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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. Quote: DaV8or
  2. Quote: KSMooniac That TN F looks nice, but has a panel full of unsupported hardware that would worry me...and thus I think it is priced a little too high because of that. Running it through Jimmy Garrison's pre-201 valuation spreadsheet would be better than using their V-REF guess.
  3. Quote: eaglebkh I don't believe the F adds much if any useful load, but I could be wrong - please correct if so.
  4. Quote: Lood I haven't flown in a E model, but from what I've read, the F has a higher usefull load than the E model. IIRC, this is used up by 10 gal more fuel and the extra airfame weight, though. So, you can't really load more in the F but you do have 10 gal of extra fuel, which equates to roughly one hour more flying time.
  5. Quote: aerobat95 Question for all you E/F drivers out there....what are you getting for real world cruise speed and fuel flows? I found this Mooney for sale....what do you think?
  6. Quote: mooniac58 I am either looking to do this to my M20J or perhaps step up to a Bravo. A recent move to New Mexico has me thinking I need something that will hold its MP
  7. Quote: Skywarrior I've never flown in a Mooney before, so it'll definitely be a new experience.
  8. Quote: Amelia Now the heading bug has broken; the word, if I understand it, is that I'll need a whole 'nother HSI, because despite the cost, they're all plastic inside.
  9. Quote: peter Check your PMs.
  10. Sedona and Multnomah Falls are both nice.
  11. Quote: trjymr OH Hard Eights! Hit them up just last Fri! Good stuff. And I fig it was the servos, I have a mechanic thats gonna look at it for me, but the airports giving him a hard time so I have to wait untill I get my own hangar. How much did it cost you to swap out all the servos?
  12. Quote: trjymr My autopilot/wingleveler isnt working right now so Im hoping to get that going once I get a hangar.
  13. Quote: F18Lumpy From these experiences I've compiled the following question bank that I intend to use when I'm trying to determine if a candidate aircraft is one that I want to continue to pursue and possible go view in person.
  14. Quote: luv2fli Pretty well equipped C model for the price!
  15. I have friends that have airplanes for sale. I've given the URL for the '66E model previously but I just created a web site for another one. It takes me five minutes to create a web site in iWeb and I own my own domain with unlimited storage and data transfer so it is no big deal to create web sites for friends' airplanes. Here they are: '66 E '65 C
  16. Quote: F18Lumpy Any opinions, good or bad, on this one: http://mooneyland.com/1965_m20c.htm
  17. Quote: carusoam I am looking forward to the "after pictures"
  18. Quote: KSMooniac I just returned from OSH yesterday and Wentworth had a 430W for ~$7400 and a 530W for ~$10200 if I remember correctly...not sure how those prices compare these days but they're pretty high IMO. Going for new is probably the best choice, and I'm sure you'll love the new capability.
  19. Quote: fantom When on a long IFR cross country, does either Skycharts, or ForeFlight scroll the enroute chart with your current location?
  20. Quote: allsmiles Take a look at Skycharts. I used Foreflight and Skycharts side by side. I got rid of Foreflight and kept Skycharts!
  21. Quote: CoachTom BUT, since the majority of the US has been terminated, its future unknown (back on for back up?), has anyone made a deliberate decision to remove the radio, wiring, and antenna to reduce weight, clutter, or provide additional space for other instruments or radios?
  22. Quote: yellowjacket You're gonna love the Aspen PFD and the 430W. I have the same items along with the S-Tec 30A. The GPSS on the Aspen works great and with these systems the plane flies approaches hands off except for glide slope capture on my M20F. I also use a Garmin 496 primarily for Nexrad weather. All this really drops the work load flying IFR.
  23. I've contracted with the avionics shop in Sierra Vista, AZ., Southwest Aero Tech to supply and install a Garmin 430W and Aspen 1000 Pro (and do some other minor 'clean-up' wiring while the panel is open). The old KX-170B is going awa y but the KX-155 stays. The new avionics will also be wired into the S-Tec 40 autopilot. It goes into the shop next Wednesday August 4 and is promised by August 24. Current Photos:
  24. Quote: netPilot Would be interested in any thoughts on these two M20s: Thanks in advance for any input.
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