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Everything posted by conom06d

  1. Also pics available on request! Thanks for your interest
  2. Hello everyone! I have a Bendix King Av8or Ace handheld gps. The unit is in mint condition and comes with a spare battery, wall charger, case, the gps unit itself, and a few other things. The mount and car charger have unfortunately been misplaced along the way but I will continue looking for them. Charts need to be updated but that's as easy as going on the website and downloading them. If you're using this as a secondary nav tool to backup your pilotage and dead reckoning, this will be a great tool. If you want to fly IFR I'd recommend updating the data and charts. As stated before everything is in MINT condition. If you have any questions I'll gladly answer them. I'll let it go for $650 obo. If you want to lowball, come with proof of a lower price elsewhere please As I do not frequent this site much anymore since I sold my plane, please email me at conom06d@g m a i l.com (obviously no spaces, just for spam protection)
  3. oh i see. Well if faa deems ok i say go for it
  4. Well im officially out. I was hoping to be able to make it but I am out. I used the spare money to fly to Arizona for an interview with Flight Service so I will be unable to make it to this event. Hope you all have fun up there and be careful in Tahoe....
  5. good catch guys. I dont know about ferrying it if its died at 800' in the past. Thats about 1 min flight time for a 20 min flight.... but thats just me
  6. Oh thanks for the direction. Yeah i dont normally check the modern mooney sections as im in a '61 but most of my avionics would pass for a newer panel
  7. Ouch...I am having this problem now as well. Just started happening. Does anyone have an estimated cost on the cleaning on the unit and or fixing the connections? If i have to overhaul it for the price of 2-3K I will just wait and fly with it as a DG. I dont need slaving capabilities that badly.
  8. I have no idea what would cause it but some of you all may actually know what would cause it. I always have a HDG flag so i know it is not working right but it stays consistantly 30 degrees off of correct heading. If I unslave the HSI and align the heading to mag compass it will hold it accurately until I turn the plane off. In other words it does not precess. But if i press the slave button in it will go back to aligning with the incorrect 30* off heading. Any ideas?
  9. How often are props supposed to be overhauled and what do you look for to know if it needs it? I have a 3-bladed mccaulley with 780-800hrs
  10. Thanks skyking, yeah I have found this site to be very helpfull already
  11. Quote: DaV8or It's about time!! I have bitched about the crappy little windows for midgets ever since I became an adult! How about placing them where we can stare out them for hours without getting serious neck pains!!?? They were fine when I was a kid though...
  12. I got a piper arrow to 1kt gs and then to 223kts gs which is pretty fast for it. I also held at one time the 2nd fastest gs for a 172 i believe at 198 knots haha (last time i checked a few years ago). EDIT: just looked on that site and found If I had taken a picture of that arrow II flight, I could have held that record haha
  13. nice i haven't seen this thread before. Hi, my name is Jason and I am 23 years old. I just bought my first mooney (1961 M20B) earlier this year and am LOVING it. I have already taken 1 trip to arizona and 1 to Portland (and one from portland when picking her up). I am a commercial rated pilot with instrument ratings (single and multi's). I was looking to become an airline pilot but am now leaning towards ATC or Corporate aviation. We shall see....I was an intern for Continental Airlines and went through their 737 training program and loved that too, so maybe the big boys are still for me yet
  14. Here are some pics from my Arizona trip and a couple from the flight to Portland. I wish I had more from Portland as it was such a beautiful flight but I mainly took videos. I have to figure out how to get those on here now Here is the link to the video. The music i used was not allowed so forgive the bad tunes and timing which go with it. The original music was in sync with the video. Just copy and paste the link below
  15. well...just got mine lubed and its still doing this. I guess it may be time for a new cable or tach alltogather.
  16. ^great find and news! that will save a pretty penny
  17. I will go if it happens. I didnt hear anywhere that the jackson thing was cancelled.... If ambassadors can set up a meet there i will go
  18. I will see y'all there! Sounds like a fun event. is there a start time?
  19. Do as the POH states. I havent personally flown at a low power setting yet cuz Im a speed freak, but I know my M20B states at 16" and 2300rpm for an endurance flight I can fly 7.7 hours which is roughly 850 miles. It will reduce the gph to 6ish compared to 9 and 120mph compared to 145mph.
  20. Nice, another member from the Sacramento region! I feel that if you were following a specific Feet/Minute climb this would affect the CHT's depending on weight; however if you are maintaining the desired airspeed and sacrificing the climb rate, as you stated, your CHT's shouldnt change
  21. I would definitely consider this when i finally replace my motor. I think a diesel engine would be an awesome idea!
  22. Quote: rdav Not yet, but it is on the list. Its easy to dream up a lot of upgrades for that panel space!
  23. no but i want to
  24. I agree with eaglebkh in terms that I would probably choose the '62. My reasoning behind this is that the overhaul was done 400 hrs ago so if there were any issues with the process, they will most likely have been worked out by now while the other plane has only 20 hours on it. To me 20 hours is just about a month of flying so things may still pop up as issues. edit: also the '62 was owned by the same owner for 26 years. That is a MAJOR plus in my eyes.
  25. I am pretty sure this was the plane he has listed for sale in the "Executives" magazine. He was selling it with a cobra as well. Looks like that wont happen though. I'm glad he was okay
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