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amillet last won the day on January 21

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About amillet

  • Birthday 04/24/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    : Sequim, WA (W28)
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  • Model
    '97 J
  • Base
    W28 Sequim WA

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  1. Tie down rings (factory) are to be removed before flight. Do those of you using the tie downs to ground install them to fuel then remove them?
  2. Formation flyers with vernier throttles have invented gadgets to disable them
  3. I overnighted at KCFO in April 2023 on my way back to the Pacific Northwest. Good restaurant on the field. Good smaller airport for fuel/ meal stop
  4. Prior to 2023 annual the gear warning horn would occasionally chirp when taxiing over a bump. Advanced happened to have a NBS in stock. Looks like I dodged a bullet of several AMUs
  5. Flight home from Troutdale after annual. Thank you Jeremy @J Ro for the ride down
  6. When I was in law school at ASU my cousin would take me rattlesnake road hunting east of Mesa. We got a few $ selling them to a taxidermist who used the skins. No license needed in 1976-1979 (as far as I knew then)
  7. I have attended 13 PPPs in the last 17 years (all on the west coast except one in Denver after weather prevented me from attending in Santa Maria in 2016). I also would like to see one held in Spokane next year. I just sent an email to Ralph lobbying for Spokane. A few more emails from y’all wouldn’t hurt
  8. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to move first class to the middle or rear?
  9. Was that plus or minus? It is shaped like an airfoil
  10. Airport in sight (on the GPS)
  11. Store something like this in the baggage compartment instead of the dead weight
  12. No, I have to splay my legs open if the seat in front of me is reclined.
  13. If I’m behind you (6’3”) I jam my knees into the back of your seat (they’re within a half inch of the upright position anyway) so you can’t recline
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