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Everything posted by Ibra

  1. I expect a private seller, aka someone who owns an aircraft, pays for hangar, insurance and airworthiness while not getting any happiness out of it, will accept to play by the book when it comes to PPI (motivated seller with lot of incentives to sell) The financial incentives for an "aeroclub president" (while being "very experienced") are slightly different: likely there is no timelines, no financial skin in the game, zero carry cost and his motivation to sell will be hard to pinpoint...try to buy from someone who did not want to sell...who pretends that he is selling: angry request from partner, aeorclub members vote...good luck
  2. It's normal to fly the aircraft for pre-buy inspection and it's for everyone interests, However, I think some details has to be ironed and agreed in advance of pre-buy, who pays for what? Usually seller is responsible for airworthiness items and buyer for pre-buy or annual, the buyer can walk away for any reason until pre-buy is completed and accepted, however, he put deposit to cover pre-buy inspection fees if deal falls through (if inspector is not paid, the aircraft is stuck in some hangar) The seller has to agree on inspection and repair of any airworthiness items (AD not SB) and can have these done by his mechanic...if there is a disagreement on airworthiness items or anything else everyone's walk away, deal terminates and any deposit - inspection fee is refunded to the buyer. Maybe explaining some of these mechanics, no pun intended, helps... Good luck !
  3. 78-79-78-79 on overhaul, it went down to 74-75-73-74 after one year and 120h on it
  4. Sounds plausible that 2 or 3 did "time out" and still appear as "received", I will see if this persists I will also check if non-W G430 sees that much
  5. I am asking the question as I see more satellites in GTN that I would have expected in Europe (even when I disable SBAS in internal settings), I compared against GalaxyTab that gets everything including Glonass, Gallelio, Egonos, Luch…and other stuff from far east…for sure, GLO is not used (maybe unlikely ), however, it seems that GTN as of today would receive way more than NAVSTAR here in France, 30%-40% more in average, maybe now they pick from EGNOS? and GAL?
  6. Let’s ignore differential correction, it’s clear when and how it’s used in avionics…however, SBAS satellites do provide native PRN that is used for GEO ranging and timing (GPS-like although WAAS satellites do not move much versus azimuth or receiver), this “non-SBAS mode” or “GPS-like mode” is well documented in the specs of satellite used in WAAS and EGNOS, Here are EGNOS specs, GEO PNT non-SBAS mode is part of their specs, https://gssc.esa.int/navipedia/index.php/The_EGNOS_SBAS_Message_Format_Explained I attached WAAS specs from FAA, same is stated in Wikipedia for WAAS… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_Area_Augmentation_System My question was mostly what various avionics do with that ranging signal from WAAS/EGNOS source? do they ignore them and only use correction?
  7. Hi, Unrelated question to Mooneys, I see +18 satellites with 5 “D” on my navigator, this seems a lot? all those worries about RAIM & FDE: make sure satellites > 5 during pre-flight My understanding that WAAS satellites broadcast timing and ranging signal as well as correction and integrity signal: basically acts as extra GNSS satellite to enhance NAVSTAR geometry and signal, see reference bellow Do GNS430 (non-WAAS TSO129) receive this extra GPS-like signal? (it can’t use differential correction from WAAS but what about position from WAAS) Do GTN750xi (WAAS TSO146) receive this extra GPS-like signal? (it internally use differential correction from WAAS but I am not sure about position from WAAS) What about EGNOS? (SBAS in Europe which has same specs as WAAS in US), I looked at Garmin and Avydine docs and it’s clear as mud: they advise that they can’t confirm or deny that receivers get Gallelio signal for position (I get that), they don’t document if they use EGNOS signal for position (no idea) All I know is they uses NAVSTAR for position and EGNOS for correction See, “1.4 WAAS Service Definition” https://www.gps.gov/technical/ps/2008-WAAS-performance-standard.pdf
  8. ELT battery is a ripoff here is a nice video on the topic The thing did not work the only time when I need it…
  9. I am not sure if we have many of these around here? hangar smurfs maybe? Thanks, I missed that one
  10. Hello, Does anyone has the overhaul manual for this beast? https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/airpath_compass4.php AIRPATH C2400 L4VT OVERHEAD COMPASS LIT 12V NORTH Out of curiosity why Southern Hemisphere would result in an expensive compass? I know that our fellow Mooniacs in SA or OZ are used to fly upside down and have their Christmas in the summer, however, I don’t think that justify +11$
  11. According to flight tracking, the aircraft was routed outside airway of ATS route that joins Moscow to StPetersbourg (obviously, it was shot by ground to air missile) PS: one fellow Mooniac is flying his Mooney around world from Argentina, his last message was two weeks ago in StPetersbourg, hope they managed to get away, we have not heard any news yet !
