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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Hi Brandon Well, the "off airport landing" isn't the only thing I share with the flying and non-flying public about general aviation! I suppose since it is a bit attention grabbing it has afforded some exposure. More than anything we hope to continue to support Mooney Airplane Company [and its wonderful products] and promote General Aviation. If talking about what happened to me and my family will help even one pilot to get more training, to keep their head in an emergency, to talk about "what ifs" that would be awesome. I am not sure if you have been to the websites that Mitch and I have created: http://www.MooneyAmbassadors.com or http://www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com both are committed to promoting general aviation and general aviation airports. In future installments of Wheels Up, I will be writing about using our Ovation for business flying into small GA airports across the country. And as well, Mitch and I are doing more and more public speaking about promoting General Aviation and GA airports. Come see us at the AOPA Summit in Long Beach as we are doing a presentation for CalPilots!
  2. I would like to see them! Thank you Jolie
  3. Thank you Bob and Juliana! What a wonderful comment, and much appreciated. Mitch and I will be presenting at the AOPA Summit for CalPilots. Just trying to do our part for GA and Mooney!
  4. Here is the final chapter of the Mooney Girl is Born story for Forbes. http://blogs.forbes.com/wheelsup/2010/08/29/a-mooney-girl-is-born-final-chapter/#more-1060
  5. We had a great time. A dozen Mooney airplanes really made the Lake in the Sky Airshow complete. Was it cold? Yes! Was it windy? Yes. Did we have fun anyway! Double Yes. The announcer was super to announce our airplanes and our mission to promote General Aviation. He also read the list of accomplishments of our company. Six stayed behind this evening to enjoy an Italian dinner and the beautiful region. A video will be out shortly.
  6. For everyone going to Tahoe........dinner is at 5 ish. I was wrong. Geez don't tell Mitch I admitted it. Remember to check the weather and be safe. Come in high over the lake, then descend. See you in Tahoe
  7. Michael Golden called this evening and told me that the thunderstorm stuff was not an issue, they have been wrong about it all summer. But he did say that the winds were due to pick up. He suggested that folks come in high like 12 or 11 thousand and then lose the altitude over the lake, then straight in on final. My advice for folks is to come before 9 a.m. or after 5. When Michael called me at 5 it was dead, no wind. I think Michael's advice about losing altitude over the lake versus over the cliffs and mountains is a good one. Deb and Larry are there and they say it is beautiful and calm. Let's be safe!! 805-709-6619 my cell We are wheels up at 8 am from Jackson/Westover. Call me if you have any questions. No temp tower tomorrow. On Saturday the temp tower is on the unicom frequency. Lake Taco here we come.
  8. Here are the Notams for South Lake Tahoe: The runway will be NOTAM'd closed from 1030-1130, 1300-1400 and 1500-1600 (L) on Friday and 0900-0930, 1015-1215, and 1315-1600 on Saturday. For those participating in the airshow there are briefings on both Friday and Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. It is NOT expected that you attend both, but if you can, great. If you are an airshow participant, I need your write up for the announcer. Here is a sample: N6208U N6208U is a 1962 Mooney M20C. 1962 was the first year that the M20C was produced and the last M20C rolled off the assembly line in 1978 making it the longest running model in Mooney history. 08U has just about every modification that is available for an early Mooney including a Rajay Turbocharger that gives this aircraft a service ceiling of 25,000 feet. 08U has been across the country several times and takes us to new and different locations almost weekly. Piloted by Larry and Debby out of W. J. Fox KWJF Lancaster Ca. Dinner is Friday night, usually around 6 or so. The Ambassadors are bringing dessert, and Mooney Airplane Company has made a generous donation so the meal remains complimentary. Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday are also free. Parking: first 12-13 will be on Mooney Row down near the large hangars [where dinner will be]. Those arriving later will most likely be parked on the apron next to Mountain West with tails facing the grass. This is a primo location too! Bring your lawn chairs, prop tags, Mooney hat or shirt. We do have a limited amount of Ambassador shirts for a $10 donation. What a fun time. If you are not going to make it, please email me at: jolielucas@charter.net
  9. Alan, I love the display tag that is now your profile photo. They did a wonderful job. You guys are going to have FUN!
