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About Cloudskipper

  • Birthday 09/03/1966

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    Salisbury, MD
  • Reg #
  • Model
    M20J 205
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  1. Beautiful! Congrats Don on creating a beautiful airplane to last a lifetime.
  2. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a00f2c&lat=43.191&lon=-88.732&zoom=13.6&showTrace=2023-06-14&trackLabels&labelsGeom ADS-B exchange shows loss of situational awareness.
  3. Cloudskipper


    It sits a lot.
  4. Mooney M20J Service and Maintenance Manual (#123 December 1998) uploaded to the documents section and here. Have fun. Mooney Service Manuel M20J Vol. 1 of 2.pdf Mooney Service Manuel M20J Vol. 2 of 2.pdf
      • 5
      • Like
      • Thanks
  5. As a 205 owner, I'm curious what settings and altitude do you fly at to get 162-164KTAS on 10-11gal/hr.?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Manual #123, Issued December 1998 File 1 of 2 Airframe File 2 of 2 Electrical
  7. @2wings, Smokey Mountain Aeroplanes did a beautiful repair job on N205MK. Their sheet metal work was meticulous inside and out. DM me if you would like detailed pictures from the pre-buy.
  8. M20D Fixed gear and fixed prop is for sale for $29,500. I suspect the amount you should save on insurance would be greater than the additional fuel burn. https://tulsa.craigslist.org/avo/d/chouteau-1964-mooney-m20/7331887889.html
  9. Isn't biggest competitor for new aircraft manufacturers their own models in the used aircraft market? 74-year-old Bonanzas are regularly for sale, so it's seems like only a matter of time before our grandchildren are flying 100-year-old Mooney's. Robinson Helicopters seem to be the exception to that rule since helicopters have such a high must-replace maintenance cost, and the company is relentlessly focused on keeping costs down.
  10. Not sure about Garmin but foreflight works great with SkyView and the IFD540

    1. Cloudskipper


      WiFi or Bluetooth? 

      Does it work both ways, so you can send ADS-B to the iPad and flight plans you create at home to the airplane?

    2. PilotFun101


      Yes.  I can send my flight plan to the panel and if I change anything on the GPS I can sent that new information to Foreflight.

    3. PilotFun101


      The IFD540 works very good with Dynon as well.  FYI

  11. How good is Foreflight or other EFB integration with the Dynon vs Garmin?
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