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Everything posted by KLRDMD

  1. MONROY MOONEY FUEL INCREASE UPGRADE **STARTING UP AGAIN IN 2022 https://www.emapa.aero/Monroy-Mooney-Fuel-Increase-Upgrade-p/mooney-fuel-increase-upgrade.htm
  2. Yep. Anything below 100º is comfortable. 100º-105º starts to get a bit warm. 105º-110º is hot and over 110º is just no fun. People always say it but it is true, it is a dry heat. One day last week we had humidity below 1%. It is below 10% most of the year. 105º in Tucson is much more comfortable than 90º in Houston. But we don't have near as many hot days per year that people think. Only in June and July is the average daily high temperature above 100º. There is a huge differenrence bewteen Tucson and Phoenix. In Phoenix it may be 105º during the day and it will be 100º at night. In Tucson it will be 100º during the day (only 5º cooler, what's the big deal?) In Tucson it will be 70º at night. We regularly see 30º-40º swings between night and day in Tucson, the entire year. Tucson sees an average of about 65 days per year at 100º or higher, 55 of those are in June/July/August. There are an average of 286 days per year of sunshine in Tucson. Overall taxes are reasonable, living expenses are reasonable, limitations on freedom are minimal and 300 days per year are gorgeous. There are a lot of places with less than 300 beautiful days per year.
  3. Until you have an engine fire after intentionally flooding it, as happened to a friend of mine.
  4. It is a flat rate of $25/year in Arizona for most private airplanes.
  5. And what would have happened to all of those Porsche Mooneys waiting to be converted?
  6. I guess it has been four years since I closed on the house at the Airpark.
  7. From the text he wrote it does not appear to be.
  8. Jessica told me about that right after it happened. Her hangar is about 20 yard from mine.
  9. Jimmy has a TKS 252 coming and he has a M20J MSE with M20 Turbo and TKS currently in his inventory. You may want to touch base with him. jimmy@gmaxamericanaircraft.com https://www.gmaxamericanaircraft.com
  10. It is the M20 turbo which has an intercooler but a fixed waste gate. By all accounts it is a good system and I wouldn't hesitate to have one. This one also has TKS so it is a very interesting airplane.
  11. Boy, I’ve kicked around the possibility of an M22 a lot. I have enough pressurized time that I think I can get insured in it for a reasonable amount but that engine just concerns me. And it doesn’t fit my current mission profile in any event.
  12. A few years ago I talked to Don Maxwell about that one that has been listed forever. He told me he refuses to work on it and to run away. So, no, it will not be a Liquid Rocket.
  13. Someone trained you well
  14. Nope
  15. Fuel prices had nothing to do with it.
  16. I do not have "D", "TN" or "V" time either.
  17. Well, it looks like I'll be back in a Mooney again soon. Today I accepted an offer on my 310 and came to an agreement to buy a Mooney once the 310 closes. This will all take a few weeks to transpire and when I have the Mooney in my hangar I'll send photos and reveal which model. I've owned four Mooneys, a "C", "F" (with Ray Jay turbo), "K" (231) and "M" (known ice) and I have time in C, E, F, G, J, K, M & R model Mooneys. What could the next Mooney be . . . .
  18. Here's my favorite ATC transmission. I was doing transition training for a guy into an Oviation he just bought. We were coming into KTUS (Tucson) overtaking a Lear Jet by 40 to 50 knots, and that was after we were asked to slow N59FM111619.m4v
  19. That ones's under contract. It was a few hours after it was listed.
  20. Not much prettier.
  21. Here are two different airplanes I've owned recently. One with dual 275s and a Garmin 650. The other with dual Aspens and an Avidyne 540. Which do you prefer?
  22. I have had both dual 275s and an Aspen 2000MAX. The Aspen wins hands down with the bonus of not having to deal with Garmin.
  23. I only had 5 hours make and model when I was insured last year. That's the only thing I can think. I actually didn't fly anywhere near my normal hours per year as the airplane was down for avionics for 3.5 months. My premium went down by $800. I'm not complaining.
  24. I just got my insurance renewal. It went down quite a bit from last year.
  25. Put in the two panel Aspen MAX with synthetic vision, flush mounted and remove all backup instruments and the vacuum system. I had to keep my old AI for the A/P.
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