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  • Birthday 11/04/1968

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  1. I’m surprised the FBO does not consider this a huge liability. If they are renting you space to “store” a plane, I would think it should have some level of standards for aircraft safe storage. Not just for the sake of your plane but all of the others, hangars and people.
  2. I just looked under Mooney on BS, but couldn’t find anything. Which STC is listed?
  3. I don’t like it on approach to landing. If I need a “burst” of throttle, it is just not the same with vernier, too slow. If I push the vernier release, I find that I over-control that same burst of throttle….or I add an inadvertent movement when I don’t want it. I’m getting of the age where I might be the old dog who can’t learn the new trick…I could simply be uncoordinated too… as a side note, when teaching in the 140, I find that I hate that vernier throttle even more than normal. Now, not only do you need to clear a students hand, but need to decide to spin or hit the release. You just hope the plane has enough energy while responding…
  4. Interesting thread. This topic seems to be a matter of preference. I personally strongly dislike vernier throttle, on Mooney or any other plane. I share a Cessna 140 with 4 others. It has a vernier throttle and I just hate it. The others don’t mind and opted not to replace it when I suggested we should. My Mooney has push pull, and as someone else said, you can use your fingers against the panel to make very fine adjustments. Somehow, with the vernier, once I push the button, I can’t get my fingers oriented the same way for that fine adjustment, so in my mind it is different in that mode. . I have never had the push pull creep, it’s just natural for me to tighten the friction when I take my hand off. That said, I’ve not flown the McFarlane hybrid vernier. That may be the best of both worlds and I suspect I would like it. Good luck with the decision, but as suggested, you may want to fly before you buy.
  5. Done it intentionally, but I was less than gross weight and not hot. Climbs adequately well with gear down and full flaps. Would not want to do it at gross on a hot day on an actual go around…. Certainly did better than my old Cessna 150 with 40 deg flaps. That would not climb at all.
  6. Do you have air going to the fuel pump? The E has one where your battery sits. That one might be intended for the pump.
  7. Makes me wonder if the stock marks are not linear, kind of like the stock fuel tank markings.
  8. This one is super rare in that it has a B5 autopilot which can still be serviced. Most just had a wing leveler.
  9. I had this issue a few years ago. As I recall, I just needed to clean/sand/file the contacts in the shower of sparks. Ideally you replace them, but think they were not available. You will probably find them pitted from arcing.
  10. I have a sniffle valve in my sump that is similar. I’ve tried everything in situ…but I fear snapping it since the next step is drilling and that requires more disassembly. Often the problem is the flats strip first. Are the flats already stripped? Can you sacrifice with vice grips and heat? Got picture?
  11. Hi Scott…can you IM me your email? Are you saying you had the altitude hold installed but was removed?
  12. The servo number is BI-706, pn 20413-6-0. I think there is also another one, but it gets a little confusing. Picture attached is the aft servo (large one) and the one bracket that is required.
  13. The servos(I’ll have to check part numbers), an alt hold can which I have, and brackets for the servos. They can likely be fabricated. Oh and lots of tubing.
  14. One other thought, I know you replaced baffle seals, but be sure that the lower forward seals to the cowl are good. There are often big leaks around the starter and alternator. These leaks could have an impact on oil cooler flow even more than the cylinders. These are harder to see if you have a cowl closure, but would still be a leak…. What are your cylinder temps? I would expect an F to be under 350.
  15. Good thought…..maybe do 1/4 at a time using aluminum tape just to be sure you don’t overshoot. I’ve done that when really cold….
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