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Everything posted by Ibra

  1. Flew to Duxford museum in UK, Which fast aircraft don’t have trim tab and whole tail rotates? Blackbird and Mooney they had an interesting pink Spitfire, she is gorgeous or he is handsome (I checked under the pants, I know what I saw and I won’t disclose any gender) While pink painting is “à la mode” these days, these Spitfires were actually pink in 1940, they flew at dawns and dusks, like pink USS Winslow, Pink Panther and Pink Sherman (not obvious from Black/White WW2 pictures) https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/why-this-world-war-ii-british-fighter-was-painted-pink/
  2. It’s 77 M20J, I was puzzled as well it’s a lot of water, however, it was sitting outside for 8 months and only did 2h, it’s now in a hangar, the owner managed to start and do ground run yesterday, he will investigate with his mechanic Shame it’s not flying that much…
  3. Thanks, I passed the info to my friend (we drained all of it last weekend, however, we have not removed the spark plugs, he needs to act on this urgently)
  4. Does anyone know how to start Mooney (for ground run) if they suspect water in the tanks? I was helping a fellow Mooniac this weekend, we sampled the main tanks and the gascalator and found lot of water in tanks: allmost 1/8 of a gallon ! Aircraft did not start after load of attemps, even on auxiliary power...it's finally, in hangar now and we are giving it a go in two weeks (we did drain all fuel and we plan to refuel it again with pre-heat next time) We are not planning to fly it anytime soon until everything is checked, sadly, that beauty has been sitting for a while under rain and dirt, way too much this year and has too much gremlins...
  5. That may probably explain the selection bias why we don’t hear much about corporate business (while for celebrities it’s part of the show to make a show out of it) Sounds like one should get J3 with no electrical system
  6. I edited, yes they can track with data crunching and spotting as well…
  7. You can have temporary ICAO Hex code via PIA https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/PIA/Application.aspx Obviously, if one can get the temporary hex code and placeholder tail (they bribe someone or do lot of data crunching) they can still track that on ADSb
  8. I understand getting ADSB & ModeS privacy is easier and cheap these days, at least in FAA land, it would cost way more than hiring her lawyer to muddle with the pigs? It's interesting that celebrities jets (pop-star, football, soccer...) make a whole story out of flight tracking, however, when you look at corporate jets they seem to do just fine to keep their sensitive trips under the radar
  9. I gather it’s impossible as these are calculated by operator (airlines, commuters, private pilots) and one can’t distinguish between 2D/3D capabilities unless the glideslope is live and well checked (LOC/ILS mins? GPS or FMS LNAV, L/VNAV, LPV?) One can check altitude with airport QNH against GPS WAAS altitude during vectoring or feeder airway leg (errors are under 50ft) and check any altitude discrepancy against distance at FAF or other fixes, these will flag scenarios like clogged static ports or wrong altimeter setting On something as robust as the glide on ILS or LPV, altimeter errors are of secondary: they won’t matter that much, if the needles are in the middle the aircraft will fly all way to touchdown point anyway (on ILS, one has to take care of false glideslope or irreliable signal, however, these gets flagged by other traffic and from ground speed to vertical speed check) Also, it’s really hard to mess up these days with extra awareness from Synthetic Vision, if HSI/GS is dead in middle while flight path vector is not on threshold something is wrong…I gather, someone flying privately under Part91 can legally look at an iPad with ForeFlight Synthetic-Vision and he is free to cross check QNH altitude versus WAAS altitude (the crew who flew 6ft from 27R at Charles De Gaulle don’t have that luxury, if they were equipped with WAAS, LPV, Synt-Vision…we won’t be having this discussion)
  10. Give it a good 2700rpm & WOT until it screams and burn all the moisture, lead and sulfure, you need to warm up your oil/cylinders past 200F/300F and fly that for while, then you can bring it back to 20/20 LOP cruise What you can’t do is fly it 20/20 all the time, this gets you the same result as people who are doing ground runs instead of flying, that does not get cylinders and oil hot enough and likely more bad for the engine… In any case, flying at 20/20 is better than no flying
  11. Took the kid (and my instructor plus his wife) to see Air Passiom Museum in Angers (LFJR) After a dreadful winter, the sunny weather started to appear along the Loire Valley in France
  12. He beats me to it, there is always number1 for the approach
  13. First flight of the year 2024 was in a friend J3 (Mooney was out for maintenance), the goal was to regain passenger currency after 90 days break, I was even tempted by asking for 6xIFR approaches on my handheld ILS, I settled for one big hole to VFR myself back into the grass runway First flight in Mooney at night after work, the full moon was over the tower (who does not prefer full moon night flights)
