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Everything posted by flight2000

  1. Looks like someone copied his design....at a higher price point. https://cqheadset.com/ Brian
  2. If they don't work for you for whatever reason, they are really easy to sell on the secondary market at the same price as new. I've seen pairs on here and on BeechTalk sell in under 20 minutes. Brian
  3. And just like that, they are sold out again..... Yes, they are worth every penny. Cheers, Brian
  4. Good thing you can save some money on labor. Bet the smile is priceless up at altitude with that much power though....dare I say almost intoxicating...
  5. Oops, I did read that one, just not all the way down into the depths of it....since both of mine were P/C/W already.... I only have 4 AD's to deal with, one of which will go away when I change out the old ram horn control wheel for the new style. Thanks for the other info on the factory. Overhauling both O360's on the Travel Air will be equivalent ($$$ wise) to one IO520 overhaul.... Brian
  6. Thanks Clarence, I didn't see the oil pump AD in the O360A1A section. Do you know which AD number that is? Both that I saw had short compliance timelines. Examples like the VAR crank is what spurred my original question. Does Lycoming upcharge for something that needs to be replaced or is it just done as part of their factory rebuild or overhaul cost? Continental does not care what crankshaft (or starter gear) is sent in with the core - it's the same price out the door and they replace everything so it's up to date. Places like Western Skyway's (and other boutique shops) charge for those type replacements. I had to pay extra for the new starter gear when I used WS's for my IO520 overhaul. Edit: I just found another that is tied to the ECi debacle. The ECi piston connecting rods can go up to 2,000 hours, next overhaul, or removal of cylinder before compliance.... Brian
  7. I don't think so, but please show me an example for reference that has an AD, but can wait until the next time the case is split to fix/replace. An AD is mandatory compliance either through replacement or repetitive inspections. This is why Continental received massive push back on the starter gear issue in 2017 when they proposed their Mandatory Service Bulletin for the gear to be turned into an AD. The AD required an invasive inspection every 100 hours until the gear could be replaced during the next event that split the case (they originally wanted it replaced within 10 hours of operation if I recall correctly). I've never seen an AD that allows continued operation until the next overhaul. Mandatory Service Bulletins, however, can go until the next overhaul or case split - unless your in countries like Australia that treats all factory MSB's as equivalent to AD's. Brian
  8. Thanks Anthony. O360A1A's....sound familiar.... Brian
  9. I'm tracking all that, but since the plane has a fresh annual, the assumption (needs to be verified through a PPI for the prospective buyer) is that all AD's are either in compliance through inspection or have been replaced/fixed. If that's not the case, the plane is not airworthy - end of discussion. The question centers on the engine itself (not the accessories) and revolves around the Lycoming Service Bulletins. Things like roller tappets, valve wobble tests, connector rod bushings, etc, that get replaced/upgraded during the overhaul process. Continental does not charge for those extras, but boutique engine shops do. Does Lycoming have the same policy is the question for their out the door overhauls and rebuilds which is listed @ $23.6K through Air Power, Inc? I could call them to find out, but they are closed today... Brian
  10. Has anyone done a factory overhaul or rebuilt exchange with Lycoming? Are they the same as Continental in that they will except a run-out core with no upcharges for damaged cams, crankshafts, etc? Factory price for an overhauled O360 is $23.6K out the door, so going that route should avoid any upcharges for oil coolers, oil pumps or anything else out there. If they are like Continental, I'd go that route and be done with it. Brian
  11. That spreadsheet is awesome. Thanks for posting it. Brian
  12. You guys are funny. The original poster said he's currently renting a Cirrus, which makes the avionics and plane itself newer than 90% of the Mooney fleet. Problem with that is this magical 10AMU threshold someone posted that nets about 35 hours a YEAR for an SR22 ($285 an hour at my local flight school for a 2014 model with A/C) or 40 hours a year in an SR20 ($250 an hour for a 2005 version). Both of those are full up glass. Buying never makes sense from a financial perspective, unless you are using it for a business and can write it off as an expense. I'm only going to live once and I can afford it, so I've been an owner for almost 10 years now. Can't take the money with me and my kids can make their own... If you want to sell on the back end some day, just make sure you buy something that is a.) well taken care of, b.) not an orphan/odd type, and c.) has the bells and whistles you want already installed. I'm working with my third plane and have gone up the ladder each time (M20E -> E33A -> BE95). I've enjoyed the ride, but it hasn't been cheap by any stretch. Simple avionics upgrades can quickly run north of 30AMU's. Engine and prop overhaul on an IO520 = 45AMU's. Ask me how I know.... But, I've been able to sell both of my previous planes in under 2 weeks from the time I listed them. Finding something that is an odd duck or not up to par on maintenance and your looking at about 80% of the planes that are currently sitting on Controller. I advertised my E33A in one place and it sold within 24 hours. Never hit the regular channels (Controller, TAP, ASO, Barnstormers, etc...). A lot of really great aircraft are sold by word of mouth or through local channels. My friend found his V35B that way after taking a tour of just about every V35B listed on Controller and getting really frustrated with the misrepresented condition of those airplanes. That was 10 months ago and those planes are still listed today...unfortunately, Mooney's are the same way. I've seen more than a few that are approaching 12 months advertising time. If you need help or get overwhelmed with the decision, just reach out and you'll find this group is more than accommodating in helping steer you in the right direction. If you're looking for that absolute worst case maintenance cost (besides killer corrosion), that would be the engine and prop overhaul requirement. You can use Air Power, Inc as a great resource for engine overhaul costs on Lycoming and Continental engines. Factor in about 40 hours of labor for the pull and reinstall. This is a ballpark and many boutique engine shops will come in lower than those figures, but it's a ballpark so you go in with your eyes wide open. Engine failures are not predictable and can happen at any time. Most prop overhaul's run anywhere from 2.5 - 4 AMU's depending on the number of blades. Sorry for the long winded post, but hope it helps. Cheers, Brian
