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Patrick Lyons

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  1. I will do my best to only touch keys that provide positive vibes. Garmin has no fear of crossing the line. This Battery replacement is just another example of behaving like a Corporate bullie in the Sand Box of Aviation !!! Thank you.....those on Mooney Space who shared Freely ... their time and knowledge
  2. Another fan of butyl tubes !! There are lots of "EXAMPLES " of the old Saying.....ONCE YOU'VE TRIED _________ YOU WILL NEVER GO BACK Well , Once you have installed Butyl Tubes I bet you will never go back. Purchased a complete set of Tires and new Butyl Tubes from Dresser at Air Venture 2022. Nothing wrong with the my existing tubes installed when I purchased my Mooney 201 in YEAR 2003. Fact is I had only seen the tubes a few times when I replaced tires. Im not suggesting one should ever neglect tires in your preflight....but you will smile at knowing you seldom if ever have to top off your tires. And a cool suggestion... most markets have a COSTCO store with NITROGEN available .Once you have inflated with NITROGEN you have two bonues. and I had forgotten about the quality of the cooper metal stems and for those who might ask....please do the math ...twenty years on a set of tubes ain't bad. Pat Lyons 201 J
  3. Excellent Idea... I will do a quick intro. I also enjoy cruises and flying and look forward to meeting the faces I see on Mooney space. Been flying a mooney since 1967 an F model currently a 91 201-J. I hit the follow topic button soo please keep me in the planning loop. Patrick Lyons N9135W based at H Houston AXH
  4. Will.iam Thank you for the spontaneous reply and invite to the October 1 meeting. 1. don;t give up on me and the tangerine monkey...are intenions are good but I have a commitment for a granddaughters Soccergame in Illinois that weekend. Yes i will be flying 9135W to Illinois that's what a mooney does so well. Please keep me on the Rooster for future events, again my appreciation for the invite and I hope I can meet You and others at a future event. Sincerly Patrick Lyons
  5. I may be your only OCTAGENERIAN ...Texas Mooney Space member. My 201-J Mooney called the "Tangerine Monkey" N9135W is based at Houston Texas AXH . Please keep me advised of ALL PROGRESS toward a Texas Mooney Flyers group. PM me or email plyons820@yahoo.com Thank you
  6. Carusoam, We DO need a Man in BLUE like You, watching over the Mooney Spacers, thank you !! Yepper, my OIL PRESSURE gauge has been bumping the red line since day one . We checked my pressure with both a digital and analog Systems after new engine install. Ottis Cameron , the JPI representative installed My JPI 830, in 2014. He urged me to include the optional OIL temp and Oil Pressure systems for the JPI 830. The original Mooney Oil gauge in the airplane worked fine .. and the flags went up at install of the New Lycoming causing higher than prior oil pressure. That started the in-depth Conversations with Lycoming, Bendix and Mooney .about the this engine assembly knowingly exceeding oil pressure limits. Full Stop Pat Lyons Again: Thank you for all your help and assistance with our forum.
  7. I visited the Lycoming booth at Airventure ( circa 2018) with videos of my new IO-360A36B AT IDLE, TAKE-OFF AND CRUISE. Spoke with several techs. 1. Lycoming will give you a lengthy dissertation.... summation... pressures bumping into 32 LBS is NOT A Problem. 2. Lycoming is fully aware this condition exists...and if you INSIST on A SOLUTION ...YOU/I " WILL NOT BE SATISFIED" . 3. I wish I could provide you the Techs names and a summation of the 3 mans team's substantiations... for Lycoming's position!!! FYI: . Lycoming is HOLDING THEIR "COME TO WILLIAMSPORT" pay for a seat ..for a week to learn ... April 4--8; 2022. I agree there are other's who are flying with..and provided comments on this high oil pressure and may have shared a better solution than mine.
  8. I Read a lot on Mooney Space and respond infrequently. I am not a youngster will be 8 decades in August of " 22. in excess of 7000 hours P.SEL. & ME turbo w Altitude. Yes, since 1967 in Mooney's also 14 years Turbo Mistsy MU-2. Yes (SFAR 108 ) is stricter than a Type rating.. insurance normally demands refresh annually. Best advice on this topic came from N201MK Turbo. If you encounter ice in a Mooney... please ! " KNOW it was coming " Be advised NOT surprised. Inform ATC immediately. Turn around, then build your plan. Please fly safe, not an instructor .. I am still a student in training...
  9. I am planning to attend 2021 Air Venture. Did I miss the planned Mooney Activities ?? In years past we gathered in a tent ..ate PIZZA , drank beer, and met with faces we only see in print.
  10. Just an FYI about front Seats . At your next annual stand on a normal BR scale with and without the seat. The front articulating seat your holding is very close to 26 pounds. ... if you have taken all the junk out of the seat back pocket. I've tooted MY HORN multiple times on the forum that I frequently have the right front in the hangar. .not soo much for the weight but the convenience. Easier loading and exiting Pax(s) in rear, and pilot. On X country tie a cooler where seat was for me and cheap seats... for cold or hot refreshments. Yes the cooler is just tall enough to be kicked forward before you pull the chute handle for quick exit. YES a frequent flyer made me a brite RED Emergency exit handle for the Top. of the cooler. Its now part of the preflight announcements. PAT
  11. I was not aware that more than One proto of the canopy top single seat Mooney was bult. For those interested ONE was outside at Lakeland, Florida for several years. Is it possible someone purchased it ..or did some other museum acquire it. Perhaps some one knows the details of the number of companies that built a specimen for the MILITARY. i believe the winner of the contract was a central/South American company...But.I am certain the program did not succeed with USA Military ..and No contract was awarded to any other nation. if I can locate them I have a a dozen or more pics of the static display at Lakeland florida. It did have some thicker wing skins than production Mooneys of that period. I was a cool looking bird Pat Lyons single seat light trainer
  12. I HAVE AN ENDORSEMENT AND A REQUEST. FLYING WESTBOUND NEAR PHOENX I agree with with Stephen and Bill 98 using the SOUTHERN ROUTE GOING WESTBOUND TO PHOENIX. ( good example) i make this run in my non turbo 201 approximately 4-5 times per year. Hence experiencing all seasons. CHICAGO area to Southern CA. You will enjoy the better ride quality and seldom compromise mission time using the southern route going either direction. If you Are not an experienced mountain flyer ..fly in the system using IFR BUT NOT IMC UNLESS NECESSARY. REQUESTING PLEASE. IF YOU ARE A PHOENIX AREA RESIDENT... I HAVE BEEN SHOPPING A RENTAL CAR. PHOENIX AREA.... PRICES FOR AREA AIRPORTS ARE UGLY PLEASE EMAIL ME plyons820@YAHOO.COM WITH SUGGESTIONS . IM NOT FUSSY... SMALL, SMALLER OR COMPACT ARRIVE FEBRUARY 13 DEPARTURE FEBRUARY 17 THANK YOU FELLOW TRAVELERS
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