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  1. I just switched to the Tempest. I'll let you know in a year.
  2. In my 68C,its in a separate book. I have records from day 1 though.
  3. Made mine out of PVC I had laying around the garage.
  4. Ariat's for work, any shoe but Nike for fun.
  5. I climb with 2500 and cruise with 2400 RPM. WOT til I get to cruise then pull throttle back just enough to see the MP needle wiggle. But I start at 4200 MSL.
  6. I got the last one for the carb version from Maxwell. Almost $700 with shipping.
  7. Mine was removed years before I became the owner. It is not required to fly the plane. Just have to hand fly everywhere since I don't have an autopilot either.
  8. It happens at minimum flap retraction altitude. It triggers our "Climb Sequence After Takeoff Checklist" call.
  9. The E175 starts a dual cue then single cue at 1000 AGL or a height that can be programmed in the FMS appropriate to the airport we are departing.
  10. Yes, flying job salaries have changed substantially the last 30 years. When I was hired as a newly minted CFI back in 1996 I was making $7.50 a flight hour. I had that job for 18 months, instructing full time and gaining enough flight time to get my ATP at All ATP's back when they actually offered that certificate. Did it in a Seminole. My next job was a 135 job in a Baron that paid $20 a flight hour and $15 an hour sitting standby. I thought I was set making $20000 a year! Then I went to the Regionals. Made $12000 my first year, wondering why I made the swap to the airlines! With the pilot shortage, my hourly pay almost doubled to keep pilots at the regionals. We have check airmen that are now making more than Southwest captains. Every job has been what you make of it. People that aren't happy at the airlines are the ones who aren't happy with life in general, I've noticed. If I had multiple alimony payments, House payments, boat\plane payments, and commuted to work, I'd be unhappy also. Just observations of a regional pilot who's been flying for pay for the last 27 years..
  11. I've been doing this for over 30 years. Don't know when CFI's quit teaching this technique.
  12. I'm going in April. Looking forward to the training. I've got 250 Mooney time and excited to learn more about my C.
  13. I would think it wouldn't need any shims with new motor mounts. I replaced my mounts 2 years ago that were last replaced in 1987. The prop/ground clearance was exactly what the POH says.
  14. Another vote for the Lasar jack points/tie downs.
  15. 68C. I don't have the hybrid weight.
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