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Everything posted by KLRDMD



    Quote: KSMooniac Where are you in KS? The wind has definitely shown up in earnest this week! I've seen 99 kts GS going to TX from here, in my Mooney, before. Slogging through that in a Slowhawk would be as bad as driving!


    Quote: davidfreedman KSMooniac, You're scaring me. I did my ferry flight from the East Coast with the chief pilot from one of the big Mooney shops (intentionally being non-specific). I'm pretty sure he indoctrinated most of that and that's how I fly (with a few exceptions). I'm having a "What...there's no toothfairy?!" moment.


    Quote: fantom Mooneys ARE hard to land.....
  4. Quote: fantom DLK has earned a very good reputation, and is a service center for Piper, Cessna, Mooney, Cirrus, Beech and Grumman. What in my mind sets Don Maxwell apart is his is the only MSC that I know of that works on Mooneys only. He flys them, owns them, has been at it for 30 years, and is expert on everything Mooney. For my money, there is NO substitute.
  5. Quote: ehscott I am curious about the use of speed brakes on gusty days. Can you expand on how you do that as I have never used that technique. I usually just do a no-flap or half-flap approach depending on the winds, the gusts and the crosswind factor.
  6. Quote: kennyt1123 Can anyone recommend a good shop in the Louisville, KY area for a prebuy inspection on a 1966 M20E?
  7. Quote: Buster1
  8. Quote: RJBrown They make a difference in the mountains. Like crossing the top of the ski hill at Steamboat and then heading down. I can see why someone in Tucson has no need.


    I figger what we need about now is a good ole thread on Old Wives Tales (OWT). You know, Lean of Peak, 50ยบ ROP, 25 Squared, Shock Cooling and the like. Who wants to start ?
  10. Quote: DaV8or Anybody have them? Are they worth the money? They seem to me like a very cool and valuable mod.
  11. Quote: jmills
  12. Quote: jmills
  13. Quote: JBrown I should never joined a forum of such inconsiderate people...
  14. Quote: jmills Well, in my search to learn more about GA beyond the world of Cessnas, I wanted to see if anyone here knows of any Mooney CFI's and rentals in the greater Las Vegas area? As I indicated in the INTRO thread, I've recently rejoined the world of flying. Being very low time, I never even entertained the notion of a Mooney before, figuring they are just out of my league after flying only 152s and 172s. But then again, it's worth asking to see if there are any such CFIs in Vegas with access to a Mooney for rent. I figured, before I make any choices about buying an aircraft, perhaps it is more wise log time in various models first. And after posting on other GA forums about looking into a used 172, several folks mentioned Mooneys. So, here I am, seeking your sagely wisdom... and if I'm lucky, some leads to a CFI with Mooney experience in my neck of the woods!
  15. Quote: JBrown Anyway, we're planning on replacing everything firewall forward except the prop within the next year, and the rest of the aircraft is in very, very good condition from what my mechanic and I can see and what the mechanic in Chandler told me after the extremely thorough prebuy inspection.
  16. Quote: Parker_Woodruff I ran one very well LOP on a delivery and had a bit lower fuel consumption than you mention on a good TAS. You should try it.
  17. Quote: ehscott They usually can be made to run LOP well.
  18. Quote: ehscott Mine is a Mooney 252 (1986 M20K).
  19. Quote: ehscott 0pm. I tried operating LOP but it was not smooth. He looked at my max fuel flow and it is too low. Running at 20.3gph at WOT and full rich. Need to get that dialed up a bit even though it is within book values. My EGT difference was 90 dF. I think I need some engine and injector tuning before I will be able to run LOP.
  20. Quote: KSMooniac One thing they stressed in the class is that you do not have to have an engine monitor to run LOP, and in fact, running LOP with a single EGT gauge becomes your de facto monitor in that if you can run smoothly LOP, then you know that your induction, fuel delivery and spark systems are all working properly. If something goes wrong with any of them, you will get rough operation immediately and you'll feel it!
  21. Quote: Mitch Anybody watch 16 Right lately? What a great movie! This is not only a great movie about Van Nuys Airport [busiest GA airport worldwide] but a truly fine documentary for General Aviation. !
  22. Quote: N303FW Unfortunately I don't have fuel flow as part of my EDM-700, might try to add it though now.
  23. Quote: N303FW I've researched LOP and other engine management techniques, but I've never had a chance to talk to anyone who's really had an oportunity to run their turbo Mooney using these concepts - that's one of the big reasons I'm happy to have found this forum. I've found ROP cruise keeps my CHT temps below 380degF while keeping decent speed and burning less than 13gal/hr. I climb 110-120 indicated full rich (up to 10-15k or so), and only really experience higher engine temps in extended climbs over 15k or so. What technique do you use and kinds of temps do you see? I'm especially interested in keeping my engine running cool in climbs over 15k. Anyone found a technique that works? I'd love to hear more!
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