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Everything posted by conom06d

  1. i would like to know this too.
  2. very interesting. Looks like i will have to get a hold of dan to see if this is the same issue i have.
  3. ok thanks sven! They are based near clearlake area right?
  4. I have this problem a bit but i have no idea what to do to fix as im lost in what youre all talking about switching or what those pics show. What do i tell my mechanic to be the problem or to be done to remedy it?
  5. how much do they cost? Im 5'6" and im all the way to the first notch and it gets rather annoying litting in such a small place. I even think lasar is based out near me so i'd definitely like this if the price is right
  6. yeah i have this issue in my 61B. I live with it for now and just read the average of the bouncing. I'm pretty good at it now haha. I will get it lubed up when i get the annual tho since its coming up before long
  7. Thanks for those inputs. I will continue to play with the mixture settings. I think the exhaust baffles could be looked at too. I flew it again today after a long ground runup and series of mag checks. The mag drops of the right mags were consistently 150 rpms but still ran smooth. The drops of the left mags were between 150-200 but seemed to run a little rough but ive had that before and worked on with the mechanics. I let her warm up for about 15 minutes with checks and all before taking off and it didn't backfire once. I had the mixture in just about full rich, slightly leaned, and the OAT was 10* cooler today. Im really leaning towards it being a "pilot error" leaning problem haha. I'll do another flight sometime this week when its warmer to see how that effects it again and see what i can do with the mixture and maybe that mag fluctuation
  8. Thanks for the responses guys. Yeah I think the seals and everything are good unless they went out on that flight cuz I literally just had it in the shop being checked thuroughly but anything is possible. My plan at the moment is to go and see if my mechanic will go for a trip around the pattern with me and recreate the problem.Ill try to find what carb i have tho and if all else fails, I'll be making a trip down to stockton haha @georgeb: Yeah nearly all my time has been flown at high altitude mountain area and those are the procedures im used to as well. That is the method i am used to practicing however at sealevel at 90 degrees Im more worried about cooling the motor than anything else so i like to keep it a little richer.
  9. So i'll start off that i'm still learning this plane but I'd like to see if anyone on here has any pointers for me as to leaning the mixture prior to takeoff. I know you are to leave it full rich below 3k feet, however, my engine tends to run really rich when its full in. I dont know why nor does my mechanic. He told me to lean it out like you would above 3K and see how that helps. It does cut back a bit but I am afraid of overheating the motor on climbout. I would say the mixture is out about 1"-1.5" and is still backfiring a bit... My questions are: Can it backfire due to a "too lean" scenario or just when it's too rich and flooding? Also, do you have any leaning techniques for those of you with those phiniky carburated O-360 motors? Also, is there anything i should change for the carb since it is now warm out? the plane flew perfect in the cold wx but not the heat is making her burp a bit...
  10. Quote: KSMooniac The fuel totalizer is independent of a GPS or other nav device, but it will just tell you fuel flow, gallons used/remaining, etc. If you do connect one to a GPS, then it can also tell you fuel required to the next waypoint or perhaps destination, do some extra flight planning, etc. It is definitely nice to have both!
  11. loran eventhough they are mainly dead...? I have an av8or ace which may be able to i guess
  12. Do you need a GPS to have a fuel totalizer and FF? My guess is yes as how the conversation is going
  13. ^nice n-number. I'm N74796 hahaha, and the owner i bought this plane from also owned 74797. I have an ARNav STAR 5000 GPS with antennas and all. Dont have a CDI instrument for it but your plane probably already has that. Shoot me an offer.
  14. yeah thats really cheap for a full overhaul. I've been looking into them as well as my plane is overdue for one, however my machanic tells me she is good for another couple hundred +hours. I'm new to ownership as well but I know there are different levels of overhauls (i.e. field overhaul vs actual send in motor overhaul). Do you know if they sent in the motor to the manufacturer or not? I think field overhauls run about that pricerange of around 15K from what ive seen
  15. I have an Av8or Ace with the approach plates and IFR charts installed and find it useful most of the time. Like someone before complained about the 696 and the zoom issues, I find the same problem with mine. It can be a pain if you want to see the entire page and need to scroll back and forth. I always keep a paper copy with me in case of a missed approach mainly.
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