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Everything posted by donkaye

  1. On the next line it also says that the maximum LANDING weight is 3,200 lbs.
  2. Today Garmin announced a whole bunch of new things, and the OnePak was one of them. For one airplane it looks like it replaces the old PilotPak, and gives you a number of new databases for free in addition to reducing the PilotPak prices.
  3. Under the General Section of the POH my manual says: Maximum CERTIFICATED landing weight: 3,200 pounds. That sounds like an FAA legal limit to me. Later in the manual it does describe additional procedures if it is "necessary" to land overweight. Again overweight is overweight. Obviously the wing can take 3.8 Gs, which is a lot more than 3,200 pounds. My understanding is that the problem is with the landing gear structure. My recommendation: don't intentionally land over 3,200 pounds on a regular basis.
  4. I found out yesterday that the IFR portion of Garmin Pilot is included as part of the one OnePak.
  5. Although I just recently purchased both a Garmin PilotPak and 796 database bundle, with the recent announcement a couple of days ago of the Garmin OnePak, prices were dramatically reduced. I called Garmin to see about extending my subscription for the amount of the price difference, and they unhesitatingly calculated the difference in price and gave me an extension for the amount of time associated with the price difference. Superior customer service in the process! It looks like large database subscription prices are coming down. I am one happy Garmin customer today.
  6. Absolutely. Those numbers should be used on all the long body Mooneys.
  7. I've had my Bravo 24 years next month. In calm conditions 75 kts is the FASTEST you should be coming in at gross weight. Except in gusty conditions full flaps should be used. For every 300 pounds that you are under gross take off 5 knots. If I'm alone with one hour of fuel on board 65 knots should be used. So for the range of useful loads available on the Bravo, the landing speed will vary between 75 and 65 knots in calm conditions. When able, confining your slope to 3° will allow a comfortable 8 ft/sec descent rate that will allow a smooth, gentle round out and touchdown. If you're getting even a "chirp" on touch down you touched down too fast. When proficient, you should be able to roll the wheels on power off. Don Kaye, Master Flight Instructor
  8. There's always my landing video in case you don't have it, but then again you're probably being too modest. ;-)
  9. I understand, as I put almost half the cost of the bluebook value of the airplane into upgraded avionics a few years ago. But the airplane that resulted is on a par with a new Acclaim notwithstanding 20 knots slower. The ESI 500 fits into the same hole as the T&B. The Navigation could be delayed until your upgrade. Still more expensive than the Quatro, but now you would have future upgrade possibilities, or better resale value should you decide to upgrade to a newer airplane later.
  10. I've been flying and teaching in the M20M for nearly 24 years and am mid time on my second engine right now. I have also taken the Advanced Pilot Course from GAMI. I think Dave has given the best explanation and tips on how to best run the TIO540AF!B engine I have read to date. Thanks, Dave, for your contribution. You are a great addition to this Forum.
  11. Although more expensive, I would consider the ESI 500. It has Navigation with it if you want it.
  12. There's a lot more going on behind the panel than shows--including behind the copilot yoke. I believe the EI MVP 50j control module is behind it. On the back avionics rack sits the GTS 800, GAD 43e, GDL 69A, GDL 88, WX 500, DME, Flight Stream 210, Alpha Systems Eagle AOA interface module, and support for the G500 including the GRS 77 AHRS and GDC 74 Air Data Computer. The GMU 44 Magnetometer is mounted in the left wing and by far took the most install time to get it to be interference free.
  13. I corrected my post. The 500 fpm applies only when ALT has been engaged. See below. Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 8.27.36 AM.pdf
  14. Actually it depends on the Mode that you are in. With ALT on pressing the UP or DOWN rocker arm adjusts the altitude up or down slightly. With ALT off, if held, it adjusts the pitch attitude at the rate of .9 degrees per second (see the orators manual). Altitude preselect requires the KEA 130A Altimeter and KAS 297B module. The KEA Encoding Altimeter is rather expensive.
