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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. I saw 229 kts ground speed today. I took the F model up to 17,500 ft and upon leveling off noticed a ground speed of 110 kts. It was a test flight after maintenance and after turning back 180ยบ before descending that 60 kt headwind turned into a nice tailwind.
  2. Quote: bgpilot1 Anyone tried this product? Mounted in dash with external antenna? Seems like a good fit for the M20s with tight panel space and no need to put it on the dash. http://www.monroyaero.com/ATD300+Brochure.pdf
  3. Quote: Mitch During a conversation at a nearby airport this morning with a former Mooney owner/pilot, the fellow stated that "performing a power on stall with 75% power in a Mooney will cause the aircraft to roll over on its back". I have never heard of this. Opinions/experiences of such are welcome please.
  4. 100, 90, 80 mph on downwind, base and final. Transition to 75 mph on very short final. Alterations as necessary based on weight. Once in the pattern with the dear down, 14-15" MP until final and then as needed. Always land with full flaps unless there is a good reason to not do so (gusty crosswinds, etc.). Bouncing is an indication the airplane's still too fast on touchdown; keep it off the runway as long as possible. No reason to fly a wider pattern than in any other single engine airplane.
  5. I would love to attend and it is only spitting distance, but I'll be in Oregon that weekend.
  6. "You pays yer money and you take yer chances." I've had to overhaul an engine at 1200 hours (it got regular use). I have friends that have 2600 and 3600 hours on their respective engines and those airplanes don't fly regularly. We just never know how much time we'll get out of a given engine; there are too many variables and unless we've owned and operated it since new, we don't have all the data.
  7. Quote: dlthig I was wondering what you pay each year in property taxes/registration fees.
  8. Quote: DaV8or I am supposed to be going with my best friend. The plan is at the moment to fly in a rented 182. Even if I do get my own Mooney in time, I'll probably still be in the dump truck. The problem is my friend is so damn big!! I don't think he would even fit in a Mooney and if I end up with a manual gear one, I doubt the J-bar would swing past his ass. I wish he would loose a ton of weight, but ain't happening I'm affraid. I'd love to hook up with the Mooney folks though. I promise not to park next to you.
  9. Quote: drpep Hello to those of you who have the infamous Brittain Wing Leveler. I am once again exploring an inexpensive but workable auto pilot for my 20E. Anyone had any experience with adding on the Brittain altitude hold to the wing leveler?
  10. We have what appears to be a serious buyer coming to look at the airplane tomorrow.
  11. Quote: FlyDave What is a "Smooth" policy?
  12. Quote: JimR Ken, if I decide against the sub-limits, I'll give Laurie a call to see if she can provide me with the same coverage that you have at a price that I can afford.
  13. Quote: FlyDave
  14. Quote: JimR Does anyone have a single limit policy? The quote that I recently got from AOPA was for $1 million in liability coverage, but with a $100,000 per passenger sub-limit. I'd feel better without the sub-limit. Most of the posts below seem to also include sub-limits. Just wondering if "smooth" polices are being written on Mooneys these days, and if the concensus is that they are worth the presumably higher premiums.
  15. Quote: kallend
  16. Quote: DaV8or
  17. Quote: DaV8or
  18. Quote: DaV8or Ok, everyone seems to think that the 65-66 M20s are the sweet spot for pre J Mooneys, but how much worse is a '69? There is one for sale right now that I'm pretty excited about and I'm wondering what down sides it has. I haven't gotten my Mooney book yet, but it's on the way. I'll definately read up on it when I get it. I was just wondering if there are any owners here of '69s or there abouts that can comment from experience. Are they a little worse or is it an OWT?
  19. Quote: DaV8or
  20. Quote: rturbett My checklist has the following please advise if there is anything else to look for/ avoid: engine time prop ad/ upgrade airframe radios paint corrosion fuel tank reseal landing gear maintenance/ donuts interior condition damage history, but as lng as it has been repaired properly not too bothered by it would only consider a gear up history if the engine had been totally torn down with a crankshaft inspection.
  21. Quote: docket I have called the factory twice in the last year to quote some upgrades and the last time Ronnie didn't even call me back and, perhaps, he is no longer working there.
  22. Quote: mooneygirl It would be very nice for some deposits to com e in for the 2010s so the factory can spool back up.
  23. This was recently posted in the "Favorite Aviation Quotes": "Flying is hours of tedium and boredom interspersed with moments of sheer terror." I've heard that quote a lot but I have to say, I've never experienced terror while flying. I can't say that I've ever even been afraid. I have been concerned a few times, but nothing more. Who among us has experienced terror or fear ? Tell us about it.
  24. Quote: rturbett I'm mooney shopping- anyone care to voice their preference of a c, e, or f model? I am considering 1965 to 1968
  25. Quote: mooneygirl The decision about AirVenture at OshKosh will be made in late April.
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