have been the cheaper route at the end of the day … Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  5. No servo issues at all - and I think I was one of the first to have it installed in a Mooney.
  6. ... and the A380 is - from a passenger perspective - the most comfortable plane I have been flying in..
  7. No, it is on the bracket. It will not affect the pitch servo despite the fact that if the plane is out of trim the pitch servo has to work harder and if forces exceed certain limits the AP will disconnect.
  8. It looks exactly like the issue I had with mine. Long story short - the cause was the bearing on the trim torque tube below the trim servo. It seldom sees some lube during annuals, gets stuck and produces what you are experiencing.
  9. ADSB out is not required for our Mooneys in Europe, but you need Mode-S. I am not sure if you have to disable the 978 ADSB out.
  10. I have chosen dark grey powder coating and I am very happy with it. The idea was to avoid potential blending of lighter colors and to have a more modern look than before.
  11. Mmh ... I thought the primary purpose is to destroy airflow ...
  12. Joe, you should have a schematic of your bus architecture in your POH. In my 231 the busses are made up by a simple connection bar connecting the CBs. That is the location of the busses. Primary engine instruments should be connected to the main and not the avionics bus for obvious reasons.
  13. We will look at this ... The senders have been installed just after the new reseal.
  14. That ist part of the Soundex multilayer insulation/sound proofing
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