  13. Then after you figure out all of that, divide it by the number of hours you expect to fly on an annual basis and compare that to the cost of renting. It's not perfect, but will give you a ballpark figure to try and compare it against. Factor in the convenience of just going to the airport on a whim and finding your pride and joy sitting there waiting for you....and only you. Priceless.... I got tired of trash in the rental planes and the questionable maintenance. Also got tired of getting blasted via mass emails when something happened to cause a tire to be replaced or the brakes being ridden to hard, etc, etc, etc... That was a long time ago and I won't rent again unless it's totally unavoidable. Brian
  14. Same. BT does have a Babble Talk section for non-related discussions, but the Jeff's carry a pretty big stick and politics are a no-no that will get yourself put in the penalty box if you violate the rules. Anything else goes. It has come in handy because there is a lot of experience on the forum in just about all fields of work. Ask a question about household electric issues and someone will be able to help. Need help with tax or legal questions, plenty of those professional types there too. It can be a handy place to ask questions. One thing I love about their site is you can "ignore" topics that you're not interested in and it helps cut down the noise when reviewing recent posts. Makes it a lot easier to follow the discussions that I'm interested in. Wish Mooneyspace had that feature. I gave up on POA about 3 years ago after a few "all knowing" types took over and started policing everyone's operations. Cheers, Brian
  15. Oh sure, now you post this.... I'm having the Alpha's installed as part of the new planes annual/pre-buy in two weeks but would have loved to work with you during the install to learn. Can't change it now since the set is already at the shop. Are you able to do basic avionics installs, i.e. a GDL-82 for ADS-B out? Cheers, Brian
  16. Forgot to mention, I was going to go with American Aviation first because they have 3 MEI's on staff and I got along with one of them anyway. The Aztec looked like it was in great shape as well during my brief tour/visit with them back in November. Cheers, Brian
  17. Seth, Here's a couple of more options for you: There are two flight schools at Manassas (KHEF). One has a pair of Twin Comanches and the other has an Aztec. American Aviation (Aztec - $280 hr): https://www.americanaviationllc.com/aircraft Aviation Adventure (2x TC - $270 hr): http://www.aviationadventures.com/airplanes.xml?location_id=1000 Aviation Adventure also has two twins at their Leesburg location: http://www.aviationadventures.com/airplanes.xml?location_id=1002&_offset=1 Diamond Twinstar ($350 an hour/G1000) and a Grumman Cougar ($255 an hour). I was researching these for my CPL ME add on as well, but I'm buying a twin this month, so will end up doing that in my bird in February as part of the 15 hrs dual the insurance company hit me with. Cheers, Brian
  18. Correct: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=f7fdda2c53676d2c233a983c991f21c9&mc=true&node=se14.2.91_1205&rgn=div8 91.205 covers all of the required instruments for VFR (day/night) and IFR. (9) Fuel gauge indicating the quantity of fuel in each tank. Cheers, Brian
  19. I had mine overhauled in Dec 2015 (67 M20E) and the shop had to loosen the engine mounts to get at it. Maybe there is more room with the others (C, F, or J models), never looked at the back of those before. I had a hard enough time getting my hands back there to clean up the oil let alone get tools back there to remove it. Not saying it can't be done, but wow, more power to them if they managed to figure it out. Brian
  20. I have no idea how they did it, but it's there. They base it on where the aircraft is located, so if you want to keep it in Maryland or NC, you can do that to avoid the VA taxes. Cheaper to pay up front than to pay the fines for not paying. Had to pay the sales and use tax as well as soon as I brought the plane in (2% of the FMV if you owned for more than 6 months and move into the state). If you paid it to a previous state that required it, they at least give you credit for it. Military is exempt from the vehicle taxes, but not much else.....guess they figure if you can afford a plane, you can pay the taxes for them. https://tax.virginia.gov/aircraft-and-watercraft http://www.doav.virginia.gov/licensing_aircraft.htm I would have loved to avoid D.C. and I'm trying to escape as soon as possible, but at this point in my career, the only option I really have is retirement and that is a minimum of 3 years away. Don't get much say at the O6 level...they gotcha and they know it... Cheers, Brian
  21. Virginia - $5 annual registration fee, but then they zap you with an annual personal property tax based on "their" interpretation of the value of the plane. Roughly $240 for me last year...and I'm not even a VA state resident. No exemptions on aircraft or boats for military, non-residents either..... Brian
  22. Don't ever catch a ride in a Bonanza then....just sayin.... Cheers, Brian
  23. And a whole lot more $$$$$$ for the purchase acquisition on the O .... Cheers, Brian
  24. I'll get smacked for this, but if you want something else to compare with I have a '68 Bonanza at Richmond Executive and used to own an M20E prior to that. I can talk to you about the differences between the two (all factual of course - both good and bad... ). I'm in the final stages of having my freshly overhauled engine put back in, so it'll be a few more weeks before I get to fly again. Being grounded sucks... Cheers, Brian
  25. You can swing by R&B Aircraft in Topeka if you want to stay local. Mine was painted by them back in 2010 and it still looked new the day I sold her in 2016. Best part, was stopping by the shop to check on the progress as much as I wanted. Greg may or may not still be there. He was hinting at finally retiring back in 2014 when I last talked to him. http://67m20e.com/new-paint.html Contact information: http://www.rbaircrafttopeka.com/id5.html Cheers, Brian
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