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Everything posted by shawnd

  1. @kortopates yep this incident happened in the PNW Sad story. Thanks for drilling home the point. While the aircraft is in the shop I have been going over the AFM back and forth and also starting to create a custom performance profile based on W&B and performance charts in the POH.
  2. My local school also had this done. Is there a STC for this? Or can any shop swap out the locks? Edit: my instructor also taught me that regardless of whether it locks or not, keep your keys in the lock so you remember to lock it before getting in the aircraft. So when I tow the a/c around, baggage door stays open with keys in it.
  3. Followed "Keep Calm, Carry on" Assessed the situation, determined safe landing field, made the radio call and landed w/ gear down. Perfect airmanship!
  4. Perfect - thanks @pwnel
  5. I ordered my AdLog system yesterday and now I am wondering how to properly transition to the new system. Since this is my first aircraft, this might be just a generic question about switching to new logbooks. Should the first entry in the AdLog logbooks be a reference to the last entry in the previous logbook? To close the previous logbooks, do we just put a "------ CLOSED ------" mark at the last page? Curious what other folks have done. Pictures would be great Thanks.
  6. Yep couldn't have captured this better. Being absolutely new to the turbo Mooneys, was looking for an initial dataset to start with and iterate and tune as I fly it more. The POH #s depend on so many factors that it's impossible to replicate most of the time. And on top, the engine isn't exactly in its prime. 100% agree with @kortopates that the performance profile in FF or Garmin should be tailored to one's specific aircraft. I guess the piece that bothered me the most was not seeing 252 in the list...
  7. Nope it doesn't. I have sent Garmin a few bug reports that they ended up fixing. I will see if I can pull some strings to get the 252 and encore listed ...
  8. Engine as well right? Curious to see, if anyone can share, an invoice, work order, or documentation on what’s actually changed.
  9. Yeah true. Unfortunate to not be able to pick 252
  10. Playing around with Garmin Pilot and it seems that they are missing the M20K 252 aircraft type. Very odd. They have flagged M20K 231 as having serial #s from 25-0001 through 25-2012. What gives? Or is it just my app playing tricks on me?
  11. Sweet - thanks @Hank
  12. More useful load, someone can correct me but I believe it’s about 200 lbs more useful load.
  13. I will be happy to bum a hangar whenever possible! One of your partners put up a video on YouTube and I was like “Wait I know that plane and hangar!” Saw the new G5’s that you guys installed. Good to get the other HSI out. The aircraft currently is at Chandler Aviation (MSC) in Phoenix and will be ready in 5-6 weeks.
  14. Hey Henry, I will get a hold of you this weekend and can help get your profile pic and signature fixed up. Flying back up to Seattle right now. Btw, anyone know how to get the states you flown thing in the signature?
  15. I will be at KPAE central ramp but tie down till a hangar opens up.
  16. Haha, hey there Henry! Long time no see. We met up once and you gave a quick intro to the Bravo, maybe a couple years back? Did a quick trip to TIW and back for food. Yeah I was deliberating again about pinging you about the partnership but figured I rather just own the darn plane. More decision power and freedom (of course with the blessing of the CFO in the family).
  17. BTW - doesn't hurt to call your insurance broker/company up and ask the ferry pilot to be added to the policy temporarily. I did this for a flight 12.2 nm away.
  18. Indeed - great video! Lesson of the day: don't forget your sun glasses - all that glare from the snow and ice!
  19. BTW - all the folks who have helped make this search a reality have all, literally, spawned in one way or the other from https://themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html!!
  20. Thanks @kortopates @carusoam. Yep will be doing the transition training when I pick it up and get it back up to the PNW. IR will follow later this year in the bird that I will be flying - much better that way. Which leads to insurance, yes its a bit high but doable. Parker has been very helpful in that aspect. Didn't get much time to take pics after the sale. The video is from engine start by Rick who was ferrying it over to Chandler Aviation. IMG_0783.mov
  21. After at least a year of looking around, and at least a couple years of browsing around these forums, I am excited and proud to put a N# in my MS profile Closed the deal today but won't be flying it for a few weeks while it gets cleaned and fixed up at Chandler Aviation. Began my search with 231s and ended up with 252. The serial # is in the 1000's so perhaps an encore conversion down the road?
  22. I will second this. So far haven’t gotten the policy yet but might soon. But that depends more on if I purchase the a/c or not. Talked to Parker and he took his time to explain the details and also went into details about the coverage gaps that I wasn’t aware of from other quotes. He has been amazing.
  23. Good place to check where the MSC (Mooney Service Centers) are: https://www.mooney.com/service. Welcome!
  24. If you do add the intercooler, be sure to strictly follow the revised power settings for the setup. Otherwise will likely end up overboosting your engine.
  25. Haha, reminds me of those pictures of others planes flipped on top of yours ...
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