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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. I worked part time in SoCal for 25 years and for the last five of those years (2013-2018) was there half time. If I never step foot in California again I would be perfectly fine with it. The only redeeming quality of the state, to me at least, is the ocean. Lots of places have nice oceans. If you're happy there, more power to you. It isn't unlike NYC and Manhattan specifically. Many, many people don't know anything else and would never consider living anywhere else. Anything west of the Hudson is a vast wasteland. I make 5-6 trips per year to NYC nowadays and love it for 2-3 days at a time but would never live there either.
  2. And yet people voluntarily live in a state that treats them this way.
  3. Not in AZ they can't. $25/year and you're done.
  4. If you fly in, let me know and I'll get you permission to land at 57AZ.
  5. I paid zero last year and will pay zero again this year.
  6. https://www.seattleavionics.com/products/FlyQ_efb/ADS-b/index.html
  7. Yes, that was already stated so I didn't repeat it.
  8. FlyQ is $19/year for CFIs (and student pilots). I just renewed my subscription this morning. Last year I bought ForeFlight for the first time. Even with the CFI discount (which requires belonging to NAFI so the true discount is very little), ForeFlight simply isn't worth it to me. I also keep WingX on my iPad and as has been mentioned iFlyGPS is also excellent. I have used it in the past. And of course I have significant experience with FltPlan GO. Yes, I've had Garmin Pilot too so I have experience with most of them. I don't do Android. FlyQ works with my Avidyne equipment and it is very well put together so it is my "go to" app.
  9. Not everyone in education.
  10. I'm a full time educator and have been for 30 years. I absolutely refuse to use the term "learner" just as I refuse to use the term "clients". They're students and patients!
  11. I would suggest you want someone more than just competent, but maybe that's just me.
  12. I do a reasonable amount of Mooney transition training but the above will take a lot more hours than I can devote to it. There are a handful of Mooney CFIs in AZ so I'm sure you'll find someone that works for your needs.
  13. They are asking $115k for this "C". Prices are insane and money is worthless. https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/212683481/1969-mooney-m20c-ranger-piston-single-aircraft
  14. Jimmy Garrison values it up to $1,000 installed. "Sandel EFIS – Add $1,000 at your discretion. It may be time to retire these guys in the M20J and up."
  15. There is zero instruction in engine management in the flight instructor curriculum. This proves it.
  16. I was flying to work when the sun came up today and I was flying home when the sun went down today
  17. The beauty of anonymous mode on ADS-B!
  18. Not a bad commute this morning.
  19. Maybe the needle is obscuring my view but it looks to me like the oil temperature has a maximum of 450º and the cylinder head temperature has a maximum of 245º in these photos.
  20. I noticed this on a M20J. The CHT and oil temparature scales are reversed.
  21. No desire for an Acclaim. If my current discussions end well I'll make a (somewhat) surprising announcement.
  22. I've only owned 18 airplanes, 7 twins and 11 singles, of which 4 were Mooneys (C, F, K & M). I run across a lot of airplanes. If I see one that fits your requirements I'll let you know.
  23. Actually, the guy that bought my 231 just sold it last week. He's going to a Cirrus
  24. Sometime in 2020 I got a P337. I loved my previous P337 but found my mission changed since my last one and the highest I had it was 8,500 ft. A guy really wanted it so I traded him for this 310Q. It just came out of a major avionics upgrade last weekend. But, I'm seriously thinking of going back to a Mooney again and am in discussions for a potential trade that would get me back in a Mooney.
  25. This morning's commute. WTW!
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