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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. d-d-d-d-did you say something?
  2. I have had this SP200 for 20 years or so, and after I checked its batteries today, it refuses to turn on. It is strictly an emergency back-up. I usually only use it if I'm going to the airport to pick someone up, so I can track them with ATC/tower as they arrive. What is the consensus about the best (and cheapest) replacement.
  3. Condensation is a regular problem. Apparently Rochester does not have their seal process good enough. They make these for many applications and might not plan well enough for altitude changes. You might try popping the dial out and placing in some dessicant for a while and see if that takes the condensation out.
  4. Dallas Executive in not too far, and generally not much affected by gulf coast weather stuff. Unfortunately, my hangar is filled up with my plane, but I can buy you lunch, etc. and give you a ride over to Love Field or DFW for a commercial flight back.
  5. I have no knowledge, but I can not imagine why a water pump would need to be "synced" to anything.
  6. They are reputed to "wick" away moisture. Warmer in winter; cooler in summer.
  7. My Mooneyspace disappeared for a short period of time. Very frightening.
  8. I sent him a PM. You have a very sharp eye to see who is on line.
  9. Does anyone here know anything about Patrick Lyons, or where he might be. I have tried all the numbers, emails, etc. I have for him, and I am a little concerned about him.
  10. I don't think I heard. Was he represented by an attorney, of did he prosecute it himself?
  11. Just nosy. What are the ramp looking things on the floor?
  12. The gear warning is widely adjustable. It is not set to MP, but throttle position. There is a micro switch on the throttle cable just behind the panel.
  13. Great job David. This is a wonderful idea for all the early model owners. But I have a few questions. What thickness is the plate you adapted? Are the mounting plates for each visor pretty much mirror images of each other? What did you use for the "collar" (for lack of a better term) that the visor stud screws into? It appears that the mounting screw on the left side of the next to last picture is an existing screw. How about the one on the right side? Did you have to drill a hole for it? Is that an existing tab on the tube it is screwed into? Did you have to drill a hole in the tube for the visor stud to protrude into, or is collar the only support. I assume you had to do some trial and error to get the angles and off-sets for the plate. I don't suppose you could document those angles and off-sets, if someone else wanted to duplicate your effort? How long did it take you to remove and replace the plastic panel that covers the mount? How long do you estimate it would take someone to duplicate these, now that you have done the hard work?
  14. This is disturbing. As most of you know, I sell a few Mooney specific items, and virtually always ship them to my fellow Mooney owners, with the understanding that they will send me the money. I have been doing this for about 20 years and have never been burned. I know it is different when the recipient is getting money rather than a product, but still, it worries me. Do I need to quit thinking of MSers as almost family and start requiring payment before I ship stuff to you guys.
  15. I would like to meet, have lunch, etc. Just let me know when you will be here.
  16. bcg, I think you are about to put me out of the tow making business. I have about as much in parts and materials in mine, as yours cost. I am not complaining. I think you have a better product for the price, or maybe at any price. Mine have a couple of advantages, but yours have more, especially in the portability. Congratulations on a good design.
  17. Is it saying that it is wired into the plane, unless you buy the 30 minute installation kit, and in that case it is not wire in, but battery operated. I assume in each case the height sensor is permanently mounted, so it has to be installed by an A&P. Thus an STC, or minor modification.
  18. I have never found the cheapos to be any more or less accurate than the good ones.
  19. TerryDubya and gevertex, I sent both of you PMs.
  20. According to my calculations, that figures out to almost 35 mph for his flight. That seems like an awfully good speed to me. Do you think that bird's genes come with proper accounting for good tailwinds.
  21. PM sent
  22. PM sent
  23. Lance, Did your schedule get sorted out enough to see about coming up and picking up the MAPA Logs, etc. ?
  24. I have the factory bar with a slightly off-set angle and it dumped me on my rear once. So I built one that does not do it.
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