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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. That's the spirit Bob. We just scheduled an event in Louisiana in early October. 2010 Cane River Aviation Rendezvous, October 8th-10th, 2010 Natchitoches Regional Airport, Louisiana. A good old fashioned fly-in complete with pancake breakfast, community involvement and a hangar dance with a big band. Point Person: Michael Gusko. http://caneaviation.com/
  2. Thank you Bob When are you having an Ambassador event in Illinois??
  3. Here is the link for the AOPA Live interview. http://www.aopa.org/aopalive/latest.cfm?watch=RtNzRtMTovdlhwoC1o0QUtzmkTNhN_CO We had a blast at Oshkosh.
  4. Hey Russ Good luck on your event. I put it in the presentation at Oshkosh. I hope you have lots of folks come by your beautiful airplane and get to hear about Mooney Airplanes and general aviation. You are a true Ambassador. Thank you for your commitment.
  5. Many congratulations on your new to you Mooney! We are at AirVenture/Oshkosh, and have been hanging out at the MAPA tent all week. It is so cool to meet those who share the love of a wonderful airplane. I bet you are smiling from ear to ear.
  6. Here is the line up for AOPA Live tomorrow, see attached photo. We feel pretty lucky to be between Tom Poberezny and Dick Rutan! It is also wonderful to see Mooney in there with Cessna, Piper and Terrafugia. http://www.Aopa.org/aopalive should get you there.
  7. We would hate to see you turn to dust Fernando. Mitch will try to get an answer for you!
  8. The photos were just spectacular. It broke nearly in half. We spoke with two eye witnesses. Sounds like a case of over correction of centerline drift, and a stall. Boom. For us, we are having a blast here at Oshkosh. Had 25-30 at dinner last night. Super fun.
  9. The Mooney Ambassadors will be highlighted on AOPA Live TV interview on Thursday at 12:40 p.m. [Oshkosh time!] We are doing a fair amount of press and trying to get the word out about Mooney and promoting general aviation. Check out AOPA.org, you should be able to link to AOPA Live. Horray!
  10. Double posted sorry!
  11. We are looking at options, perhaps Friar Tucks as it is close. We have a rental car, small, but we could help for sure. We are taking our friend to Juneau to get his plane. We have a commitment tomorrow morning with the EAA Announcer, Wayne as we are doing an interview at 11:30 on the flightline. MAPA will be a great place to meet [hope that's okay Trey/Lela!] Everyone is welcome! Let's get together!!! Fernando, I will get photos up as soon as I can. I am taking the camera today. Our forum for the workshop [#2 GAMA] has a great view. I will take some photos of that. We look out over the RVs whose wheel pants are dangerously close to the mud, off to the Fighter planes. This is really something. And to be part of it all is probably a once in a lifetime thing. Chicago concert tonight. Mitch and I are going to try to get on the Kiss-Cam! Maybe we will kiss and make the Mooney Tail sign. Thanks to Eldon for getting us some press while we are here! Go Mooney!
  12. Please let us know the updates. We arrive in Appleton, by commercial air on Sunday morning. Perhaps we will be able to see the mass arrival after all.
  13. Thank you for the updates. We are hoping to bring some of that California sunshine to Oshkosh! Rain or no rain, we are coming!
  14. Oceano California and Jackson Westover California $4.50
  15. Thank you AOPA Ebrief for the mention of my Forbes Wheels Up story. "Mooney Ambassador makes emergency landing!" [or something close to that] http://blogs.forbes.com/wheelsup/2010/07/20/a-mooney-girl-is-born-part-3/
  16. We stayed at a hotel in Mayville our first year. It was about 40 minutes. We kept passing all the fireworks stores. Finally stopped and loaded up. They are the best fireworks....
  17. Hey Mitch, Alan is a Mooney Ambassador...maybe he is trying to bring folks back from the dark side.
  18. I think if it rains we are all going to Scott [sven's] Pop-up camper at scholler! And don't forget the Lt. Dan Band. We are going to be there, and I believe Don Kaye too!
  19. Here is the third installment in the Forbes publication Wheels Up: http://blogs.forbes.com/wheelsup/2010/07/20/a-mooney-girl-is-born-part-3/#more-831 Before you ask, the fourth and final installment on this series will be published sometime next week! I am happy to try to keep our Mooney brand in the public eye, and the way the story ends is a testament to Al and Art's design. All the best See you at Oshkosh! Jolie N6619U
  20. Hi Scott I do think Wings and Wheels is happening at Jackson/Westover KJAQ on September 11th. Last year we had an Ambassador booth and four Mooneys. We may do that again. Look forward to seeing you there.
  21. That was a fun LASAR party wasn't it? The attention to detail from the Loewens, the mister, the gift bags, wonderful lunch and two cakes! Wow. Those folks know how to throw a party that is for sure. The day was about the history of the Loewens and LASAR. I read the history of LASAR that was included in the hand -embroidered gift bag, what a legacy. And to have Paul Loewen, Tom Rouch, Trey Hughes, Don Maxwell and Don Kaye all in the same room. The "Mooney Minds" were all in one place. Paul and Shery were at the helm of West Coast MAPA for over two decades! They had wonderul fly ins and opportunities for those in the Mooney family to get to know one another. [My Mom and Dad flew with West Coast MAPA]. I think all or social flying clubs owe a debt of gratitude for the West Coast MAPA. They started it all. The whole day just reminded me of how small the Mooney-world is really. The Maxwells and Hughes came from Texas, just for the days events....Wow. We are really a great family. Of course no one brought up lean of peak! Now we are on to Oshkosh. Trey and Lela will hitch up the wagon on Thursday. Mitch and I fly out Saturday. I believe Don Kaye is leaving late next week too. Let's all be around the MAPA booth sharing the Mooney love. And if any of you are around on Friday, the 30th, please come to the Ambassador presentation at 2:30 in the Forum II GAMA Pavilion. Safe skies you all, as they say in Texas... PS: every landing I saw was just wonderful!
  22. It is a beautiful California morning, and as Don Maxwell says "we are fixin to leave" for LASAR. I know a bunch of our Mooney Family will be at Lakeport to celebrate the anniversary of two iconic folks, Paul and Shery. Fly safe everyone and see you there. Jolie
  23. I think there are a lot of Mooney owners on Facebook. Mooney Airplane Co has a page, as well asThe Mooney Ambassadors, Mooniacs, MAPA and Mooney Pilots. I think some groups have upwards of 450 members.....
  24. I for one am so happy that your Victor has his speed brakes installed. I am sure that you will get lots of advise and practice. I would also recommend Trey Hughes from MAPA. I seem to remember an article about the use of speed brakes in the past year or so. trey_hughes@sbcglobal.net
  25. What a thrill! Looks so good. Keep those bugs off.
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