  10. Mitch and I were asked by CalPilots to do a presentation for them at the AOPA Summit in Long Beach. We are going to touch on two important areas: promoting General Aviation to the flying/non-flying public, and as well fighting to save our GA airports. Come and see us! http://www.aopa.org/summit/events-attractions.html
  11. AOPA will consider offering Christmas Cards with a Mooney picture if there is enough interest so if any of the list members are interested please send a message to this link. I chose customer service, then contact us http://www.holidaycardcenter.org/asf
  12. I have some interest already... any others?? Mooney Ambassadors, c/o Jolie Lucas & Mitch Latting, I’m emailing you to let you know that the Key West International Airport (KEYW) in Florida is having their first ever Southernmost Openhouse & Aviation Review (SOAR) on Saturday, February 5th, 2011. It’s being produced by a new 501©3, not for profit called, Friends of the Airport (FOTA). We’re hoping you can help spread the word among your membership via newsletters, magazines, online calendar postings, meetings or conventions, etc. We believe your members would be interested because of the following four reasons: 1. We need static display aircraft with a high “cool” factor. If any of your members are interested in putting their aircraft on display for the day, they can contact us for more details. 2. We have booth spaces available. If any of your members owns an aviation related business and would like to have an exhibitor/vendor display at our event, they can download the forms from our web site. It’s a great opportunity to market to thousands of aviation enthusiasts in one location on one day! 3. Key West in February is a great place to be! If any of your members have never experienced the world class fishing, diving, arts & cultural activities that the Florida Keys has to offer, not to mention the warm water, great February weather, Sloppy Joe’s and Margaritaville, they should consider visiting our event. 4. We need sponsors. If any of your members are from South Florida and would like to get in on the ground floor of this new, annual event by helping us produce SOAR, they can download the forms from our web site or contact us for more details. Soar will include aircraft static displays, aviation exhibitors/vendors, flight opportunities, and tours of the new terminal. Please note SOAR is NOT an air show, NOR is it a fly-in; limited ramp space will not allow it. Our web site is http://monroecofl.virtualtownhall.net/Pages/MonroeCoFL_Airport/soar/SOAR. Or they can email us at info.kwiasoar@yahoo.com. As a way of expressing our gratitude for helping us spread the word about SOAR, we would be happy to include your organization’s tri-fold pamphlet (or standard 3.5” x 11” double sided brochure) in our courtesy display rack for free. Just mail the number you want us to display for you to 177 Star Lane, Key West, FL 33040. It’s a great opportunity to expand your membership among other aviation enthusiasts! Thank you. Neal Carbaugh President, Friends of the Key West International Airport, Inc. 305-879-9306
  13. Lake in the Sky, South Lake Tahoe, August 27th and 28th 2010 We will be airshow participants this year. Complimentary evening meal on Friday August 27th, breakfast and lunch on the 28th. Free admission to all Mooneys who fly in. We will cap at 12 Mooneys on display at Mooney Row. All Mooneys are welcome, and we will have space on the ramp, near Mountain West for any Mooneys who sign up beyond the display cap. Sign ups are first come first served for the 12 display slots. If you would like to be considered for the airshow demonstration, you will need to attend mandatory pilot briefing which is Saturday morning at 9:00. Some of us are staying at the Howard Johnson in Tahoe, rate looks to be about $99 per night. 