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Everything posted by Ibra

  1. I think I will have more luck with upgrading to new EDM than fixing anything with so many gremlins behind the pannel I could not find fuel pressure limits (14-30PSI) on Mooney TCDS, however, it's on Lycoming IO360 TCDS, I assume this what makes it a legal requirement?
  2. Hi all, Does anyone know how to display fuel pressure on EDM830? I have fuel flow indication (GPH), however, no fuel pressure (PSI) and I can’t find how in programming menu and I am not sure if it need some sensor? I still have an analog display on Rochester gauges, however, it’s getting tired and wiggly On a side note does M20J require indication of fuel pressure? it seems ok to fly without according to 91.205
  3. I will re-check the flow on the tail surfaces from looking around on ground run it seems working OK The leading edge of elevator is usually clean I do see more and more go over top and low of elevator, I am not sure how TKS is effective o the elevator even if the propeller and wing can keep up? it's the sort of unknown that makes longer flights in moderate ice uncomfortable even if wings looks ok...
  4. Assuming it’s well maintained and properly run, the TKS/FIKI does great job for 15min-30min of moderate ice (we usually find in weak fronts or light stratus), you do lose some speed (~10kts) and you end up burning more fuel Some caveats, * The engine can run rough or quits, it gets your attention, if it goes off over ocean or terrain it’s gameover: going for forced landing with iced airframe on high stall speed without touching flaps? * You still get lot of ice on tail surfaces, it won’t go away with de-ice on rudder/elevator and it’s not easily visible (one may argue that +1 inch of ice on elevator need hand flying with PhD in tail stall recovery) * What start as light or moderate icing can go into splash mode that overwhelm TKS/FIKI systems * Another worry is getting high voltage or electrical loads it’s hard to decide which electrics need to go off in clouds or at night… * You always need a go out by turning or by descending into clear air The only reason why I may stick more around is 1/ hanging into ATC system while sorting out plan B in next 15min and 2/ I know I will be out of the mess in next 15min. If these takes more than 15min, I take urgent action (more than 20min in moderate ice on TKS/FIKI is likely relying on hope or luck than an actual strategy) On clean wing Mooney without TKS/FIKI, replace that 15min with 30 seconds
  5. It's mostly an issue with engine or airframe manufacturer warranty or liability: a manufacturer may refuse engine or tank warranty if I use some fuel that is not recomanded or approved by them even if such fuel is legal from FAA point of view. For aircraft insurance, I expect to get paid after crash with an engine failure using G100UL as it's legal under STC. The product warranty/liability and the flight legallity/safety don't have to overlap. My understanding, I can't sue Lycoming for warranty or damage (real or imagined) from G100UL, in the same way that I can't sue them for my flying past TBO as I purposefully ignore their recomandation for overhaul, however, I do expect my insurance to pay if I ever crash dead stick with an engine past TBO... Take the example of uncertified or homebuilt (experimental) they can fly using G100UL without having to loop anyone in their business and they are well insured as reflected in their premiums, however, they should not ask engine manufacturers for liability or warranty, they tend to buy engines "as is" and operate "at own risk"
  6. Happy to learn about those "trucks in Utah"
  7. Indeed, someone in Total France told me about 0.2€/L is related to sourcing and handling TEL in Europe One interesting thing with G100UL is it’s not even an Avgas (ATSM), if one can make it out of banana juice, they can sell it and legally put it in an aircraft with FAA blessing, however, the tricky bit is managing the storage and distribution of that “banana juice” Does anyone know if Reid Hillview airport are planning to have G100UL storage on site? and what they will do if they plan transport by rail or boats managed by 3rd party as “fuel”? From the image, the truck delivering it at Reid Hillview looks like a homemade “fuel truck” from GAMI as well A ferry pilot told me the easy way to transport/store fuel with zero paperwork is to send an Aztec with two big turtle packs
  8. Unless it’s JetA piston Mooney? https://www.flyingmag.com/photo-gallery-photos-mooney-m10/ This could fit the bill if one is into JetA smell (from pistons) rather than JetA sound (from turbines), one just need to find the fetish bit they are after: JetA M10 have red leather and manual-automatic gearbox…not my type but I am sure someone will fall in love
  9. That would be TBM? it's sort of mariage between M20 and TB20 before putting PT6 in front M22 did not have the PT6, it would have been a sort of sucess story if it had one... I flew T34C while ago, it's basically a Bonanza with turbine in front yet way too slow: the Bonnie airframe could not keep up with 1mph for every 1hp (the TBM actually managed to keep with Mooney tradition: it has lot of speed for every horse power) Go for TBM (or PC12) as they look like "turbine Mooney" (if you are into experimentals, go for turbine Lancair)
  10. Any idea on premium between 100LL or G100UL for similar location or airports that sells both? It seems G100UL is cheaper than UL94 for start which is very reassuring (after all UL94 = 100LL without TEL = G100UL without INK, one can always argue that any extra additives like lead or aromatics are expensive than the fuel itself )