  15. I have the 2016 dream panel--I think. All glass; not a single legacy instrument in the panel. I have flown and taught in legacy airplanes with no glass, some with partial glass, some with mostly glass like the G1000, and then mine with all glass. I've done instrument ratings in all types. The bottom line for me is that while they all work, once the time has been spent learning the new technology, a much greater work load can be comfortably accommodated with glass than with an all legacy airplane. The Example: I got up at 6:00 am this past Friday morning, since I could tell from the chill in the the air the night before that it would be Overcast the next morning. I quickly filed for Salinas and noted multiple approaches on the flight plan and drove to the airport. After a thorough preflight, I popped through the overcast and was vectored to Salinas. With SVT on the G500 the pitch ladder is expanded and the climbing turn in the clouds nails the 8° pitch up attitude I wanted much more accurately than my old KI 256. I was cleared Direct to SNS, but came back with a request for direct EWTOF, the point that I wanted to start my LNAV+V approach to the missed. It was approved. I loaded and activated the approach and headed for EWTOF. I also set my minimums alert altitude that shows up on the screen and verbally declares minimums. I was soon told to cross the fix at 3,000 feet and cleared for the approach. No more dive and drive and the mental energy and extreme attention required to step down altitudes required of the VOR approach to the same runway. I have time to listen to everything else on frequency and see how I fit into the current process. I follow the GP down through the clouds and break out right on the center line. The minimum are called out and I add power to hold altitude until the 750 alerts me that I crossed the missed approach point. One button push and I am directed to the missed approach holding point. Power up, pitch up, positive rate and gear up. The climbing right turn's pitch attitude is clearly viewed on the expanded pitch ladder once again and I am off to the missed approach holding point. I ask for one turn in the hold and then the ILS approach into Monterey, which is approved. After declaring entry into the hold, I quickly load the approach to Monterey, while still showing and flying the hold on the 750. This was a new addition with System 6.11. The amount of work that would have been required to do the same thing with legacy instruments; off the chart so to speak. I run several ILSs into Monterey. This time alternate missed approach instructions are given and followed. On the second one, while climbing out I load in via the same technique used in adding a second approach while flying the hold at Salinas, the GPS approach into Watsonville and I ask for the GPS into Watsonville. ATC asks me where I want to start, and I give him the fix. He clears me to Watsonville via that fix. I punch direct to that fix, and I'm off to another approach at a different airport. Try to ask for and set up the LOC approach to another airport while still running an approach to the previous airport with legacy instruments. Even the best of instruments pilots would get loaded down. I ping pong'd from Watsonville back to Salinas, first with the GPS approach at Salinas followed immediately with the ILS back to Salinas on my own navigation. At the completion of that approach I asked for and got a clearance back to San Jose to fly direct to a point on the ILS. Just finding that point with legacy instruments would involve both DME and another navigation source. Friday morning I ran 7 approaches in IMC to 4 different airports. I don't remember breaking a sweat. Had that been done with legacy instruments, I would have been tired the rest of the day. Yes, I'm a fan of glass. PS regarding reading numbers on airspeed and altitude tapes vs a needle on legacy instruments. The airspeed and altitude tapes on the G500 each provide a magenta trend line to easily allow recognition of increasing and decreasing airspeed and altitude.
  16. I had my interior done last month. It was worth every penny of the $3200. All of the interior was removed, cleaned, and cracks repaired. It was then painted. The sound proofing material was already in there from my avionics upgrade a couple of years ago. All the carpet was replaced. Congratulations on doing the work yourself. The way the new carpet was "serged" would not have been possible by a neophyte.
  17. I like the blue hue lights. What glare shield lights did you get? You will get more screen space on the ESI 500 if you change the setup to not darken the airspeed and altitude tapes. (See picture attached) Also, there is an L3 sticker that came with the ESI 500 to cover the screw in the lower left corner of the unit. I hadn't put mine on yet, either, when this picture was taken.
  18. The KAP 150 is a very good AP. As mentioned, it does not have a Flight Director. it does have altitude hold. GPSS can be added to it with the DAC 31, about 2K in cost. The Yaw Damper damps motion around the vertical axis. It's not really needed in the Mooney that doesn't have the tendency to "fishtail", but it is nice to have. It will intercept and fly a coupled approach. If you had bought my KEA 130A altimeter and KAS 297B altitude preselect module a couple of years ago, then you would be able to have altitude preselect, but they are long gone. The altimeter is so expensive because of its grey code output as to preclude purchasing it in conjunction with the KAS 297B. It would be cheaper to put in a G500 and GAD43e than to buy that old technology. The S-Tec 30 being a rate based AP has a "softer" ride than the attitude based KAP 150.
  19. Since Mike quickly sold his, I also have an early model Battery Minder that I used before I was forced to buy another one after purchasing the Sealed Concorde Battery. It, too, is 24V and the model Number is 24041-AA-S1. I called Battery Minder support to see if there was value in it and they said yes, it has the same voltages as the S2. I'll let it go for $100 plus postage to who ever wants it.
  20. So much more information is available. The longer I have mine the happier I am with that decision.
  21. I didn't like them either as they were constantly failing. I had them all removed, went back to the clip ons, and have not had a problem since.
  22. The precision in aircraft control required for the instrument rating easily transfers over to the Commercial Rating. The Commercial Rating is just an advanced Private Rating requiring tighter tolerances and 4 new tasks; 1. Steep spirals, 2. Chandelles 3. Lazy Eights. 4. Eights on pylons. Also, a power off landing to a designated point and touchdown within 200 feet of that point.
  23. I decided to continue the upgrade path so am selling the completely working GTX 330 ES in favor of the GTX 335 and my GMA 35 in favor of the GMA 35c. GTX 330ES --- $2K GMA 35 ---1.8K
  24. Thanks, Robert. Does the plane really need to be in the climb before engaging ALT? In other words, you're saying preselect the altitude, engage VS and THEN ALT and V/S together after the plane begins climbing. I have another student who has the G500 and just follows the procedure I originally stated. That was not the case with this plane.
  25. I was up in Canada last week doing a transition training with a student who had just purchased a G1000 Ovation with the S-Tec autopilot. Does anyone know if the early G1000 with the S-Tec 55X autopilot has Altitude Preselect? I was able to get the V/S preselect to work, but not the Altitude Preselect. I selected the Altitude on the G1000 and simultaneously pushed the ALT and V/S buttons as I have done in other installations of the S-Tec, but the ALT light would not light and, therefore, not arm the altitude preselect. Thanks.
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