  14. Yes it will be great to get a PIREP if G3X+GTN would flag bad QNH that bust DA on LPV Yes barometric altitude is used in augmentation checks before faf and in vnav or vpath en-route, for the latter it’s different as it’s PFD/HSI that emulate difference between target altitude and bugged altitude and sets a descent profile on that like fake glideslope, however, it does not care about correct or wrong setting: VNAV does not flag mixing STD and QNH while in cruise Do you have VPATH guidance with G3X+GTN combo? I recall this works in G500 txi units
  15. Is your Mooney GPS connected to BARO inputs? I recall PA46 G1000xi and SR22 (G5) with G1000Perspective had barometric data, it seems possible in integrated PFD+MFD? I doubt standalone GTN does this, it’s you PFD that gets QNH? it's too "modular" My understanding GTN doesn’t have baro input or encoder altitude input? on GTN/GTX installs for ADSB with RS232, GTX gets altitude from encoder (GAE12) and position from GTN and you can’t send baro altitude to GTN, I doubt GTN is aware of QNH? For sure, GTN can’t handle BARO L/VNAV only SBAS L/VNAV (we tried it in Thailand ), I would be surprised if it’s aware of QNH and I would be interested to know if the warning exist tough? On other other avionics maybe, you have ALTimeter Setting Monitoring (ALTSM) function… https://safetyfirst.airbus.com/use-the-correct-baro-setting-for-approach/
  16. My IA thinks that would work as well
  17. I noticed we have not started this? First flight of the year 2024 was in a friend J3 (Mooney was out for maintenance), the goal was to regain passenger currency after 90 days break, I was even tempted by asking for 6xIFR approaches on my handheld ILS, I settled for one big hole to VFR myself back into the grass runway First flight in Mooney at night after work, the full moon was over the tower (who does not prefer full moon night flights)
  18. Assume one install 2*G5 via STC+337, does installing GAD13 (for OAT, TAS, Wind) require another 337? or logbook entry will do?
  19. Yes that's what I meant, they are useful in case of transition from cruise to approch... I doubt they are useful in landing or flare, they may help with (some tiny) speed-power stability and that’s it However, I don't buy an argument that Mooney speed breaks offer steeper approch? or help to win spot landing challenges? one can get +10deg approch if they can handle slow speeds reduced power and full flaps... - At high speeds in cruise & decent, they do generate parasite drag and are not as limited as gear or flaps - At slow speeds in flare & landing, the whole wing with big flaps acts like airbrak and it's very effective (those small airbraks don't add much) The one in Mooneys don't act like spoilers
  20. Sorry to hear about your leaks and good luck getting the work done ! Anyone know how far is the queue these days for these two shops?
  21. It's possible as explanation: speed control becomes easy by adding drag from airbraks. Arguably, the same can be said about the preference for (unconcious) sideslip versus crab, even in the absence of (meaningful) crosswind and gust: it feels more stable to maintain pitch/speed Yet, I don't think any of this is an excuse or substitution of good speed control on slow approaches, even in clean configuration (gear down though) I was taught to use them during checkout in Ovation and Rocket, however, I simply forget to use them after a while on subsequent flights, I did not notice much difference.... I also expect, any Mooney conversion training to cover good landings without falps and without airbraks (they are electric after all with no emergency extension mechanisms)
  22. It's also used as "primary spin exit tool" in SR20 & SR22 POH, the aircraft was not able to get past spin certification without it... Obviously, it's usage shifted from the "spin department" to the "marketing department" and recently was taken by the "nervous spouse department" and "night/instrument twin department", the rest is just history
  23. I highly doubt they do anything in Mooney (or single engine piston) spins as the speeds are already very slow? they are more useful to protect against high speed dives I just checked their impact on glider stall speed and it's way less than I had imagined (+1.6kts in K21) PS: actually, drag chutes & airbraks are used as last resort in (high speed) flat spins of jets to put the nose down (or maybe they are used as the pilot is hopeless and tried everything)
  24. If you stall it or look at AoA indicator, you will see that the gear and the air-break have zero effect, only the flaps matter
  25. I don’t think they matter at slow speeds in terms of drag, for sure you can takeoff and go-around with airbreak open and gear down ! I don’t recall they change stall speed or flight enveloppe neither? I flew K with these (my J don’t have them), my view they are way more useful when flying turbos really high with busy airspace that is constrained by ATC In J/F they are cool and may have some usefulness I was used to gliders, they were real “spoilers” (of lift), in Mooney, they seem to keep the engine warm...
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