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Everything posted by HRM

  1. Does the name Lewis H. Height ring a bell for anyone? He would have been a contemporary of Al Mooney.
  2. Bruce Jaeger has various options for interior refinishing including finishing the door trim with his Spatial Interior stuff. Browse here.
  3. I had the ECI done three times. Each time by a well-recommended prop shop. Each time by a wrench who had been doing it since the inception of the AD. They told me that they had yet to find cracks in any of the hubs they scanned. They told me that the AD was a colossal CYA by Hartzell after two planes collided in mid-air in the UK and they found mangled hubs in the wreckage (DUH!). Two years, still no red dye.
  4. Interesting. My first thought was weather conditions. Shortly after I acquired my E I flew off to Louisiana on a gorgeous and blustery spring day and did a few intense cross-wind landings at the little airport in Jennings. I marveled at the unparalleled performance of the plane, but kept getting little chirps from somewhere that befuddled me. Turns out they were coming from the stall warning horn and were a function of the gusts. Neat.
  5. They have a very inexpensive set of Greenleaf style punches at Harbor Freight.
  6. Uncle (Sam) paid for me to go. Other than the military nonsense, I got a great education. The best part was getting into ADA afterwards. Shooting down aircraft is almost as fun as flying them.
  7. You have to be a VMI cadet or have been a VMI cadet to understand what it means (other than the pornographic). Some pilots have the dirtiest minds...
  8. I am going to have to bone† you for opening this can of worms. 5-1-5†† for Inciting Aviation Personnel to Fury. †gig, get bagged, etc. ††5 demerits, grounded one week, 5 penalty tours.
  9. When I had my ECI-required hub OH'd serious corrosion was discovered. 30+ years took it's toll The prop shop suggested that I get a used hub identical to what I had and do the Hartzell mod on it. It wound up significantly cheaper than any other course of action. When the rebuilt prop was returned to me it looked like a brand-new unit. Jordan Propeller in San Antonio.
  10. The most important thing you will need is patience and a long list of expletives to get you through the process. Make sure kids and delicate ladies are not in the hangar when you start. A very thin, sharp awl is an essential tool when working with Mooney interior panels. No matter how much you read, no matter how many pieces of advice you are given, and no matter how many times you have done it, removal/replacement of the rear seat is a process developed in hell by the Marquise de Sade and magically changes each time it is done. Alternatively, R&R of the front seats is a skill that improves each time you do it and is accompanied by a warm sense of pride as you get better and better at it. It was suggested as a contest at Mooney Summits and Homecomings. The reigning champion is Don Maxwell. Lastly, Plane Plastics has some videos on working with panels, worth watching.
  11. Best time to recover in leather.
  12. My prop started drifting and I was getting tired of doing the hub ECI checks so I just had the whole thing overhauled, which had not been done for over 30 years. The prop came back like new, the hub is now full of red oil that if cracks develop will be noticeable at annual (no more ECI) and the governor was O/H'd and now it sits wherever I put it. With an old Mooney you want everything forward of the firewall robust. Shoot, I guess you want that with any airplane
  13. I too have CHT temp envy
  14. How do this program compare to the King videos?
  15. Just a ditto to the Brittain Bunch! Few appreciate the complexity and sophistication of the Brittain AP system.
  16. Nice...nice...nice!!! Talk about making an E even more super than it already is...
  17. Quit whining, real pilots don't need landing lights That said, if you have to have a landing light, investment in an LED will reduce all sorts of future issues: less drain on electrical system. less stress on CB (CB stays the same since it is just there to protect the wiring). better light, but you really don't need that part.
  18. My outlet is wired through the master switch and up to the CB for the cig lighter.
  19. Yes, agreed. The Stratus 2 is only needed for ADS-B in and it uses the antennas/data from the ESG so it can be hidden away.
  20. Ross (Shadrach) said it better At the end of the day, you want your EGT's to be well behaved. What does that mean? All moving together, like a delicate dance. Keep your eye though, on the CHTs. Here's EGTs (top) dancing delicately, with CHT's behaving badly:
  21. Doesn't the Stratus 2 get it's signals from the ESG? If so, I thought you could shove it up behind the panel somewhere, so your iPad gets all the Stratus data, along with the ESG data, and everything is clean since it is in/inside the panel. Great solution to my mind.
  22. Your solution is a behind/under the panel box. Good luck, it's all about volume.
  23. Don't forget, with the ESG you are getting a new mode S transponder, which is vastly superior to mode C since you don't need to ever enter a squawk code. Mode S's run about $2K. So, $3495-$2K = $1495 for ADS-B Out!!! With GPS antenna no less. Also, gives you a WAAS GPS source in the panel. I may be missing something, but this is pretty much a great leap forward for the members of the Cheap Bastards Society. Also great for the holdouts (like me) with an aging, non-repairable Mode C in the panel
  24. Oh. Who cares about EGT?
  25. I scored a set of LASAR WiserVisors (similar to the Rosen) a few years ago for $100--they had never been installed, still had the protective paper on the plexi. One of the best things I've put in my E.
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