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DonMuncy last won the day on March 6

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About DonMuncy

  • Birthday 07/02/1938

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  • Location
    Dallas (Dallas Executive - RBD)
  • Reg #
  • Model
    M20K (1982 231)
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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. No, but I have tools I got in 1955
  2. I still do. Tells you something about me.
  3. How do you put it on an remove it.
  4. I used some translucent plastic sheet for that purpose.
  5. If you use clear (scotch) tape, it gives the same view as being in a cloud.
  6. That is why I asked. I didn't figure anyone (at least anyone with good sense) would just push the throttle to the firewall and leave it.
  7. Does full power mean full throttle movement? Does the MP ever go above 42 inches?
  8. 231s have a bad reputation for not making it to TBO. I am not sure whether they will or won't, but I do firmly believe that most of them will do far better than the reputation. Mine had about 4 cylinder replacements before I got it, and on bad advice, one after I got it. This was before I figured out what was going on. All of them were "for low compression". If you follow Continental's recommendations, when you get a low compression reading, fly it a few hours and recheck it. In virtually all cases, the compression will read different. Also, turbo Continentals are ripe for engine temperature mismanagement. If you push the throttle full forward for take-off and leave it there, you will get in trouble. Turbo Continentals are not difficult to take care of, but you have to watch your P's and Q's.
  9. I am at RBD in Dallas. I will be glad to have you sit in my plane, when you are in my area.
  10. DonMuncy


    People like Grainger or Mcmaster sell collars in most sizes, that can be used for safety clamps on Jacks.
  11. Already eaten there. Food is good, if not wonderful. Prices are only a little high. Probably much in line with other airport restaurants. Overall, not a bad experience.
  12. I should have guessed as much. Thanks.
  13. C'mon, don't make us read a dozen technical bulletins How often do they say to do capacity checks?
  14. With that neat an operation and production line, why is there still such a terrible wait time for a new engine. Or am I misinformed.
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