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    Walnut Creek, CA
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    Radio control helicopters and airplanes, muscle cars, home automation.
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    Now in KCCR (Concord CA)

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  1. I too need to send out...has anyone identified any other repair stations that can do the work? Thanks Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: http://toointeresting.com/?cat=2
  2. This is really nice and thought out! Thank you for sharing this. This will go along way toward 450 dollar oil changes... Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  3. I've basically forgotten about it...it is one of those things I do not track much. Just to clarify...What I cited above was ALWAYS in GPS mode....I would not expect superimposed visual guidance for anything but in GPS mode. At the time, most of what I used had GPS approaches... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  4. +1 for battery life...I never was too impressed with Mini 6 on this. Not sure they increase size or efficiency on Mini 7? ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  5. Hi Everyone, I finally got around to purchasing a High Boost Switch as my "plastic" came back with broken tabs after a service (still works but its very clunky). Anyway, wanted to ask if people found these easy to switch out or whether they were knuckle busters and better left to the shop to do. Did some searches and turned up nothing so I thought I'd ask. Thoughts? Thank you Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  6. I'm probably going to go ahead and upgrade...my 6 is a bit short on storage! Thank for the legwork Skip! ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  7. Do you guys know for a fact that the 7 will fit in the 6 Yoke mount? It took forever to get my mount for the 6... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  8. Still not clear as file posted above has expired...Anyone know where the board is that supports Low Boost for M20R? I've learned to live w/o it but still do not like broken things and my annual is coming up fast! Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  9. All I can say is WOW! What I could do with an extra 250 lbs...:) ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  10. I am wondering what the typical useful loads are of the M20S? I'm sitting at 958 and have air conditioning and O2.... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  11. Hey Guys, Trying to troubleshoot a master switch issue (switch wont turn off load). I'm looking for 800304 R7. The switch does actuate relays because I can hear it do so but prefer not to spend hours when a schematic can save alot of time. I have a downloaded service manual but mostly see annunciator fuel sensing and a few other (no main ship power distribution/control). Thank you. Freddy
  12. I used to feel that way until I went through one battery very quickly (wow, it did not last long considering its only a few months old!). Peace of mind is almost priceless in my mind!
  13. Wow...that is a tiny alternator! Seems like adding a backup would work! Thank you! Freddy
  14. Hey Everyone, Was wondering if this combination was possible? I think I am finally past my alternator issue but it caused me lots of grey hair and would like a backup solution. I understand the alternator is installed on the accessory pad but I also have an air conditioning compressor there. Those of you that know, please comment! Freddy
  15. I dont have engine parameters other than fuel flow (no temps but no issues at cruise). Yes, I do have air conditioning but almost never need it above 8,000.
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