3489 Lake Tahoe BoulevardSouth Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-8950 (530) 541-4000 Dinner on Friday night is complimentary. Mooney Airplane Company made a generous donation, Mooney Ambassadors are providing dessert. This is a very fun evening, meeting old friends, making new ones, having a good dinner and getting ready for the big day on Saturday. Air Show Performers: Must attend briefing on Saturday morning 9:00 a.m. There is a briefing on Friday morning as well, in case any are here that early. Here are the pilots who RSVP'd on the fly-by Bill Vrastil Larry Berger Kelly Couch Al Sontag Quinn Walton Fernando Torres Mitch Latting Wayne Fischer Jack Burson They wanted a dozen, so you can see we are short. If you would like to participate, just let me know. Beth Triplat will be helping with the Children's activity. We should prepare for about 100 kids. I will bring licorice and bubble gum. We will have a canopy and long table. Bring your chairs! Also remember: prop tags, display materials, Mooney hat or shirt. [We do have Ambassador shirts available by $10 donation] We should be to Tahoe in the morning on Friday. We are looking at parking the first 12-13 planes on Mooney Row. Others will be parked together if possible by Mountain West Aviation, possibly with tails in the grass on the north side. It will be super to have a couple rows of the best airplanes in the world. Jolie Lucas: Jolielucas@charter.net
  14. Colorado Sport International Air Show and Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In August 28-29, 2010 Here is the information from Alan Higgins: The Mooney Ambassadors will be getting together at the Rocky Mountain Metro Regional Fly In (RMRFI) and Colorado Sports Aviation Air Show (CASAS) on August 28th and 29t h and invite all Mooney owners to attend. http://www.cosportaviation.org/home.html We have been assigned a premium parking area on the ramp, which will be open to the public, during breaks in the air show. Our parking area is adjacent to the new a/c vendors and the closest to the entry to the ramp. Fly your Mooney in and your general admission to the Air Show is free. The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) will celebrate the official return to flight of its Boeing B-29 Super Fortress FIFI in Denver during the kickoff of its Red, White & Loud tour with Aaron Tippin. FIFI has been fitted with new engines and new passengers seating and they will be offering rides to the public. http://www.cosportaviation.org/b-29fifi.html Besides a first class air show, there will be numerous military and civil aircraft on static display and seminars and forums for pilots. Saturday evening will be spectacular with a twilight air show, Aaron Trippin Concert, Night Time Balloon Flight and Fireworks. This marks the 50th anniversary of Rocky Mountain Airport. Wouldn’t be great if we could have arrange to display the model Mooney was building in 1960 (M20A) next to an Acclaim to show how Mooney's have evolved over the last 50 years, yet retained the essential characteristics that make a Mooney and Mooney? Even neater would be to display all the models in between a M20A and the Acclaim! What a tribute to Al & Art Mooney and the longevity of their design, not to mention, making one tremendous picture. The goals of CSA align well with those of the Mooney Ambassador. CSA is an all-volunteer 501©(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to promote recreational aviation and Inspire the Pilots of Tomorrow. They want to provide opportunities for the public to get up close and personal with General Aviation. If GA is to survive all the forces driving it toward extinction, we need to be proactive in recruiting a new generation of pilots. Please come out and share you passion for your Mooney and flying with the public, while enjoying a great AirShow. If you plan to attend, please sign up at the RMRFI web site http://www.cosportaviation.org/forms/acregistration.html and the Mooney Ambassador's web site http://www.mooneyambassadors.com/20815.html. We need to provide the Airshow with a plane count by August 14th. Pilot Stimulus Package - FREE Pancake Breakfast for the first 100 pilots to fly in to the Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In and register their aircraft! Arrive early and take advantage of the Pilot Stimulus Package! Alan Higgins: h.alan.higgins@gmail.com
