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Everything posted by shawnd

  1. Might work better if you move this thread to the aircraft classifieds section https://mooneyspace.com/forum/10-aircraft-classifieds/ Also, browse around / keep an eye on that section to see if anyone else is doing the same. Specifying what plane you have in mind will also help in finding like minded partners Good luck!
  2. When able, can someone post pictures of the changes needed to the battery cover to fit the RG24-15 in the M20K 252? Guessing this will be handy to have to show the A&P.
  3. I specially like the towel on the prop!
  4. Haha nice job!
  5. Wing walk looks nice and shiny new! How gritty is this compared to the wing walk compound?
  6. I am planning on doing a battery swap as soon as I get my hands on my airplane. I currently have Gill G-242 installed in my aircraft and from Concorde's battery replacement guide (http://concordebattery.com/main_nicads.php), seems like they are recommending the RG24-12. However, folks here seem to recommend the RG24-15: If you go by Concorde's suggestion for the M20K 24V, its the RG25-15 for the TSO one: http://concordebattery.com/aag3.php?id=2272 From comparing the two - RG24-12 is "premium" but RG24-15 is "platinum" RG24-15: http://concordebattery.com/flyer.php?id=41 RG24-12: http://concordebattery.com/flyer.php?id=133 Few questions: -15 lists 200 CCA, -12 lists none... eh? Peak power and power rating are higher in the -15 vs the -12. How much does the difference in IPP and IPR make in terms of starting up? Both the Gill and the Concorde are lead acid batteries. Although the Concorde one is sealed, is it possible to have acid free ones? G-242 does have an acid-free option. Or is the performance not worth going that route? Ref: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/gillg242.php?clickkey=43875 Cheers.
  7. Oh man - will add (http://honeymooney.com/) to the reading list!
  8. I am prepping the other half to eventually prepare for a trip like this
  9. The newer video series - the quality is better. Here's @gsxrpilot's N252AD:
  10. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz8ZwlWlmVvRpzJXj4O4IUo9kg97od5g (28 videos!) Don't blame your lack of productivity at work on me
  11. I agree about Jepp tech support. Friendly and really they are available 24x7. Also, can someone with the Garmin NavData tell me what they list for FSS for KLMT on one of their devices like GTNs? Garmin pilot had listed an invalid frequency from their NavData that doesn’t exist in FAA charts or AFD. Jepp had the right one.
  12. Niice! Exciting to your baby on TV eh?
  13. Few points - The factory looked busy back in the day and probably the only shot of folks mating the wing to the body that I have seen. - Bonus: Rod Machado talks about "Morning Sickness" back in 1980s - with example! ~22:40.
  14. Yes. Was bored and started searching on YouTube for M20K 252 videos and guess what I found? ABC' Wide World of Flying And whoever owns N252YG - they have a star in their hangar!
  15. Welcome @mooneycat! I recently started a similar thread about MSCs for doing major service. See For minor work - potentially Crown Aviation @ KPAE or Galvin @ KBFI.
  16. Yep, sounds like Advanced is clearly leading. Thanks for the offer Bolter - I could definitely use a ride back when flying it down.
  17. Most likely a lot less electrical consumption from MetarMaps than a TV
  18. Thanks for the feedback so far. So far looks like most folks have visited or chosen to go to Advanced and are happy with it. @ReconJon will PM you.
  19. Yep, sure looks like the Scott connector.
  20. Holy Cow!
  21. A Mooney service center should be able to re-rig the flaps for you. @M20Doc can clarify? A good article on the matter: https://www.knr-inc.com/shoptalk-articles/25-shoptalk/75-201407-control-rigging
  22. Just to make sure the previous owners didn't replace it with some weird aftermarket one
  23. So looks like @L. Trotter was able to fix the leaks with the new Scott connectors he ordered. That's promising. Once I get the photo back from the shop tomorrow to double check the type (x-fingers), I will give Precise Flight a call.
  24. I think I found what you are referring to:
  25. Sweet - thanks @smwash02. That makes me more confident about the Scott connectors. I do not believe the system was replaced with an aftermarket one. I am just trying to replace the missing cannulas/masks and use it for the ferry flight to Seattle.
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