That was a fun LASAR party wasn't it? The attention to detail from the Loewens, the mister, the gift bags, wonderful lunch and two cakes! Wow. Those folks know how to throw a party that is for sure. The day was about the history of the Loewens and LASAR.
I read the history of LASAR that was included in the hand -embroidered gift bag, what a legacy. And to have Paul Loewen, Tom Rouch, Trey Hughes, Don Maxwell and Don Kaye all in the same room. The "Mooney Minds" were all in one place.
Paul and Shery were at the helm of West Coast MAPA for over two decades! They had wonderul fly ins and opportunities for those in the Mooney family to get to know one another. [My Mom and Dad flew with West Coast MAPA]. I think all or social flying clubs owe a debt of gratitude for the West Coast MAPA. They started it all.
The whole day just reminded me of how small the Mooney-world is really. The Maxwells and Hughes came from Texas, just for the days events....Wow. We are really a great family. Of course no one brought up lean of peak!
Now we are on to Oshkosh. Trey and Lela will hitch up the wagon on Thursday. Mitch and I fly out Saturday. I believe Don Kaye is leaving late next week too. Let's all be around the MAPA booth sharing the Mooney love. And if any of you are around on Friday, the 30th, please come to the Ambassador presentation at 2:30 in the Forum II GAMA Pavilion.
Safe skies you all, as they say in Texas...
PS: every landing I saw was just wonderful!