  15. The important thing Mr. Hope is that you announce Lake Taco area traffic. I will be listening.
  16. We have wonderful weather in December! Mark your calendars...
  17. The Mooney Ambassadors will be getting together at the Rocky Mountain Metro Regional Fly In (RMRFI) and Colorado Sports Aviation Air Show (CASAS) on August 28th and 29t h and invite all Mooney owners to attend. http://www.cosportaviation.org/home.html We have been assigned a premium parking area on the ramp, which will be open to the public, during breaks in the air show. Our parking area is adjacent to the new a/c vendors and the closest to the entry to the ramp. Fly your Mooney in and your general admission to the Air Show is free. The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) will celebrate the official return to flight of its Boeing B-29 Super Fortress FIFI in Denver during the kickoff of its Red, White & Loud tour with Aaron Tippin. FIFI has been fitted with new engines and new passengers seating and they will be offering rides to the public. http://www.cosportaviation.org/b-29fifi.html Besides a first class air show, there will be numerous military and civil aircraft on static display and seminars and forums for pilots. Saturday evening will be spectacular with a twilight air show, Aaron Trippin Concert, Night Time Balloon Flight and Fireworks. This marks the 50th anniversary of Rocky Mountain Airport. Wouldn’t be great if we could have arrange to display the model Mooney was building in 1960 (M20A) next to an Acclaim to show how Mooney's have evolved over the last 50 years, yet retained the essential characteristics that make a Mooney and Mooney? Even neater would be to display all the models in between a M20A and the Acclaim! What a tribute to Al & Art Mooney and the longevity of their design, not to mention, making one tremendous picture. The goals of CSA align well with those of the Mooney Ambassador. CSA is an all-volunteer 501©(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to promote recreational aviation and Inspire the Pilots of Tomorrow. They want to provide opportunities for the public to get up close and personal with General Aviation. If GA is to survive all the forces driving it toward extinction, we need to be proactive in recruiting a new generation of pilots. Please come out and share you passion for your Mooney and flying with the public, while enjoying a great AirShow. If you plan to attend, please sign up at the RMRFI web site http://www.cosportaviation.org/forms/acregistration.html and the Mooney Ambassador's web site http://www.mooneyambassadors.com/20815.html. We need to provide the Airshow with a plane count by August 14th. Pilot Stimulus Package - FREE Pancake Breakfast for the first 100 pilots to fly in to the Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In and register their aircraft! Arrive early and take advantage of the Pilot Stimulus Package!
  18. Just a quick reminder for those in the Los Angeles area that Mitch and I will be presenting tonight to the Orange County Pilots Association. https://www.ocpilots.org/Web/OCPilots/default.asp It would be lovely to see some familiar faces in the audience!
  19. Please mark your calendar for a December 4th Toys for Tots event to be held at Oceano Airport. This year we will be starting at 10:00 am with arrivals, 12:00 BBQ Lunch by Central Coast Smokers [$15 includes tri-tip, chicken, beans, salad, bread, dessert and beverage] at 1:00 the new unwrapped toys will be received by... the US Marine Corp. 2:00 departures. All aircraft welcome! ACI has just offered a wonderful fuel discount of $.25 per gallon, with a $.25 per gallon donation to Toys for Tots. Let's fill that ramp with airplanes and fill some children's hearts with joy at Christmas. For more information: http://www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com/ L52-Oceano Airport, the Central Coast of California
  20. Hello All The most efficient way of helping Point Person Ron McBride will be to register to attend this event on the Ambassador website: http://mooneyambassadors.com/20815.html This looks to be a great event, supporting a wonderful GA airport. Here is the list of the other events so far for 2010: August 10, 2010 7:00-9:00 p.m. The Mooney Ambassadors will be presenting at the Orange County Pilots Assn. meeting at John Wayne [sNA] on August 10th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The meeting is held at the Airport Administration building and FAA Wings credit will be given. http://www.ocpilots.