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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. Let me know if you want to stop by sometime. If driving I can meet you at my hangar. I plan to be there today reconditioning my boots. If flying, you need to complete the Prior Permission Request form at: https://lachollaairpark.com/pilot-info-page/ Coming from TUS, the sight picture will be just a little different. 11L at TUS is 10,996X150 ft. 57AZ is 4.670X44ft
  2. Osmo Action: https://www.dji.com/osmo-action I'm just using the sticky mount that came with it, attached just behind the windshield.
  3. This is the first time using this camera and the first time doing video in the 310. La Cholla Airpark to Ryan Field for breakfast today: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lkpti0vqi4y54i8/57AZ KRYN 20211016.mov?dl=0 Ryan to La Cholla: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mrdhzh6exoxej4k/KRYN 57AZ 20211016.mov?dl=0
  4. I think you mean CO.
  5. Smooth until the last part of the descent, which is typical. But then again I have a gross weight of 5,300 lb and a wing loading of 31 lb/sqft.
  6. I had a nice tailwind today
  7. I bought my current airplane from an owner in California. The sale occurred in AZ as he delivered the airplane to me.
  8. Or just move to Arizona and never pay sales tax or use tax regardless of where or who you bought the airplane from.
  9. I should be home by then and can stop by and say Hi as you arrive.
  10. Let me know if you need anything while you're here.
  11. I had to go down to my hangar so I just checked. $4.95.
  12. Yes, I live at 57AZ. All of this has changed. We have a new, three year old fuel system that is state of the art. Fuel used to be cheap but no longer is, they have the new fuel system to pay for. When the new fuel system went in, the board of directors set the fuel price as the average price of self serve within a 50 NM radius of 57AZ. Fuel prices were changed the first day of each month. As of a month or so ago, the board changed the rules and setting the fuel price is now a very complicated exercise. And the bottom line is, even after all of that calculation, one person decides to set the fuel price pretty much anywhere they want. I'm afraid we will become one of the most expensive fuel places now. It is sad. If you want I can go down to the pump at look at the price.
  13. I have been studying Parliamentary Law. I joined both the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP) and the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP). I started working my way through the credentials, starting with NAP. In June 2020 I earned my Registered Parliamentarian (RP) credential through the NAP. That took hundereds of hours of study, a number of formal courses and passing six separate written examinations. I have now put in over 1,000 hours of study. Tomorrow I complete day three of three of five hour oral examinations (a total of 15 hours of oral exams) to earn the Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) designation through the NAP. If I pass . . . Within AIP I have completed three of four possible correspondence courses so far and *may* take the examinations for Certified Parliamentarian (CP). If so I'll probably go on to get the Certified Parliamentarian - Teacher (CP-T) credential too. But that is yet to be determined. https://aipparl.org https://www.parliamentarians.org
  14. You want a CFI with a LOT more than 25 hours in Mooneys!
  15. I also hope this but I see tendancies toward the opposite.
  16. As an attending for the last 20+ years, I agree 100%.
  17. Get out of Illinois. No sales or use tax here in Arizona.
  18. Don't get me started on call. We do traditional call, which, as you metion is tremendously valuable. Every year I lose applicants to other residencies that don't do call. It is inconceivable to me to not do call as a resident. At 3AM on a Saturday night, with a GSW in front of you, your attending is with the guy that shot your patient, and you look around the room and it is just you - that's when you learn anesthesia.
  19. I understand that. But residency takes a lot of time and not much sleep. Fellowship may be a bit better, or not depending on specifics. 450 NM is at least three hours in the air, plus time on the ground. Fatigue is real and my guess is many of the flights you are contemplating will be at night, and often after a 60-70 hour work week. We want you to be alive to experience all of the thing you mention. A few years ago I had to use the allowance of counting night takeoffs and landings toward the 100 night hours so I could get my ATP. I didn't have nearly enough night hours because I, 100% refuse to fly when I'm tired. Everything is a risk-benefit analysis and this one is favoring risk over benefit, in my very humble (but BTDT) opinion.
  20. LOPFFvsHP calculator.xls
  21. That's Dale Mooneyham's (yes, that's his real name) old Mooney. He was a Southwest Airlines A&P/IA. that worked at PHX. I remember when he brought it back to CHD as a basket case and essentially a barn find. Over a period of a few years he slowly rebuilty it - completely. He flew it for a number of eyars and then yes, it sat for some time but at least it was on the ramp at AVQ then later RYN.
  22. Love the IFD units. Contact Chase @Avionics Source to trade in your old GNS units for brand new Avidynes.
  23. You quoted a four year old post and I don't recall. I just watched as my IA did the actual adjustment.
  24. I've owned 12 singles and six twins so I think I have their relative differences down.
  25. Per hour of flying a Bravo, Rocket, Baron or 310 all burn pretty close to the same gallons of fuel (at least the way I fly each and I have flown all four and owned three of the four types mentioned) therefore a fill up of any of them will take about as long for a given flight.
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