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Mark M20B

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfVVn512rVc
  2. Congratulations on the purchase. I think you will really enjoy it. We will have to go flying sometime - I assume you will be flying it to Portland soon. My annual is done but now I'm waiting for a new set of rotors. Mark
  3. This is Mark from YouTube at Twin Oaks. Send me an email and we will try and find a time to meet. Not sure if my wife wants me flying with someone with the COVID but you can sit in the plane and I can share my thoughts. My hangar neighbor has an M20C as well. Mark
  4. Looks like a nice plane. I also have an M20B. I installed a new interior in mine earlier this year. The B is a great plane for the price. Mark
  5. I think it is a little quieter but there is not that much of a change. I noticed a huge difference while working on the plane on the ground. The difference is not as noticeable while flying though. I think a lot of noise comes through the windows.
  6. I found a strap form a 90s car door pull that was about the same size on eBay and purchased that for my M20B. It was under $20 and looks great.
  7. After completing the install and flying with the new seats, I ended up trimming down the seat foam. I like that the seats are a little higher but they are too high for me. My A&P also thought they were too high after flying the plane. I trimmed about a half inch and went for a test flight and think a little more still needs to be removed. I like that the seats are higher but they are still too high.
  8. I went with the standard vinyl. If I had a more expensive Mooney I would have considered leather. I actually wanted cloth but my wife talked me into vinyl. Testing it out in the hot hangar, I like it more than I though I would.
  9. I'm in the process of doing mine now. The total cost from Airtex including shipping for everything - seats, wall panels, headliner, carpet and other recommended items was $3,822. This was for vinyl seats. I also ordered soundproofing material, glue and other supplies from Aircraft Spruce for around $400. While installing my headliner, I noticed the seal in my side windows needed to be replaced so I decided to order new windows. That will add another $1,300 to the cost. While the headliner was out I also decided to add ADS-B. I'm pretty happy so far as it looks really nice. It will end up taking a month and a half longer than I though it would though.
  10. I'm in the process of installing a complete interior from Airtex in my 1961 Mooney M20B. I finished the seats a week ago and hope to get the headliner in this weekend. Cleaning the interior has taken much longer than expected. I also spent a fair amount of time trying to find stronger springs for the seats to support the average pilot in 2019 when compared to 1961. So far I could not be happier with the kit. Attached is a picture of my new and old seat. The new seats are much more comfortable.
  11. I went from a Cessna 170 to a Mooney M20B at 275 hours. It was an easy transition for me. The Mooney is faster but I think it slows down easily. It is much more comfortable in turbulence - it wiggles instead of jars. The deck angle on climb was the hardest thing for me to get use to. I had to get use to climbing out of the airport and not being able to see what was ahead of me. I don't notice it anymore. I do from time to time forget to put the gear up though :-)
  12. Thanks. I'm currently in the process of redoing the interior with an Airtex kit. Should be a nice plane when I'm done.
  13. I was having an intermittent over voltage issue a few years ago. Every once in a while my voltage would jump from 14v to 18v and even as high as 24v at times. When it jumped it would go from being steady to jumping all over the place. After months of troubleshooting, I found a small loose unused hot wire under the panel that was shorting on the control column. After removing that wire, I had no more issues.
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