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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. Quote: Bacachero Hi Ken, I think TN is a great option, but for us who have never used a turbo please share: What kind of extra maintenance is involved? Dos this affect time/price for annual inspections? Does the turbo have a TBO or useful life? If I were to do a prebuy inspection on a TN equipped airplane, what am I looking for?
  2. Quote: FlyingAggie
  3. Quote: carqwik So I'm looking for a shop that really knows how to troubleshoot Shadin issues.
  4. Quote: ELT However for 3,000TT, 1800 multi, 2600 retract instrument and 60 AMU hull Avemco wants 1.6 AMU. Travers wants 1 AMU for more coverage. Any experience with Travers or others?
  5. Quote: Barry Little chance you will be hit from behind ...
  6. Quote: LFOD I dont think you will see much difference in the operating costs of an F or a J.
  7. Quote: Paul On departure and in a hurry to get home my TIT peaked at 1650 for a few seconds (I leaned her out too quickly). I immediatly pulled power, full rich and opened the cowl flaps.
  8. Quote: n74795 Also there is NO difference in performance up to 7 or 8000 feet so unless you spend a considerable amount of time in the teens it is not a benefit . . .
  9. Quote: Parker_Woodruff hmm looks like a pretty decent deal to me out of all the M20Es I ended up looking at the past few days.
  10. Quote: jmills The plane is pretty nicely equipped with a 530W and Century 2000 AP with ALT hold and slaved to my HSI and 530 but no GPSS though; nevertheless it should serve as a good platform for my IFR training (then again, maybe not as I admittedly don't know much about such things!?!) Any thoughts about accelerated IFR training in general and the PIC course in particular? Also, what recommendations do you folks have regarding prepping myself BEFORE I head into the training later on this year?
  11. Quote: mooneykflyer Anyone know of a STC'd seat belt upgrade for the 231?
  12. Quote: DaV8or I learned something about Barnstormers today. If you click on the link that says "Mooney" you won't find this ad. If you click on the link that says "201 (M20J)" you won't find this ad. If you click on the link that says "205 (M20J)" you won't find this ad. If you click on the link "M20J" you won't find this ad. However, if you enter Mooney 201 in the search box, it does turn up. Silly me.
  13. Quote: DaV8or I have been all over Barnstormers and can't find this add. Not sure how you found it. Maybe sold already and it's still in your cashe? Guess I can call the number here.
  14. Quote: Hank I don't remember the PPP saying that it was "unsafe," just that we would not do them as part of the course.
  15. Mine's about 1020 lb as I recall, but that's because the Ray Jay turbo takes 35 lb or so (and well worth it). 1967 F model.
  16. Quote: Hank In my electric-gear C, they are not a problem. I follow the guidance in my "Owners Manual" when landing: "Degree of flap deflection needed will vary according to landing conditions, but for most landings you should lower flaps about half way just prior to turning on to base leg. Extend flaps as required on final approach to adjust for variations in wind, glide angle and other variables." Normal landings at my 3000' home field are half flaps on downwind, drop the gear, slow to 85 mph on final, and add more flaps only if necessary. Why do so many people insist on making every landing [except strong, gusty crosswinds] with full flaps? In almost three years' and 300 hours in my Mooney, I can count my full-flap landings on my fingers.
  17. Quote: 721lp Did 5 T&G's yesterday in my '67 C model, manual gear. Never heard anyone tell me it was not safe.
  18. Quote: Hank Why do so many people insist on making every landing [except strong, gusty crosswinds] with full flaps?
  19. Quote: 201Pilot I never did them in my M20C (all manual), but with the J, if I have a long enough runway (5,000' or longer) I have enough room and time to reconfigure. I still only do them a few times a month, but the reconfiguration (trim, flaps, gear) is the same stuff to deal with on a go around or on a missed and I think it is a good idea to be to make with the changes without getting behind the aircraft.
  20. Quote: allsmiles What do you mean FAA legal ? I hope you don't mean you fly around with no paper backup ! What do you do when your FAA legal hardware fails ? Are you kidding me?? FAA legal !?
  21. I used to do touch and gos in my Mooney. I used to teach touch and gos in Mooneys. When I taught at a MAPA PPP and found out they do not allow touch and gos for reasons of safety I rethought my position and no longer do or teach touch and gos in Mooneys.
  22. Quote: allsmiles Let's be sensible people. It's nice to have the glass panels, fancy gps's georeferenced charts, plates, synthetic vision etc etc. BUT WE STILL NEED THE PAPER folks !
  23. Quote: SpookyTex Did this one sell yet or is it still available?
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