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    UltraMagic M56C

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  1. If you don’t own assets, there’s nothing to protect.
  2. Doesn’t take a genius level financial planner to protect your assets. You shouldn’t have homes, cars or airplanes owned personally. All of my assets are owned by trusts or limited partnerships.
  3. 34 flights in less than 3 months and once each month flies from Burlington VT to Spruce Creek Fl with one fuel stop. Almost 8 hours. Dudes my hero. I suggest a nap during the 4 plus hour leg…
  4. I don’t think anything I said was untrue. Certainly anything can sell at whatever a buyer is willing to pay. my comment was not aimed at the OP.
  5. Outstanding!
  6. Strange knowledge from MS. So I grabbed a random cap and pulled the button off then pull out the metal rivet. No button. But when I showed my wife she asked why I removed the button from her favorite cap? grabbed 3 of definitely my caps and did all 3. Last 2 I used wire cutters to clip the button off. Think that is easier. I never did like those buttons…
  7. @OSUAV8TERYou should put together a package deal for all the lights.
  8. I’d do this as 1st line of rodent defense..
  9. It’s a fabulous looking bird!
  10. Jimmy G discusses over upgrading older Js. I don’t think anyone is likely to pay anything close to 200k for a 78. Jimmy’s base for a 78 is 100k. There’s a 95 on controller with gnc500 AP plus other upgrades for 225k. It’s been there for 2 months.
  11. This would probably be a good template. Found on Beech Talk. bonanza-annual-inspection.pdf
  12. There were 2 that fit that category for me. @bmcconnahaand James Frank. I would have bought either is my medical was complete. As far as a Prebuy, I’d invite a few MSers to come for a plane party. Inspect for corrosion make sure everything worked. I guess we’d need an A&P to keep us out of trouble. Catering would be good money spent.
  13. I ran into your video flying from Panama to Liberia. Impressive flight and butt puckering landing. Great job.
  14. Essentially what has happened is the fed just nationalized the banking industry. you could eliminate much of the banking problem if the management and directors were held liable for malfeasance. long term we should be terrified because the fed and beyond the fed, the world bank, is leading us to digital currency. Digital currencies will give “them” ultimate control over how we spend our money. All about control.
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