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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Like most reports, I'd had nothing but excellent support from them. They are one of the top five MSC's in the country, IMHO.
  2. I know many Mooney pilots who are happy with Joey Cole, who has Mooney specific factory training, his shop is a Mooney Service Center, he works on all models, and has done numerous pre purchase inspections. I don't think you can do better in that area. Note, that I have no interest or affiliation with him or his shop.
  3. Clarleston Int'l (KCHS) isn't bad for a big Class C airport, but you might be more comfortable at smaller Charleston Exec (KJZI). Same can be said for Savannah, with KSAV being the bigger Class C, and Hunter (KSVN) being a small, one runway field, with few services.
  4. It's also the reason that, other than word of mouth, or via PM, it's impossible to get a fair gauge on most aviation services. Either we get a "halo report" from someone who's just purchased a service, or we get a compaint from someone who is unhappy, or we get an wordy and extensive defense by an aggrieved party. In my experiences, it takes a long time, and lots of tuition, to accurately separate the wheat from the chaff. Oh, and my favorite is the person who is in the process of having work done, who pats himself on the back for doing such a good job of making that selection. Usually, IMHO, it to curry favor with that vendor. Bottom line.....Caveat Emptor!
  5. I don't think less of Richard, McStealth, and I like Chili's ;-) There have been no facts presented, just opinions, and in retort to a short comment by George, who's offered a great deal of free advise, Zeph gets on the forum for the first time, and defends himself ad nauseam....IMHO. I watched him do the same thing on the Mooney list serve years ago, and I believe he does more harm than good by these dust ups. "Me thinks Zeph doth protest too much". ...Hamlet, sorta.
  6. Truth is an absolute defense, George, and given the responses to your mild opinions, I observe you exhibited more than a reasonable degree of restraint
  7. Richard.....do you really think this is doing you any good? Please give it a rest.
  8. It's working for the Florida folks!
  9. For sure, and it's a Homecoming this year, at the Inn Of The Hills, in Kerrville, TX.
  10. ...at Pompano Airpark. Yes, it's free, at American Flyers http://www.americanflyers.net/about/aviation_seminars.asp Don't forget the Florida Mooney Lunch Group Fly-In, next Saturday, March 14th, at Ormond Beach (KOMN). Details to follow.
  11. I would bet that most of us are MAPA members. Well worth the cost, IMHO.
  12. Great photos. Thanks for posting them, and I'm certain you weren't over gross, right? A fine reminder of when the world joined together to fight evil, just over 60 years ago. Look how far we've come.
  13. Military wants to reconfigure central Florida airspace By Dave Hirschman http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-2980.htm The Air Force is seeking to modify the Avon Park special-use airspace (SUA) in central Florida that could make the area more complex for civilian pilots to navigate. But the Air Force has been responsive to AOPA’s concerns by proposing to activate only those portions of the SUA that are needed on a real-time basis. “While the reconfiguration will allow for better management by the military, there is still some potential reduction in access for general aviation pilots due to the increase in restricted airspace in some areas of the complex,” said Pete Lehmann, AOPA air traffic services manager. “AOPA will be analyzing the proposal to determine the impact.” The FAA will accept formal comments on the Air Force proposal until March 30. AOPA members concerned about the proposed changes should send their comments to the FAA at: U.S. Department of Transportation
  14. Be careful out there, FL Flyers! Plane Plunges Into Lake At Golf Course POSTED: Saturday, February 21, 2009 UPDATED: 1:21 pm EST February 23, 2009 POMPANO BEACH, Fla. -- A plane crashed into a lake on a Broward County golf course on Friday evening. Gerald Roberti, 38, was taking off from Pompano Air Park in a twin-engine Piper when the aircraft suddenly lost power, Local 10's Julie Summers reported. The plane plunged into a lake at Pompano Municipal Golf Course. According to investigators, Roberti scrambled out of the plane as it sank in about 6 feet of water. He was standing on the plane's canopy when rescue crews arrived. "The pilot was standing on the cockpit," said Steve Enochs, an employee of the golf course. "He was carrying a briefcase and he was quite calm, quite calm." "We could see and smell there was fuel in the lake. So we asked (the pilot) if he was OK. He said he was fine. We asked him not to swim in the water because we didn't want him swimming with the diesel fuel," said Sandra King of Pompano Beach Fire Rescue. The FAA will investigate the crash as standard procedure. As of Monday morning, the aircraft remained in the lake. The pilot had no apparent injuries. Paramedics who examined him urged him to visit a hospital as a precaution, but he declined.
