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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. I bought new caps for my M20C direct from Lasar. What I found was that the collars that they fit into were rusted through. I do recall reading about stainless steel replacement parts for the collars. I think they were a story in Coy Jacobs magazine. I sought professional help from Air-Mods and Repair in NJ. They gave recommendations on replacement with used and available alternatives.
  2. Upside down in the footwell while trying to work on the panel is a horrible experience. The experience: First you remove the seats. Your legs and butt hang out the door, you place as much cushion as you can find on the door sill to pad your back, your torso and head are down hill in the foot well, you've placed your tools exactly where you need them, because there is not enough room to turn and look for them when your are in position. Then you realize you still can't see what you went in there to work on. Now you want to get the mirror and pen light. Try and back out of the down hill position that you stuffed yourself into. Each time you drop a tool, or a fastener, it bounces off your head first and then dissappears somewhere next to your ears. You can't move your arms around freely because the footwell is not big enough to let your elbows bend. I'm sure you get the idea... If someone else does your panel work all of the time, it's probably not an issue. If your panel isn't 40+ years old it isn't an issue. If your hydraulic cherry juice doesn't leak, it isn't an issue. I always seemed to find a reason to go back there to see, fix or fill. (with mechanic approval, where necessary, of course) My M20C had the single piece windshield in the position of the original windshield. Outside access is a beautiful thing. I suppose the look and speed of a sloped J windshield is nice also.
  3. 1965 M20C - VFR flying, Manual gear and flaps. Insurance: $1,200 per year Tiedown: $1,200 per year Owner Assisted Annual: $2,000 per year NJ location. Only one surprise in 9 years of ownership. Overhauled prop and govenor. Not really a surprise afterall, but a little more expensive than an ordinary annual... Other families spend this money on a one week vacation. Our family of four, used it for weekend getaways and beach trips. Averaged 75 hours of flight per year. Our plan was buy it, if it did not fit our lifestyle we would sell it. As a wise man has posted here before.... Your mileage may vary..... Best of luck. Oshkosh anyone?
  4. I have sold my '65 M20C. While searching for its replacement M20J, I have come across a few Rocket Engineering conversions. I am interested in your knowlege and opinions of the upgrade, The upside is clearly advertised, what are the "hidden" downsides. Background according to Rocket Engineering: "The 300 hp, normally aspirated, Continental IO-550-A engine provides out of this world performance for the Rocket Engineering 300 Missile conversion." "Hartzell 3-bladed, full feathering propeller especially designed for the Missile conversion with low noise and high performance." Thanks for your insight.
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