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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. Yes, it was a great get-together. Not only for the knowlege, but getting to see everybody, and putting faces to names and avatars. As to the streaming of the sessions; as far as I know, this was a first for Mooney events. I bet it will get a lot better for next year. As to the secret handshake; I have always advocated using real names on MS, but a lot of people seem to disagree. Maybe we all need to make up our own name tags with MS names as well as our own, for wearing to events. If only the weather would cooperate, maybe we could have more of a turn-out. Hope to see everyone and even more at the Summit and next year at MooneyMax.
  2. We missed seeing you guys. Hope you will be able to stream it.
  3. There should be a lot opening up. Apparently a fairly large section of east Texas was without electricity. If it is back on, I would suspect many people are anxious to get back to their houses.
  4. I am going over tomorrow (Wednesday). I volunteered to help with some of the set-up stuff. But I reserved a good while ago, knowing I would go early.
  5. You are ahead of me, Larry. Yesterday I managed to finally get the list of attendees, but I have never been able to get the agenda. I am not a big fan of Whova. Maybe I just need to get one of my grandkids to show me how to use it.
  6. I don't think I am down for a presentation. I am the nominal host for the dinner one night. And I will bring a couple of my wares to peddle, for anyone that might be interested. (Visors and cabin light timer). But you will have to chase me down. I will try not to be hard to find for any of you that haven't met me in person.
  7. Hope to see all of you at MooneyMax.
  8. It is not even necessary to file a flight plan. Around the DFW area I just contact the approach control sector I happen to be in, and request a practice approach to whatever airport I desire. They don't mind at all. Just tell them which approach you want to use, whether you want to land, do a missed or whatever.
  9. Not necessarily true at all. I practiced law in Texas for 35 years, a large part of that doing civil defense litigation. An attorney's client is always his client, no matter who is paying him. I am sure there are unethical and bad people in every profession but in those years, I never saw a lawyer violate his obligation to protect his client first. Some states (like Louisiana, but not Texas) allow suits to be brought directly against the insurance company of the insured, and in those cases, the insurance company is represented as well.
  10. Thanks Greg
  11. I haven't looked extensively, but at first glance, they only list M20M's on the AD. Did I misread it?
  12. Not a good thing and needs repair, but I don't think it will hit or hurt the tire. That door is mounted to the wheel/tire, so they move together. It won't get any closer to the tire than it already is, unless you did a very hard landing and bulged the tire out more. My opinion.
  13. I hesitate to criticize a prebuy inspection. They may have done an excellent job. But I am more concerned about the condition of things not mentioned. As Red Baron says, the most serious thing to check is for structural corrosion. But a gear swing, fuel tank sealant, and other Mooney specific items should be of interest to you. I am not very concerned about the compression numbers. For a Continental, those look pretty good.
  14. Definitely the way to go.
  15. I finally found my (apparently factory) drawings of both the 1 1/2 and 3 inch ones. If these don't come through, let me know.Drawing 720115.pdf
  16. It is my understanding that the pump is the same, but it squirts the fuel in a different place. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. It is my understanding that the factory tapes the stall strips in place, test flys to check the stall characteristics, moves them as necessary and ultimately fixes them in place. I wonder how critical the placement is. Does an 1/8 inch difference in placement make a big difference?
  18. I have been dealing with the MS crowd for a long time, and have found almost all to be responsible. It is terrible you ran across on of the very few who was not.
  19. To start with, you might temporarily run a wire from one of the ground posts on the instrument cluster to a known good ground. If the problem goes away, then go in and check every ground wire you can find.
  20. Check the grounds carefully.
  21. If it had been me, the snake would probably have drowned.
  22. My belief is that most people would have no problem with it. Too many people now have no problem with getting into a car with virtually no anticipation of using their brain or driving ability. They just want to wind up at their destination. Why should it be any different with aviation. Their blind acceptance of technology to take care of all of it for them scares me. I reluctantly admit that AI can do a much better job of many things than humans, but it still hurts me to see so much our existence being lost to technology. I like to drive and take pride in my ability to do. I feel the same way about flying. (And yes, I still lament the fact that my ability to use a slide rule is of zero value)
  23. I have never used just rudder to correct direction of flight. No wonder I am not a good pilot.
  24. I have not sold a bunch of the timers I designed, so I can't say with assurance that they are fool-proof. But they are so simple, I have a hard time believing they would have a longevity problem.
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