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  1. Definitely need to include both inside and outside mix. I would also have a camera focused more closely on the map so the viewer can following along. I’m sure you already know you need to find a way to eliminate the load buzz in the audio. We watch a lot of YouTube videos and the ones we enjoy most show the outside more than the instruments and then a narration by the videographer including interesting information about the flight and the plane, along with the radio work. Keep it up!
  2. Dang - not what one wants to see in those pics! Hope the OH goes quickly and well.
  3. POH for my 1977 show below 135 kts. Serial #253
  4. I have the mini 6 with 256gb. I run both ForeFlight and Garmin Pilot and still have 174gb available. Can’t imagine filling it for quite sometime. I also use the Apple Pencil and love it.
  5. This didn’t happen without pictures
  6. Only thing I was thinking she could have done is told her dad to go to sterile cockpit - he was telling her what to do and seemed to cause a lot more stress than was necessary.
  7. You got your extra bladders installed? If so mind me asking total cost - you can PM if you like. May be an investment down the line….
  8. Careful here everyone - I received the following from someone who is not ZuluZulu:
  9. I’d take the glare shield light assembly - sent a PM
  10. In the MicroKit instructions, it actually says a breaker or a switched input in the audio panel. I connected mine to the unused switchable ADF (which I’m relabeled as LHS) on my 450b. Works like a charm. And for what it’s worth, I installed (under supervision) the entire unit myself in about 5 hours - would have been shorter but this was the first time I had removed side panels and glareshield. It’s really not a difficult job.
  11. They are tough to find right now - took me 8 months, hopefully things have loosened up. Best of luck.
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