  11. Any idea much is Avgas 100LL at the same airport?
  12. Are these "sensor icing conditions" (0C < TAT < 10C)? or "real icing conditions" where ice is found inside clouds and wings? If the former, the engine de-ice is only used to protect engine probs in some pressure or airflow corners, so that the FADECs computers are happy Are airliners pilots allowed to calculate temperature and judge what counts as "icing conditions" now? or they rely on sensors?
  13. Glad it’s not charged to users! I was expecting guidance to be blocked by Garmin or Avidyne after M/DA or MAPt (“your demo version has expired, please drop coin, here” ) The specs for CDI sensitivity on WAAS GPS is damn precise and smooth, I wonder how CDI sensitivity on ILS CAT1 or ILS CAT3 (AutoLand) would looks like?
  14. ILS CAT1 will match LPV all the way down to 50ft past 50ft, the LPV (and even LNAV+V with GPS) works vertically down to 0ft and laterally all the way to the other end of the runway In ILS CAT1, my HSI shows “NO GS” and “NO LOC flag” as I cross the piano bars I have flown FD/AP coupled to WAAS GPS guidance (in ALT/NAV) at few feet from runway in CAVOK, I was impressive by the quality of signal: it’s smooth as silk with zero glitches as you cross the threshold, the touchdown zone all the way to the other end. I am now tempted to make an illegal auto-land My understanding only ILS CAT3 (Auto-Land) will have such requirement signal continuity after passing threshold?
  15. Flew south with Mooney co-owner and visited Corsica, Cannes, Avignon, Marseille...while getting some dual time (FAA BFR, EASA IR and CPL training) It was sunny weather in south of France then back to cold and cloudy Normandy !
  16. Need to "upgrade" CO detector for this one, it comes with Mooney STC, TSO'ed PMA'ised, EASA & FAA'approved
  17. Two friends of mine from UK got their FAA CPL/IR tickets with Atlas Aviation in Tampa (KTPF) in an accelerated fashion, I did some training and rental from them (not IR tough), I can highly recomand them. My prayers and thoughts are with them during the hurricanes ! It's worth getting FAA written tests done (only in US unless you can get into Ramstein or Lakenheath as USAF or NATO serviceman) anndsome experience ready (this can be done in Europe), it makes life easier once you arrive in US, good luck
  18. "I have but I was busy flying aircraft in Bravo", N1NR
  19. Likely something unrelated to annuals by owner assisted or trainee mechanic… My guess it’s likely from a high profile AD compliance (e.g. PA28 wing, B737 tail…)
  20. Why one would use T/O with speed higher than 110kts? they are useful for best L/D climb above obstacles on takeoff and slow flight for landing neither require huge speeds I can't see much of their use above 110kts? although, I only fly M20J and energy management is far easier than longer bodies... The only case where I would need extra speed and extra drag is radar vectored ILS, sometimes ATC ask for high speeds to keep healthy sequencing, however, I go clean config (flapless with gear up) and drop everything from 3nm if weather is nice, there is no way to land from 150kts approach without gear (140) and full flap (110) on short finale. If weather is difficult, I make an early request for slow approch at 110kias with T/O flaps (also I sate "unable" if pushed into higher speeds, it's 5min at 140kias instead of 4min at 110kias from 10nm intercepts, even less with tight guidance) I don't think they are designed for partial deployment above 110kts, especially, in gusty or turbulent conditions !
  21. Looking for propellers and airframe spares
  22. I tested mine on southerly heading, it stopped working “too fast, blabla…” It was a very long 9h flight, very disappointed
  23. Without complicating things is this valid for left or right turns? valid in N-S or E-W? assuming flight in northern hemisphere, just making sure we are not missing anything from Coriolis effet and compass turn errors Maybe unrelated, I recall while circling thermals at lower levels in gliders, the upwind part feels strong where downwind part feels weak, I wonder if it’s a similar illusion, say lower part of thermals are “attached to ground reference ”? or it’s a genuine effect, say the lower part of thermal “have an asymmetric shape” in windy days?
  24. Good point, I will give it a try (only strobe failed not nav lights) I had the impression it’s this one (Whelen A625 for tail/wing), I will double check next time, many thanks ! https://www.knots2u.net/whelen-a625-wing-tip-tail-strobe-assy-part-01-0770058-03/
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