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?Event=197 Colorado Sport International Air Show and Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In August 28-29, 2010 Mooney Ambassadors will display. This year’s event will also commemorate the 50th anniversary of its venue. The Colorado Sport International Air Show and Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In will be held August 28 & 29, 2010 at the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport in Broomfield, CO. The event will not only celebrate the airport’s history and importance to the community but also provide great family fun and enjoyment for our neighbors in the Denver metro area and throughout the region." Point Person: Alan Higgins Lake in the Sky, South Lake Tahoe, August 27th and 28th 2010 We will be airshow participants this year. Complimentary evening meal on Friday August 27th, breakfast and lunch on the 28th. Free admission to all Mooneys who fly in. We will cap at 12 Mooneys on display. All Mooneys are welcome, and we will have space on the ramp, probably near Mountain West for any Mooneys who sign up beyond the display cap. Sign ups are first come first served for the 12 display slots. If you would like to be considered for the airshow demonstration, you will need to attend mandatory pilot briefings. Elko, Nevada Sky Fair September 11th, 2010 The purpose of Sky Fair is to showcase general aviation at the Elko Regional Airport. So this goal is directly in line with our Mooney Ambassadors mission. It is intended to be educational and fun for the general public who normally do not have access to J.C. Harris field and aircraft. The event will be held on Saturday September 11th, 2010 on the same weekend as the Elko MoRodders Car Show. We will also have pilot goody bags and a fuel discount. Will also do an informal VIP BBQ Friday night the day before the fly in.The event is FREE to the public and goes from 8 AM to 4 PM. Point Person: Randy Powell Edenton, NC Northeastern Regional Airport, September 25 Point Person: Amelia Reiheld sure would love to have a gathering of Mooney Ambassadors there, so all you Mooney drivers, plan to join us in beautiful historic , for a fly-in/community open house at Northeastern Regional Airport. It'll probably run from 10-5 or so. We hope to have area military big-iron, both static and fly-over demos, RC demos, food vendors, free airplane rides, exhibits from charitable flight organizations, etc. Camping and airplane parking are (as always) free, though you'll need to bring your own tie-downs. If camping and fair-food isn't your style, reserve a car with Enterprise, and book a room in one of the wonderful B&Bs in and around Edenton. There are some excellent restaurants, too. If Mama would rather tour the colonial historic sites and shop than talk airplanes, we'll find a ride into town. Mariposa Airport EAA event, September 25, 2010 The Mariposa Airport is a gateway to the beautiful Yosemite area. This fly-in was organized to highlight the importance of this GA airport. Please come and show your support and represent for our company. Point Person: Ron McBride. Livermore, CA. Airport Appreciation Day, October 2nd 2010 This annual event is a crowd pleaser It features static display of local planes, warbirds, homebuilts and factory reps. Point Person: Bob Keller 2010 Cane River Aviation Rendezvous, October 8th-10th, 2010 Natchitoches Regional Airport, Louisiana. A good old fashioned fly-in complete with pancake breakfast, community involvement and a hangar dance with a big band. Point Person: Michael Gusko. http://caneaviation.com/
  21. You know, for a Wednesday, 2000 is great. What an accomplishment. We would love to see photos. You are doing us all very proud. Thank you for your commitment.
  22. You can also sign up to attend on the website. MooneyAmbassadors.com
  23. While I cannot speak to whether VMG is still coming to Westover/Jackson, I can say that I was planning on getting some Ambassadors like we did last year. I have been invited to attend a SSS Super Safety Seminar in San Diego on 9-11, so it looks like I might do that. If there are folks who want to do the Ambassador thing in Jackson, I can help arrange it. Here is the video for last year: We had four Mooneys last year with a canopy and table out front. If anyone can come, let me know and I will help arrange. It is a super fun event.
  24. It was so nice to meet you Ned, and we are happy to have made your "fun" list. I have photos which I will get turned into a video soon!
  25. We had a wonderful time at Airventure 2010 and had the opportunity to talk about promoting general aviation to the flying and non-flying public. As well, nearly everyone we met had heard about Oceano Airport and our fight to keep it an airport. We had two interviews with the flight line announcer. These interviews are live and take place shortly before the scheduled air shows. The flight line speakers stretch a mile and a half down the runway, so we reached a lot of folks. The first interview talked about the Mooney Ambassadors and how we promote general aviation. The second interview focused on Oceano airport and included our airport celebration day and our fly-in movie night. Coming up is our August 10th presentation to the Orange County Pilots Association. https://www.ocpilots.org/Web/OCPilots/default.asp Upcoming at Oceano: Movie Night will be repeated sometime this fall. December 4th Toys for Tots Event. http://friendsofoceanoairport.com/events-at-l52.html If you could help us get the word out as you have in the past, it would be much appreciated!
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