  12. “Caution prop wash” you could get an airliner Captain momentarily lose his brain for few seconds using that instruction, skip to 1:00
  13. Mt St Michel (France) and Sail Ships festival in Granville (LFRF airport)
  14. C152 flown with conventional single needle in bumpy low IMC conditions, no GPS, no AP add load of crosswind, rain showers with water leaking cockpit…anything else is relatively easy, smooth, or both
  15. Got it, I will make sure that part, if it exist, keeps leaking No speed-breaks, thanks for the info With co-owner we are thinking of an excuse to come to US in next years to bring Mooney for quick trip to home country, then get tanks re-done in Minnesota or Florida !
  16. Beautiful…I am not sure if it’s the right word for such misshape, the pilot made one of the smoothest touchdowns !
  17. Had anyone sealed their tanks with Monroy Long range extended tanks, how does the process on 98USG extended fuel tanks would compare in terms of costs & complexity versus doing same work on standard 64USG fuel tanks? Anything to watch near the junction between main tank & auxiliary tank? Thanks,
  18. Used to be G-reg & D-reg before it went N-tail So she kept her “colours”, ahem accent
  19. how about “sectional”
  20. My current J is “SpeedBird” (colours mainly that radio callsign is reserved to British Airways), my previous J was “TheBluePeril” (nickname from my gliding club, I think they did not appreciate the noise levels on my visits)
  21. Good you found something that please you ! I flew with a friend in his Glasair3 from Zurich (Switzerland) to LaRochelle (France), however, unlike US, in Europe having one means crossing country borders with a pile of paperwork, especially under IFR, it had an impressive performance in speed & climb rate As people said, if one scarify stall speed limits, useful weight and increase runway requirements they should get close numbers in 300hp Mooneys
  22. Went with co-owner and kid to see Gyrocopters gathering (they call them poor man Helicopters or Rotary even if their propellers is aligned with direction of travel like fixedWings ), then quick English Channel crossing to Lydd (EGMD) for some British rolls and tea
  23. Rutan-Varieze Jet
  24. I think most 1G-2G manœuvres don't need anything specials as every aircraft is certified to fly that well inside it's flight enveloppe Bonanza, Mooney, Shrike, Concorde, Boeing, Airbus...have all rolled 1G barrel roll without going outside approved G-V enveloppes, however, doing loops will be tricky to achieve without bsuting the flight enveloppe FAA may prohibits banking more than 60deg without wearing parachute? My impression there is a logic in controlling bank angle (<60deg) with sensible speeds, it's the only way to maintain G-limits on airframe as we don't have G-meters fitted in most FAR23 aircraft when used in normal or utility categories If someone has G-meter to prove that his "1G barrel roll" or "3.8G loop" are well within normal category flight enveloppe (without going into aerobatic category certification), he can be our guest when it comes to pitch & bank angles...
  25. Do ATC in US see your alternate that you have in the flight plan? In Europe (UK & France), they don’t have it handy from the flight plan they see in their systems, they rely on pilot to tell them where he wants to go, the operational alternate you chose is not necessarily the filed alternate (say an airport you overflew 20min ago) However, when planing you need filed one or two alternates and these need weather to dispatch (including those without procedure)
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