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takair last won the day on August 31 2018

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About takair

  • Birthday 11/04/1968

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  1. @Jerry Pressley just advertised a field of Mooney parts…
  2. Based on Byron’s description I start to wonder if something is not right in the governor. It seems like something happens at the end of travel where it has a non linear response. I wonder if some break in debris may have gotten into the mechanism or internal valves and prevents it from going back to 2700 once it’s running. If I have my governor theory right, you are looking to reduce oil pressure to get flat pitch. Maybe the “valve” is held open allowing oils pressure to regulate high. I will say, I had an issue years ago where FOD damaged my governor. In that case it would behave differently with different oil and even the age of the oil. Not sure how one would diagnose. Good prop shop can put it on the bench and test it.
  3. While I’ve never heard of it, is it possible the prop itself is sticky and not going to lower pitch? It does seem more like a governor problem though…
  4. Just add water and fertilizer and they grow into Ovations.
  5. I think you can only search the trailing numbers. Alternately, you can plug in numbers here. https://aircraft.faa.gov/e.gov/NN/reserve.aspx
  6. Looks about right. Is it in line with the vent, such that ice impacts the mast before the vent? Be sure your vent isn’t partially blocked to begin with. If I recall correctly there are two tubes that make up the vent, inner and outer….
  7. I have not prioritized it due to a lack of adequate interest.
  8. How cold are you talking? How fast do the flaps come up in summer? It might be that the little regulator screw needs adjustment. I can’t recall the details, but I think it can make the difference and the optimal setting works in both climates. If your talking -40F, maybe a different story.
  9. Do you have pictures or info on the display and the sensor install? Does it require a mast for pressure sensing?
  10. Sad to hear his passing. He was a great contributor here and clearly a great friend to many.
  11. Don. Is there a formal way to be self insured? In other words, some airports require proof of insurance, can this be provided when one is self insured? I’m curious because I have an experimental plane I’m restoring that may be difficult to insure at first. I am hopeful I will be able to get liability at a minimum, but not sure yet.
  12. Just had a similar question with respect to the giant gear spring. I think it will work here too. Grab a stack of washers of great diameter than the spring. Bend the spring back and forth to open the coils and insert washers in the openings. This slowly extends the spring to install. Put flap down, spring stretches more and washers are loose or fall out. Let us know how it works.
  13. Bend spring back and forth while adding washers in the space between coils. Very easy and effectively lengthens the spring so you can attach without damaging you or the plane. Swing gear and washers fall out to be retrieved with a magnet. Be sure to count the washers first.
  14. I think technique is the number one reason for a person new to the Johnson bar. As others said, too much speed is a big factor. With the Johnson bar, get the gear up early. Most folks new to the gear struggle to hit the thumb release, pull down on the handle and then swing it. Usually by the time they figure out step 1 and 2, the speed is too high. Oh, and then there is an awkward motion of the hand and wrist about half way through. If the speed does get too high, one can momentarily help the gear with a slight push on the yoke, but don’t forget to release the push. It usually takes about a dozen cycles to feel comfortable. Putting the gear down is easier, it tends to want to come down hard, so one must use care not to let it slam home……but you want enough momentum to get into the down lock. Once you get used to it, it is an awesome system….assuming it is rigged right. For Skip @PT20J, I find it more difficult from the right seat because I can’t use my thumb to release the lock. Once used to it, it’s not impossible, but like the being new to the left seat, it takes about a dozen cycles to learn to do it from the right seat……not to mention I’m right handed and weaker left arm.
  15. Just a thought. Consider making the aft stripe over the 4PR a light shade of the section over the N5. So the stripe would transition dark, lighter, light. Might add a couple of knots that way….at least in my head it does.
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