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DonMuncy last won the day on March 6

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About DonMuncy

  • Birthday 07/02/1938

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    Dallas (Dallas Executive - RBD)
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    M20K (1982 231)
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  1. It was great getting to see so many MS folks at Mooneymax. I'm sorry the weather did not cooperate so more could have come. The program was great.
  2. You need one of my timers. If you have (leave) the cabin light on and then turn off the master switch, the light will stay on for 10 to 12 minutes and turn off automatically.
  3. If it was a Continental, it is most likely a slightly too lean an idle mixture. Easy tweak for a Mooney A&P, or a mildly talented hangar elf.
  4. But if you screw it up, you can always let your A&P fix it. You would have to be pretty dense to take wires off a circuit breaker and not be able to put them back onto an identical circuit breaker.
  5. I have a 3 blade MT on my K model, and taking the cowl on and off by myself is only a little bit more of a PIA than the 2 blade.
  6. OK guys. How many EFBs are out there; how do they compare to Foreflight or FlyQ; what are the annual costs; do they offer a lifetime subscription; and if you use it, do you like it.
  7. I just got notice from Seattle Avionics that they are changing their policy regarding my "lifetime subscription" to FlyQ . (In case you are unaware, it is an EFB similar to Foreflight) They are making a bunch of updates and improvements to their product. It is now going to be EFB 7.0. I can upgrade to their new program and they will give me one month free, and then a "one time" 25% discount on a year subscription. Or if I don't want to upgrade, they will give me a year of the "6.9.1", at which time, it will be "sunset". I take that to mean that after a year, I get nothing. So much for Lifetime. And this comes right after (a month or two ago) they notified me of an upgrade to 6.9.1. My old IPad mini was not compatible with this latest upgrade, so I just bought a new IPad mini. I had never used my old IPad for anything but flying, and planned on using the new one the same way. It would be a little easier to stomach if they apologized for their inability to continue to honor their commitment because of business economic realities, but there was not a hint of an apology. I think I will have to take another look to see about the differences between the products and prices of FlyQ and Foreflight, and lean toward Foreflight, because they haven't screwed me over (at least not yet).
  8. d-d-d-d-did you say something?
  9. I have had this SP200 for 20 years or so, and after I checked its batteries today, it refuses to turn on. It is strictly an emergency back-up. I usually only use it if I'm going to the airport to pick someone up, so I can track them with ATC/tower as they arrive. What is the consensus about the best (and cheapest) replacement.
  10. Condensation is a regular problem. Apparently Rochester does not have their seal process good enough. They make these for many applications and might not plan well enough for altitude changes. You might try popping the dial out and placing in some dessicant for a while and see if that takes the condensation out.
  11. Dallas Executive in not too far, and generally not much affected by gulf coast weather stuff. Unfortunately, my hangar is filled up with my plane, but I can buy you lunch, etc. and give you a ride over to Love Field or DFW for a commercial flight back.
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