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mike28w last won the day on January 6 2014

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  1. Hello Daren, Thanks for your interest but I believe that I have it sold .....pending a pre-purchase inspection. Thanks ! mike PS: Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest and been so complimentary ! It makes it a little easier to part with my " aluminum mistress" LOL
  2. Hi, Well. I've decided to get my annual done and give my plane to a broker to sell ( early Oct.). I don't have the time to fly or sell the plane. Depressing. She's been a great bird for over 10 years . Lot's of fun and always reliable. Traveled all over the western US ! It's a 63 M20C. 2650TTAF... 650 SMOH ( factory) ... 650 new McCauley prop ( I think its it was new)..... All hours are just off the top of my head. Ext. and int. are 8+. 201 windshield , 201 panel, dorsal tail mod, flap gap seals, alternator mod, Tannis engine heater, brake mod, overhauled exhaust system, both tanks stripped and resealed, landing gear donuts , JPI engine monitor, JPI fuel flow meter, 406 ELT,,, and much more. This is off the top of my head. I want $40,000 which will go up to $45,000 once the broker gets it... If someone on this site is interested , I would be willing to sell it but otherwise ...it's going to a broker. If you're actually interested and not just a looky loo , I can send photos and more data. Fly safe, mike ( mike28W at msn. com) PS: I live in north central Idaho.
  3. Hi TTaylor ! If you're interested in a Mooney M20C...you might want to email me at mike28w at msn dot com i live in Idaho mike
  4. Pretty bird !! Al Mooney would be proud of you ! mike
  5. But Oscar, there's only one review.....can he be trusted ??? mike
  6. I will never forget listening to Salt Lake center help a rather frantic Mooney near Jackson Hole. He reported that he had just flown through a large mountain wave ( clear day) and was now looking to land at the nearest airport that center could find for him , "any airport"........ I was heading west at the time , into that area......I spent the night in Casper, Wy... No regrets for me !
  7. Great idea !! Great price! I wish that you had shirts with a pocket ! mike
  8. Well, this surprises me..... I bought Those Remarkable Mooneys a number of years ago and haven't even gotten around to reading it . I'd better take better care of it !
  9. Changing out one Lycoming for another......shouldn't be a problem .
  10. I'm getting the impression that the OP simply doesn't want to speak to any other mechanics or specialists...... am I jumping to conclusions ? mike
  11. I'm not sure that any of us that haven't looked at your plane can have any particularly valid mechanical advice for you.....although I am a bit skeptical about your mechanic. As always , if you have questions, it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. If your first mechanic is so insecure that he's offended by that idea....well that speaks volumes doesn't it ? Best wishes , mike PS: If it were me, I'd call Paul Beck at Weep No More that seals tanks ( his name has already been mentioned .) A phone call , can't hurt and might give some insight !
  12. I'm no expert but that seems like a pretty fair deal.... Unfortunately, my heat pump just went belly up yesterday and my wife seems to think that we need heat in Idaho. Will sit tight until I get an estimate. Thanks, mike
  13. It looks like there is no tray for the KX 155. Am I correct ? Any idea how much a tray would cost ? Thanks ! mike
  14. Either way, it looks good but is definitely way too clean !! Needs more junk ! Where's the chairs and frig ??
  15. Hmmmm....I assumed AOA was out of business. The last sample that I sent them ( about a year ago or so) , I never got a report or response. Sample was never returned to me , so I always wondered who got my little bottle of oil ??
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