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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Thanks. I called, he was not at his desk, so I emailed.
  2. This is short term situation. In a year or two, I hope to do G3X/GFC500 or similar.
  3. People I know that have it have good speeds. And the system is not static, they keep launching satellites by the several dozen.
  4. Thanks. I understand that. I am asking what Mooney used in the 252. I can set it at 3000 RPM and have all the inspection intervals increase.
  5. OK Yes, and with a fixed pitch prop, to turn it X RPM requires Y power. That is fixed. So RPM tells you power. With constant speed prop, the same RPM can be different pitches, so we don't have that relationship. If we had a prop pitch indicator, we could infer power from RPM and Pitch.
  6. BTW, if you read John Deakin's Pelican's Perch Articles on LOP operation, he also talks about increasing the throttle (if not WOT) to recover the % power when operating LOP. Yes, but that is part of the comparison. It is not 1 to 1. So going from 2000 RPM to 2500 RPM is not exactly a 25% increase in power. But it is a specific increase in power that is repeatable. Interesting. But drag increases as the square of the speed. So as you go one increment faster, it takes more power to do another increment faster.
  7. Yes. Too new with plane to have settled in. But, as installed, there is some RPM that the Tach time equals the actual time. With mechanical tachs there are standard numbers. Some of which are not normal cruising RPMS, like 2333.
  8. Jimmy's value guide is listed in Mooney Flyer (online Mooney Magazine). There is also VREF. Either get a subscription or see if someone will run a value for you. Also, look at Trade a Plane and Controller and even Barnstormers for current planes for sale to compare.
  9. What is the RPM where the Tach Time equals real time? M20K 252. Having a JPI 830 installed and have to set that number. It would be nice if it showed the same as the installed hour meter.
  10. I went with Mini for my Mooney because of yoke space, and in the Mooney you are closer to the yoke than other aircraft.
  11. Elon should consider a aviation side. Both for GA and commercial. It would be nice to have internet on board. LOTS of possibilities. Like real time download of black box info, so no searching for them after a crash.
  12. Speed is proportional the square of the power. Mainly because of drag. With a fixed pitch prop, the power is proportional to RPM. But on a constant speed prop, you need a combination of RPM and Manifold Pressure to determine power. One thing people are missing about running LOP is, you need to run a higher MP for the same power setting. On the link below you will see power settings for an Aerostar where both engines are producing the same power, one ROP, one LOP. We know the power is the same, because there is no yaw from differential power. And you will see the same RPM, but 3" higher MP on the LOP engine. https://gami.com/articles/baconsbonus.php
  13. BMW looked a hybrid M3 a number of years ago. Not a Prius like one, but a KERS like one. Controlled by the drivers foot, and supplying an additional 70 HP for hard acceleration only. I would have bought that, and be happy telling everyone that I drove a Hybrid. One Top Gear, the star they had one was a car guy. When asked if he had a Prius, he said of course, it is required in Hollywood. He drove his home from the dealer and then it sat in his garage. He NEVER drove it, but could honestly answer, "Of course I have a Prius."
  14. Thanks to everyone.
  15. KERS does curb emissions, as it provides power without burning fuel. It recovers most of the energy from regenerative braking. Another source of power is from the rotation of the turbo. KERS is not only a push to pass. It is used all the time, but at a lower discharge rate. The driver can override that for a short period of time, but doing so depletes the battery, so the next lap is at a lower total power.
  16. Does anyone have these for M20K 252?
  17. Get a Mini. I use a full sized iPad when flying CAP 182s, but use a Mini in my Mooney.
  18. Great Lakes have the tip lenses for my 252 at $274 each.
  19. There are several different ones in the download section here.
  20. Pictures of current panel
  21. That is what I was remembering. If I have to keep the altimeter, we may move the altimeter to under the JPI and the CDI to where the Alt was, move the StormScope over. This will cover the top part of the altimeter with the JPI. The other option would be to move the alt to the right panel (nothing there) and move the CDI and StormScope over. Or get rid of the 297.
  22. 1) Maybe that is not the actual cost of the additive. So it doesn't cost that much to include it. 2) As someone mentioned, since the additive is mandatory for some engines, there is a built in market even if the oil is slightly more expensive. And some who don't have to use it, like the idea of having it, just in case. 3) The company decided that people would not pay extra for the better additive package. And yes, sometimes the logic does not track. Like in the 60s, the car companies not adding a safety feature, as it would cost 50 cents per car, which would be MILLIONS per year.
  23. Does the King KAP-150 with KAS-297B need the analog altimeter? From some other discussions, I think it might? Trying to get room to replace JPI 700 with 830. Any clever ideas?
  24. Aircraft Spruce carries a Tempest Oil Filter Media cutter https://www.aircraftspruce.com/pages/fb/maintenance_oilfiltercutters/tempestOilCutter.php
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