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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. I felt better in icing (light, never have been in moderate or worse) in my Colemill Baron just with alcohol props than I did in my known ice TKS Bravo. There's just something to be said for a second engine and 600 HP total versus one engine and 270 HP.
  2. That would be on the runway at my airpark. Add in factors that account for dentisty altitude and I'm often over 5,000 ft.
  3. That has been said for so many things. Once you've had FIKI (or TKS) you won't go back to an airplane without it. Once you've had a turbo you won't go back to normally aspirated. Once you've had a twin you won't go back to a single. Once you've had pressurization you won't go back to a non-pressurized airplane. Bah. Next month I should have my 19th airplane. Piper Cherokee 140 (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Mooney M20C (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Cirrus SR22 (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Cessna 152 [to teach in] (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Mooney Bravo M20M (unpressurized turbocharged single FIKI) Piper Seneca III (unpressurized turbocharged twin) Mooney M20F [Ray-Jay] (unpressurized turbocharged single) Beech B55 Colemill Baron (unpressurized normally aspirated twin) Cessna 182 (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Piper Twin Comanche (unpressurized normally aspirated twin) Lancair 320 (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Cessna P337 (pressurized turbocharged twin) Cessna 182 (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Mooney 231 M20K (unpressurized turbocharged single) Beech B55 Baron (unpressurized normally aspirated twin) Beech S35 Bonanza (unpressurized normally aspirated single) Cessna P337 (pressurized turbocharged twin) Cessna 310Q (unpressurized normally aspirated twin) (unpressurized normally aspirated single)
  4. I've been told you must turn COM #2 OFF beofe using this port or you will fry your #2 COM.
  5. "I've always been very interested in the Socata Trinidad TB-20 for it's power output, greater payload capacity and roominess." He won't get significantly greater payload or roominess with a Bravo.
  6. It depends. I would buy an airplane with it (I have had a FIKI Mooney) but wouldn't pay a lot extra for it. But I live in Tucson. You could probably get an extra $20k for it . . . $25k from the right buyer, maybe.
  7. If it better meets your current mission, I say yes. Go for the trade.
  8. I believe the B model was the first of the metal wing models. The wood wing ended with the A model.
  9. I think you'll be surprised at the costs of ownership. You'll be looking back at that greedy flight school hourly rate and wish for it again.
  10. I watch the market closely. In my opinion, the peak was about 8 weeks ago. Today I see a definite decline in sales volume, inventory sitting longer and lowering of asking prices. If you're selling, get it on the market NOW. If you're buying, wait 6-12 months as I believe prices will continue to fall during that time. I wouldn't paint at this time simply because it will prolong the time before you can get the airplane on the market. Regarldess of accuracy or not, EVERYONE looks at vRef prices so at least having that data available would be important. It is only one data point, of course. A broker isn't a bad option for this airplane and if I were going to put this airplane with a broker it would be Jimmy Garrison <jimmy@GMaxamericanaircraft.com>.
  11. It is fun to fly different airplanes and learn them. And my mission changes frequently. A lot of people force one airplane to meet their mission requirements over the years even though their mission changes. Not me. I had a specific mission for the 310 that ended June 8 of this year so on to the next airplane.
  12. I have four certificates but only carry two: ATP Multi, Commercial Single Engine Land CFI, CFII, MEI Plus: Advanced Ground Instructor Remote Pilot
  13. Won't an Ovation 3 do 175 KTAS on 13 GPH?
  14. There are boots on the horizontal stabilizer but not vertical stabilizer and it has an alcohol windshield. The Q model was only "full de-ice", not known ice. I've attached a photo of each area. If you zoom in you can see the alcohol spray bar.
  15. I haven't counted but I would guess 22-25. For every one I bought and sold prior to having an annual done, I bought one right before the annual was due and did two in just over one year. On average I believe I have owned an airplane for 14 months so statisticallty speaking I have done more than 20 annuals. And, 18 of them have been first annuals for me which typically are more expensive than subsequent annuals.
  16. The fuel burn for a 310 has been mentioned. As I wrote, I fly LOP at 65% power which is 10 GPH per engine for 175 KTAS. I think I paid $6.70 per gallon for fuel earlier this week. Let's say a year ago I was paying $5.70, which is a reasonable assumption. My fuel costs have gone from $114/hour to $134. That's only $20 per hour which is a +/- 15% difference. Maintenance, hangar, insurance, and annuals are all the same as last year so the increase in fuel prices really hasn't significantly changed the cost of flying. Sure, it isn't $0, but it isn't that bad either.
  17. That 7" wider cabin than most GA airplanes sure makes it comfy.
  18. It is a great airplane. If someone wants to buy my 310 I'll buy Jon's Missile.
  19. I went with the Precise Flight system as I didn't want to have to worry about batteries.
  20. No. The 310Q has normally aspirated Continental IO-470s at 260 HP. The T310s have TSIO-520s.
  21. Not the way I fly it. 65% power, LOP is 10 GPH per side. That's not significantly more than a Bravo burns and below 10,000 ft they're about the same speed but the 310 has twice the useful load and 50% more seats. Anyone that knows me knows that I keep an airplane on average just over one year. I've had this one 14 months and I have owned a total of 18 airplanes in 20 years.
  22. I've had the 310 a little over a year so it is time to move on. It has an almost entirely new panel that was completed in February, mid time engines and two brand new props. The annual has been signed off as of June 1. Trades considered. A Missile would be awesome, a Rocket with good useful load would be nice. Other Mooneys considered too. PM for details and discussion if interested.
  23. I *always* do a pre-buy on the seller. I sometimes, but rarely do a pre-buy on the airplane.
  24. I was on that page last week and it didn't say "**STARTING UP AGAIN IN 2022". That text is new.
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