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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Why not include 252 and Encore?
  2. @AH-1 Cobra Pilot makes switch covers for ETA and Klixon switches.
  3. Oil. Most states have standards about no sheen on the water. And radials LEAK. And this airplane has Wright engines. The old timers say never attempt to fly a Wright engine that is not leaking oil. It means it is empty.
  4. That would be needed for members of Congress.
  5. They are boxy but they're safe. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099316/
  6. I have a WX500 that displays in my 750. Love the added real time info. Mooney used to offer a wing leading edge mounted radar. Not the best performance. A pod would be better, but more drag.
  7. I have flown IMC on the wing where all I could see with the glow of the strobe of leads wing tip. And I can't swear that I really had 3 foot wingtip separation. Might have been a BIT closer. I would not want to try IMC formation in a helicopter.
  8. Hmm, maybe off the beaten path. Get a 182 now. It will carry 2 adults and 3 children with one of them very small. See how things go. You might find yourself more traveling with 4 people, especially as older one gets into teens. Or the Cherokee 6/Saratoga or C-206. But longer term, as the kids grow up, it will more the two of you visiting the kids, so plan on your Mooney later in life. After years of slogging it out, the Mooney speed will be refreshing. But I agree, you need to decide if you want to buy a plane to fly or to upgrade. And looking at the responses, you are low on avionics. I was at the top end of that range, and already had the 650Xi and G-5 for backup.
  9. I have heard that as TKS fluid ages, it becomes acidic and corrosive. It is pretty much alcohol and ethylene glycol (car antifreeze).
  10. I had some interactions with a DOJ lawyer about FTCA. And basically, if you are working within the scope of your job, you are not personally liable. And since almost every job description includes "other duties as assigned," as long as you are within what you were told to do, you are covered.
  11. M20J Avionics are original with addition of a 430
  12. I found them to not be annoying. And we would be at the tone for long periods. Especially when air to air training. Just checked, and I misremembered (or they changed after I flew it). Now the steady tone is 2 AOA units before stall and chopped tone is 1 AOA unit before stall. Steady tone is max performance.
  13. The Windblade kit for $300 includes a power converter from 24 volts to 12 volts. Plus the cannulas. Pure Medical sells a kit of 10 cannulas and two splitters for $50, shipping included. You have to contact them for the link. I just ordered a kit and will update when I get it. I have built in O2 plus the concentrator. I use a Mountain High O2D2 with my built in system. So far, my tank has gotten filled once per year at annual. And anything over 2 hours, I am in the teens. I normally run the O2D2 at N5 setting, so it starts feeding a bit of O2 at 5000 feet, and increases as I got higher. I have run the concentrator with two people at 14,000 feet. I wear a Wellbue ring pulse oximeter. I got a couple of buzzes from the ring, but a couple of deeper breaths and I was fine. This was on a 7 hour flight to TX for a Mooney Pilot Proficiency Program. And I am older and have some issues so my sats are sea level are not what they used to be. Above 14,000, I run one person on the concentrator and I use the built in system. I seldom fly with more than one other person, but may do so in a couple of months. I may try two people at above 14 on it, with me on the built in system. I just saw a report on BT that people have been OK with 2 people at 15,000.
  14. Is that the plane that had the different sealant? Again, unless we know what paint system was used when it was last painted, we may be comparing apples with beef. No, that does not help those with issues, but it can lead to a better understanding of what is going on.
  15. Since my plane carries 104 gallons, that would be 3.6 hours with reserve. 250 indicated at 18000 on a standard day is 330 KTAS. So right around 1000 mile range. Except with turbines, Vne is reduced to the top of the green, so only 174, giving a TAS of 230. Also, I understand that the small Allison/Rolls is not great a high altitudes, so might actually work fairly well. And yes, cost would be a HUGE factor. But so would the cool factor. The Silver Eagle uses that engine. From AOPA article: "Best speed versus economy for the Silver Eagle comes in the mid-to-upper teens, where owners report speeds of 195 to 210 KTAS (Vne is 167 knots, added by me) on 20 to 24 gallons per hour, depending on altitude and temperature. Above FL200, the repurposed helicopter engine loses power precipitously. In fact, nearing the P210’s service ceiling of FL230, the piston version is faster than the turbine."
  16. No, this is a good landing. "A good landing is one you can walk away from. A GREAT landing is one where you can reuse the airplane." So it was a good one.
  17. We only used close formation for the traffic pattern and IMC. As soon as we left the ATA (a while ago) we went to tactical spread of 3000 - 5000 feet lateral. In the A-10, we were about level with lead.
  18. That does not jive with the Federal Tort Claims Act.
  19. That could also be an issue. But I am betting on the primer.
  20. Fuel does not evaporate that much in tanks. Think of the planes that sat for over 10 years and the tanks still had fuel. If you had a tank with 10 gallons of G100UL and it evaporated down to that part that does not evaporate, and you filled it with 10 more gallons, the resulting fuel would have twice as much of that chemical that did not evaporate in it. But if you ran that tank dry, it would have what? A cup of fuel or less? So even after evaporation, minimal change.
  21. This is what I said after your first video. It appeared that the failure was at the primer layer. And also, I was saying that it seemed to be an issue with low volatility components concentrating. What would be good now it to test using your methods some parts over various primers and top coats, where the actually product used for each layer is known. My suspicions are that single part primers are the issue and why some airplanes have paint issues, and others (like the AOPA Baron) do not, even with leaks.
  22. I also recommend talking to both Jimmy Garrison (I bought my plane through him) and Richard Simile. Best is to get the plane closest to your desires over all. Both for price and for downtime. You don't want to buy a plane and the first two years you can't fly it due to the work being done. Your price for avionics is about right. But will likely creep up a bit. But I recommend you fly with what ever you have and read the threads here on what other people did. Others commented on the paint price. Interior redo is from maybe $5 for the carpet and sear upholstery to do it yourself, to about $12,000 for shop installed Airtex with plastic repair and painting, to $15,000 or more for a custom shop redo. Gold standard is Aero Comfort, and they are $18,000 not including removal, shipping to/from and reinstall. They no longer offer these services, but when they did, the total was around $25,000. FYI, your price for a reman is actually about half that actual cost, and a bit low for an overhaul. A reman comes with a new logbook and serial number and 0 hours. So, if you got a plane for free, you are looking at $80,000 for factory reman, $30,000 for paint, $15,000 for interior, $100,000 for avionics, so you have a sweet ride, but have over $225,000 in the plane. Assuming nothing else needs to be done. And, this is a plane you are going to outgrow with your family quite quickly.
  23. All points of why I have both SXM and ADSB. And if they get a reasonable pricing and maybe a small antenna, I would love to have StarLink onboard.
  24. On my Mooney, I went with integrated Garmin EIS. But even now, I prefer the display of the JPI (had an 830 in the plane before). But the Garmin is fine. For my CAP-10, since several instruments were questionable, I wanted a digital primary. After discussions with my A&P he is installing a Garmin GI-275. Which is another option for Mooneys. Nice thing is it fits in the space of a standard 3 1/8 cutout. The JPIs fit in the hole, but the box and display are larger.
  25. FYI, you can convert a 252 to Encore specs. And get the GW increase. My 252 has 1060 useful load. You change engine from -MB to -SB. This consists of changing from 36"/2700 RPM to 39"/2600. I am not sure is any parts need to be changed or just adjusted. for my airplane they replaced the engine with Factory Reman -SB. You change the brakes to the duel puck brakes of the long bodies. You replace the balance weight on the control surfaces. Paperwork and you are done. When I was looking to buy a 252, the estimate was about $15,000 for the conversion
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