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Everything posted by mooniac58

  1. I just added .stl and .zip as accepted file types. Hope that helps!
  2. Safari is always a problematic browser for many sites. I told my wife to ditch that for Chrome years ago and she's never looked back. Doing tech support for websites for many years that was always one of my first questions "what browser are you using?" and if "Safari" was the answer I would have them try Chrome or any Mozilla based browser and almost always it fixed quirky type things with sites.
  3. I did an update/patch to the site software yesterday and today started seeing some odd things. I did a cache flush on the forum system and it seems to have fixed the odd things I was seeing. Hope this helps with the other odd things you all are seeing! Craig
  4. Well, I'm not going to do this in an open forum. It can be discussed via email as I stated before. This is a private forum system in which myself and the community decide the rules. This topic is being locked.
  5. Please contact me via the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the site. I am not even sure which account you are referring to that is banned.
  6. While this topic was stated by some kind of bot, I banned the user and kept the topic alive since it sparked some good conversation!
  7. Actually it is a 100 simultaneous connections to the database server. So the forum software (IPBoard) probably only when the site gets really busy seems to be trying to use too many connections to the database. I am trying to work on this within the limits I have. Hopefully with some database optimizations I can improve the situation.
  8. I created a support ticket with our hosting company this morning but still have not heard anything back. I think they need to increase some connection settings on our server to fix the problem. I hope to hear something by tomorrow.
  9. Hi Jack, I don't see any PayPal donations coming through from you yet. This is the link that should work: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5H8SDFJXEX6U2 Feel free to message me here on the site or email using the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
  10. To clear things up - no it is NOT cool to post anything on a persons classified listing except for questions or comments about the item for sale. You are not allowed to post trying to promote your own item - you need to start your own topic for that.
  11. Given that I would go Mooney. The C182 has great useful load but if you are only flying 3 people you should be just fine in a Mooney with w&b. I would make sure you get one with a turbo though because of the altitudes and high summer temps out here. There are summer days where the density altitude in KSAF is 10,000+. A Cessna 182 is like a good reliable station wagon and the Mooney is more like a Ferrari
  12. Hi KC! Yeah I actually live here in Santa Fe, for the last 13 years at least. Unfortunately I no longer own a Mooney or any airplane for that matter I wish I knew a Mooney owner here as I would try to connect you. I never really go out to the airport anymore to know who is around these days. If I happen to bump into anyone around here with a Mooney I will let you know though! Craig
  13. Actually I don't control the ads on the page. I use a Google "auto ads" system that after I drop one line of code on the site it does all of the ad layout. I use this because the advertising system build into this forum is pretty weakI have not logged into their system in a while so I will check in to see if perhaps they have added some control settings there.
  14. Yeah if one is seeing a paywall on this site then you are probably getting that from some kind of malware on your system. We don't have any such paywall and the donation system we have should not be a surprise since is has been unchanged in 13+ years.
  15. That pretty much sums it up. I had to sell the Malibu some 4 or so years ago though. I currently don't own/fly anything because I cannot afford to. The moment I can afford such a thing I will be diving back in - more than likely into another Mooney The Malibu was an amazing ship but one needs to have some serious income to keep one of those in the air. Safe flying everyone!
  16. You can email me via the Contact Us link on the bottom of the site.
  17. Click on your profile name at the top right then "Manage Followed Content"
  18. I think the closest thing we would have is to use the "follow" option on the content. This makes it like a favorite and you can get email updates on that topic, etc. You can also pull up a list of your followed content from your profile for quick access.
  19. I am not finding this donation anywhere. Could you please contact me at using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the website?
  20. We had to stop video attachments. We don't have the storage capacity with our hosting. The only option is to use YouTube or some other video platform and embed the video in your post. Our hosting plan is 250GB for the entire site and most video files are multiple GB on their own.
  21. You can report it. Same as posts...the "three dots" at the right of the message should have a report option.
  22. Hello all, I figured I should update the 7 year old topic regarding donations to Mooneyspace and how to upgrade your membership to "Supporter" status since there has been some confusion regarding this shared with me lately. Anyone that makes a donation of $10 or more will get Supporter status on the site for 12 months. While $10 is the minimum more is always appreciated! The average donation is $25 which seems to support the site nicely. In the past year we upgraded the hosting package to a dedicated virtual server at a 400% increase in hosting costs and the forum software we use has raised their subscription pricing many times over the years. However, we have kept the same $10 minimum donation since 2009. Supporter level will give you: No ads on the website - note that you will still see ads when using Tapatalk as that is separate software from our forums. Ability to post in our classified sections to list personal aircraft/parts/items for sale. Note that this is *only* for personal items and we do not allow businesses to use the forums as a sales platform. 5x Increased storage space for uploads such as attachments in your posts (1GB vs 200MB) To donate you can use THIS LINK. If you wish to mail a check or if the link does not work please send me a message on the site for my address or direct PayPal email address. I would like to give a BIG thanks to all of the members here that have supported Mooneyspace over the past 13+ years. It would never have been possible without YOU! Craig
  23. Yes, that is the link. Thanks! Craig
  24. Texas forum here: https://mooneyspace.com/forum/44-texas-mooney-flyers/
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