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  1. All you need is a nutcase who insists on succeeding despite the unfavorable odds. There are not many of them around. Occasionally one appears, and the result is an Austro or ..... G100UL.
  2. If it feels difficult pushing up 30 degrees, it's probably the envelope protection trying to push the nose down to normal attitude
  3. I have a feeling you didn't mean in one flight, but if you did, where do I send you the congratulatory case of beer?
  4. Funny story: you need to know your systems. I didn't know that the overhead vents don't pass through the heat exchanger. That ignorance was rewarded with a memorable flight
  5. The problem with these threads is that I tend to discover that I actually don't know anything...:) When flight planning, do you actually look at OAT to figure out what climb performance you can expect at flight levels? Or do you reliably see the same performance at FL200? Or is the performance difference not significant for flight planning purposes?
  6. There are two factors that would be an improvement I think. First is that, an algorithm would pick up a condition sooner than an eye scan would, and offer a suggestion quicker than a trained person can reason out the situation. Second, the annunciator could be made to be drastically different from normal display. Think about the old school warning light. Quite effective when it comes on, compared to picking up changes in a somewhat busy display.
  7. We have nice engine monitors. What is preventing the software from annunciating abnormal conditions? Is it regulation or lack of demand/ROI?
  8. I'm prepared to bet a quart of oil that you haven't encountered these in your flying
  9. Neat, thanks! have to go read the manuals again.
  10. Thanks!
  11. Looking at your post-it makes me wish: wouldn't it be nice if the g3x had "power setting bugs"?
  12. Haven't seen these before with this wavy pattern. Whole area overcast like this. 1. Are they stratus? 2. Would you say they are benign to fly into?
  13. It sure must cost a pretty penny to operate Jepp. Why would Boeing otherwise sell a unit that has high margins? I'm not defending the prices...just wondering whether it's truly expensive to maintain the data.
  14. Reminds me of this: someone remarked that they should change the safety video in airliners from "in the unlikely event of water landing..." to "in the unlikely event you survive a water landing...."
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