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Everything posted by rorythedog

  1. I was weathered in at cross city for a few hours in '95.....the pig was still there. not sure about the restaurant as the fbo manager and i drove into town for lunch. there are a million stories in the naked city general aviation......this is one of them!
  2. my passenger would like to know why the little window is not to be opened above 130kts on my m20j and what would happen if it was. anyone know?
  3. It was actually strangely quiet. We were returning from a john fogerty concert(which btw was wonderful). That might have something to do with it-ha.
  4. Does anyone here cruise at higher power settings than 75%? I normally don't, but yesterday I was in a hurry and used 26" x 2600 rpm at 4500' against a headwind and got 159kts true. Oat was +15. I was using 11.5 gph and cht was at 380 across the board. Pretty fast, I think. I normally cruise at about 152kts at higher altitudes, lower power settings, and lower fuel burn. It probably only saved 15 minutes or so in a 3 1/2 hour flight..... I guess that's significant if you have an aching bladder-ha. But...It just "feels" better to go faster! Is it really harder on the engine?
  5. could the m3 northstar gps be a simple replacement for my inoperative m1 northstar loran? using the same tray and antenna? if so i'll be interested. thanks!
  6. We have no proof: Last week we flew 1008 statute miles in five hours flat, at max. gross weight. 11,500 ft. 9.5gph. Highest groundspeed in level flight was 224. What an amazing plane the 201 is!
  7. Hi Scott, Can you tell me what you have in interior panels and what the condition is? Also the price? Many thanks, Larry
  8. Quote: gmcd Here's a question. Are there any mods that can help oil cooling? A better replacement oil cooler, multiple coolers? Any lower cost cowl mods?
  9. Quote: jetdriven You really should be seeing 110-120 KIAS in the climb. That and trailed cowl flaps really helps oil temps. Ours never gets above cruise values like that.
  10. Quote: gmcd During nomal climb out... say 100 MPH maybe a bit faster, the oil temp gets to be one or two "needle widths" short of red line. Once at altitude it comes down and sits nicely in the middle of the green arc, maybe a tad higher than the middle.
  11. Quote: DaV8or What's the point of this thread again? Oh, that's right, most people are idiots with no knowledge of anything and only a precious few are worthy of John's time. Got it.
  12. My # 3 cht always shows an elevated temp relative to the others in my m20j. I think it has something to do with the location of the probe in thgat cylinder.....so I've been told.
  13. Quote: smccray Why do you want the MFD? Compare cost and capabilities between a MX-20 and a 696 or 796 in an air gizmo. I'm planning an air gizmo for a 796. It will download the flightplan data and provide a battery powered GPS backup. It's not legal, but in an emergency you could use the handheld to shoot an LPV approach. All that and you get XM too. I've read that the MX-20s are really slow- the 200 is supposed to be a better choice, but of course that comes at a price.
  14. Quote: jetdriven I heard that if you submit quotes through an agent then the insurance companies will not give quotes to the second agent. Plus all the insurance companies access a database where they know who quoted whom and how much. Sounds like a cartel.
  15. Quote: jetdriven Don't forget climb at 25 square.
  16. I cannot remember where I saw it but I read one time that you could use any type of switch. I’m not sure why it would be a problem anyway IMHO. However that circuit breaker point would be harder to accommodate. The switches are neat and modern looking.
  17. i think just plain luck has a lot to do with it. over the years i've flown my planes frequently(some weeks every day) and infrequently(sitting for 2 months waiting for a part)...250 hrs. per year and 50 per yr....long flights, short hops...fast or slow...high, low......lop and rop...hot, cold....i've done engine shocking descents...hot climbs...you name the mistake or supposed engine operating error and i've done it. but my planes have been almost as reliable as a car....my current engine(io360) went 2250 hrs smoh and it was fine when they took it apart. these iycomings are amazing engines.
  18. Quote: gregwatts I have......If your docs are in order, no problem. If you are nice, polite, and cooperative, it will be easier for you. They normally ramp check commercial operators......not recreational flyers.
  19. has anyone ever been ramp checked? what was it like?
  20. and another thing....... i recently had a flight review with a new instructor(it's always good to get a new perspective on how you're doing things) and i told her that i knew she wouldn't like the way i took off because i like to keep the flight angle shallow and airspeed high as opposed to climbing at vx. although many years ago i was taught to climb to a safe altitude as quickly as possible, i prefer to be able to see where i'm going, and in the event of a power loss the yoke push would not be as radical....which to me feels safer. to my surprise she agreed with me. any thoughts? has the theory changed?
  21. i was taught to reduce power and rpm to 26/26 at 1000' agl and stay full rich in climb. but, in the 16 years that i've flown our mooney i've evolved to throttle and prop full forward and i start leaning(rich of peak) at about 3000'. the only exception is in the summer months when i occasionally reduce rpm to keep oil temperature down in long climbs to cool air.
  22. Quote: tony Mine are pretty crappy looking too, has anyone tried using those lens cleaning kits I’ve seen for sale in the auto parts stores?
  23. i've had the the gear fail to retract once....it was on a moonless and black night. i figured out that a backseat passenger had inadvertantly unlatched the emergency handle, but it was an anxious 10 minutes or so......
  24. for what it's worth.....oat seems to have a dramatic effect on true airspeed in my plane. depending on many factors, my m20j can cruise anywhere from 149 kts to 162 (when it's really cold outside).
  25. i had high hopes for a $40 air conditioner that i bought called a kooleraire. it fits beautifully in the j baggage compartment. it had great user reviews.....so now i own a $40 styrofoam ice chest(Approx. value $1.49. i don't think there's a reasonable solution to relieve the high temps and humidity in g.a. planes other than flying high.
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