  15. Cruising along at 7,500 ft, 65%, 7 degrees C, 10.3 GPH, 200 lbs under gross: OK, so maybe a 14 kt tailwind....
  16. Bad news..... Wes Dale was admitted to the hospital this morning with a blood clot in his leg. As he is the “Master of the BBQ” without him, we won't be holding this event as planned on Febuary 14th. Wes plans to re-schedule the BBQ for a later date. I know you'll join me in wishing Wes a full and speedy recovery.
  17. Bad news..... Wes Dale was admitted to the hospital this morning with a blood clot in his leg. As he is the “Master of the BBQ” without him, we won't be holding this event as planned on Febuary 14th. Wes plans to re-schedule the BBQ for a later date. I know you'll join me in wishing Wes a full and speedy recovery.
  18. Look forward to meeting you, David, and seeing that G600 up close. I need to fly up to Gwinnett one of these days. I usually fly into PDK and drive up there to see some friends after my business is done.
  19. Hi David.....Moony pilots from EVERYWHERE are most welcome, as is anyone sharing an interest in aviation. Please join us anytime. I've been up the the SE Mooney fly-ins in Rome several times. Are you thinking of coming down this weekend?
  20. Dave asked that I post his email reminder to the group here. Wes Dale says to bring ALL your aviation loving friends to the event. Frugal Mooney pilots will love the cost Either email Dave, or post here, giving us an idea of how many will be attending. We don't want to run out of food! Dear Mooney Pilot, Our last event was very successful, We had 9 Mooneys, 1 Navion, and a car or two bring 22 people to lunch at Venice last Month. The food, service and conversation were all great. This month we are having a free lunch / extended program at Premier in Fort Lauderdale (FXE) on Saturday, February 14, a week from this Saturday. Wes Dale will be barbecuing Texas style. I heard him mention brisket and chicken. But, we always have great food when Wes cooks. They are also having: Mike Miles, Test Pilot for Mooney Allen Weiss, Certified Engines Jim Cook, Palm Beach Avionics (Avidyne, Garmin 600, Aspen) These gentleman will be available to talk to you on a one to one basis between 10 AM and 3 PM, except when eating. After lunch there will be a question and answer period with them. Wes would like to know about how many to cook for, so please let me know by this Sunday if you are going to try to make it. This is for planning purposes only, so if your plans change and you can suddenly come and haven't told me, come anyway. Or if you have said that you are coming, and can't, don't be concerned. Just let me know if you are going to try to make it. Future Events: February, 14, Fort Lauderdale (FXE) Premier Hanger, Wes Dale cooking. March 14, Ormond Beach (OMN) River Bend Golf Cafe April 11, Sebring (SEF) JR's Runway Cafe. Carol Ann Garratt will be speaking after lunch about her record setting trip around the world in a Mooney. May 9, Saint Augustine, (SGJ) Allison's Fly By Cafe All events start at 11:30. Hope to see you there, Dave and Ruth N545YM
  21. That's the implication. Why not call either Mooney or MAPA and ask directly?
  22. I bet many of us would like "the rest of that story", Chris. The Encore also has a much better interior, panel and equipment, and is on average 10 years newer. Wing mounted taxi and landing lights, wing tips, leather covered yokes, lots of little stuff. Here is probably all you want to know: http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/mapalogarticle.html Heck of a plane!
  23. One more: Feb 7 & 8 is a busy weekend. The Collins Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour Feb/6 - Feb/8 Fort Lauderdale, FL (B-17, B-24 & P-51) Airport: Fort Lauderdale Executive Location: Banyan Air Services
  24. Homestead Executive Jet Center’s Pancake Breakfast Fly-in Bring your airplane and your appetite! Fly in to Homestead Executive Jet Center and enjoy a free breakfast. Kick back and relax under our Tiki Hut while we fill your stomachs as well as your fuel tanks and enjoy Full Service fuel at Self Serve price from 8:30 am thru 11:30 am When: FEBRUARY 7, 2009 8:30am - 11:30am Where: Homestead Executive Jet Center, Homestead General Airport (X51) West Side of field at approach ends of 9 and 18 look for the “Tiki” Ph#: 305-248-3595 Email: X51jetcenter@yahoo.com
  25. I've followed that blog for some time myself. Now I understand where you're getting some of your motivation from. His strong opinions, after much "research" and some wonderful explanations, are still that. An example is messing up the superb laminar flow Mooney wing with a bunch of little tabs. There is no meaningful data that they improve anything on a Mooney, it doesn't make common sense (at least to me), and they look like crap....yes, very subjective. As you said in your PM to me, internet "research" can be very misleading, so take it all with a grain of salt, especially in the short run. It sounds like you're putting more $$$ into that M20G, than it cost you so it's great that you understand that your investment is in happiness, rather than financial return. Look forward to meeting you on the 14th.
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