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dzeleski last won the day on September 17

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About dzeleski

  • Birthday 03/31/1992

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    Long Island, NY
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    KISP, 44N

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  1. SIM20-43 (https://mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SIM20-43.pdf) was not followed for that install just as an FYI. The T should be higher up, that should help prevent water going down the actual static line and collecting in the belly.
  2. I actually have a lot of issues with water getting in my static line. My airplane is in a hangar but I fly in weather fairly often. The lines are all ran correctly including the SB the adds the hoop up high. I first notice problems with my AP, it will start to hunt ever so slightly in ALT mode, once that starts to happen I know I need to drain the static lines. But its fairly random on how or when it needs to be done. At this point me and my mechanic think it has something to do with hot and cold cycles forming condensation that eventually builds up. What I do to drain the system is use a small jack and a piece of wood with a paper towel in between the wood and the button for the drain. I very gently jack until the button is pressed and I leave it like that for 20-30 minutes (do not get in the airplane when its like this, so you dont put extra pressure on the button). The paper towel seems to help wick the water out faster then without it and I dont need to sit there holding the button for ages.
  3. Sigh, I have a 0 time engine that was delivered 1/23/2014. I don’t have any of the matching part numbers but I might have to give Triad a call. I always cut the filter open and send out the oil for testing. It’s never reported any brass.
  4. I don’t have any specifics for airplane engines but I can give some for autos. 10 degrees of IAT generally equals about 1% of HP. This isn’t a perfect scale but it’s generally close enough. Engines running a turbo and no intercooler I’ve typically seen run well over 200 degrees and some even more then 300, while that same setup with an intercooler should be around 100 degrees under the same conditions. Most ECUs/tunes will pull timing above 130 or so unless a record is trying to be broken. I don’t know what the charge temps look like on these engines but considering they run at fairly high power settings I’m going to guess that an intercooler is going to make a fairly decent impact in power.
  5. Completely understand. If an owner told me "I self insure, it flies regularly" its no problem. If an owner told me "I stopping flying the airplane and let the insurance lapse, or I ran out of money so I stopped insuring it" I would start to have significant concerns about buying a project rather then a flying airplane. The fact that buying discussions got this far before the owner just casually says "oh btw its not insured" is alarming, to me at least. What else isnt being disclosed? At this point it might be easier just to have an A&P inspect on site and then make a buying decision from that, get insurance for the full year, get a ferry permit, and fly it away if its even in a state where it can fly away.
  6. Parker is 100% the person to ask but I would be asking many questions around why the airplane is not insured. To me thats quite a large red flag.
  7. You should never use glass beads according to Tempest. They actually have a really nice guide: https://aeroaccessories.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Sparkplug-Cleaning-The-Right-Way-081412.pdf
  8. Sorry Have you recently upgraded your software? The latest versions better detect failing hardware. A power cycle might get it back but it will probably fail again. If it makes you feel any better the servo swaps are really quick, I had my airplane back within 24 hours of dropping it off. Call your dealer and have them order all the servos, they might even have some on the shelf. My bill was a total of $0.
  9. Maybe that pilot is out of somewhere that issues LAHSO often and they just defaulted to that? Otherwise yeah kind of a weird reaction.
  10. I have officially canceled my hotel in Tampa. We will be heading down to the Bahamas on Sunday once I call a few places to make sure fuel and the resort are still in good shape. Based on what I already see happening in Tampa, my concern is that things are not going to be fully open or open at all including transit like cabs/uber/lyft. If anyone does end up making it down there I hope everyone has a great time. Will hopefully see you all next time!
  11. I’d be stopping at KCPC regardless. We will see what happens no point in flying down just to get stuck and pay for hotels in a place I don’t wanna be in. It will probably be a last minute decision unfortunately.
  12. I changed my hotel from Wed to Friday. Hopefully we can get down Friday but it’s looking rough. I use this page to track this stuff https://spaghettimodels.com as well as https://www.tropicaltidbits.com We were headed to the Bahamas after the summit so regardless we are still headed down Sunday/Monday.
  13. My 77 doesn’t have that, I have one speed and that’s it. I believe that later POH is from the 205 specifically.
  14. That’s what I was trying to get at. I agree with you, nothing wrong with putting them in at the top of the range.
  15. The early Js have a Vfe of 125mph (108kts) and a Vlo/le of 150mph (130kts). The later Js I believe are even higher than that.
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