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  1. Bit late to the party - but since this comes up in Google, those who have this combination here's the FMS supplement you need. Found it online while researching some equipment a Twin Comanche that I'm interested in has.... Argus WX500 Supplement Feb99 Part141029RevC.pdf
  2. So just to ask the question about how a non-US aircraft could install these tanks, I sent the team at Emapa an email on the 15th basically highlighting the above points, an Oz-registered aircraft has to be worked on by an Oz LAME (A&P equivalent) and asking how we could incorporate the LR tanks into a bird down here, but I haven't had a reply yet. My next step was sending an email to the source, Monroy Aerospace, yesterday arvo and I promptly got a reply from Jose himself 8 hours later (!), indicating I could purchase the kit and have it installed locally down here instead of ferrying the Ovation to Texas. They're out of stock right now, but give it a month or two and I should be able to get a kit - assuming I complete the purchase of the plane, that is! So that's good news for anyone outside the US, and straight from the horses mouth too.
  3. Either way, it renders it unafforable to do sadly, or rather, the cost/benefit isn't there if I have to take either of those options. The other problem I just realised with either of those approaches becomes one of legality. A US A&P/IA cannot perform work on an Australian-registered aircraft, either in Aust or in the US and I would imagine the same problem exists for European or Canadian registered aircraft too. Any mods need to be done by an engineer certified in the country of registration. While I don't need 2000NM straight up, I will be doing 2000NM flights perhaps twice a year (YPKA-YCNK/YSBK) and would really like to avoid the delays (and cost!) of a fuel stop in Alice Springs/Ayres Rock, as well as the bragging rights you get by saying you can, literally fly straight across the middle of Australia non-stop. If I've read the P-charts correctly, I can eke out ~9.5hours of cruise endurance at FL175/45% from 103USG of usuable fuel, but SkyVector tells me I need 11.1 for that flight today, so the extra 30USG would cover that - however, apart from the Monroy/Empaero/BSA combination there's no alternative to get that extra fuel, and that leaves me confused why a company would exclude a significant potential market of Mooney Owners overseas when all they have to do is supply the parts and the STC paperwork.
  4. So what is the solution for those of us that aren't in the US? Ferry the plan to Texas? 120 hours flight time, a 100-hourly downroute, etc etc You might as well consider the upgrade at well over $50,000 AUD then. Mandating just one shop to do the install seems counter-intuitive, particularly if there aren't any pireps about the install quality or after-sales support available. I'm considering an Ovation to replace the RV-9, and while you may well be able to get 100USG in the stock tanks, the extra 30 would go a long way (pardon the terrible pun) to helping me avoid a fuel stop on particular flights and it's something I'd be actively considering early in the ownership journey - but not if I need to take her to the US for it...
  5. I did it for a pilot mate in the RV-9. For those who know the RV, you know the canopy cannot be opened in flight (intentionally). The solution was to build a dispenser "pod" from PVC pipe, RHS, piano hinges, firebergalss to make it somewhat aerodynamic and a pair of linear actuators that bolted to the left wing tie down fitting. The piano hinges allowed you to remove the pod from the hardpoint to load the cremains, motor the door closed, then reattach it to the hardpoint using the hinge pins. By mounting it so the CG/CDrag was aft of the tiedown bolt ensured that even if the aluminium tape used to keep it aligned with the airflow came loose, it would only pivot a few degrees rather than turning broadside if the CG/CDrag was ahead of the bolt. I ran the 2 core wire for the actuators forward over the leading edge, then straight aft to within inch ahead of the flap, then along the trailing edge and up the fuselage under the canopy seal and let his wife motor the door open when she was ready. It worked a treat, and I felt it was quite respectful. There was no damage to the RV, very little cremains left in the pod, and that which were dispensed stayed together in a fairly tightish cloud that she could see descending as we did a couple of orbits. If you want to emulate this method, either get it signed off by an engineer, or don't let CAsA / the FAA find out. As the RV's Experimental and I'm the builder, I could do it this way, legally. YMMV.
  6. Yes, it's a helicopter, and Yes, it's a turbine, but This ATSB Report shows what can happen in only a few seconds if you don't abide by the "thou shall not run your engine in this band" warnings. It's obviously not as critical with our engine/prop combinations, but it is there. And it pays to be aware of what can happen. Losing a blade in flight will ruin your whole day..
  7. Word-of-mouth is an incredibly important tool in aviation, particularly as regards good maintenance shops or service providers. One of the best examples I can think of is Stein Air. I can't recall a single negative thing I've seen written about that company or its' people, and they are almost universally acclaimed in the Experimental world, because they go above and beyond, heck they even do an Escrow-type service for high-dollar avionics purchases between two other parties. You only have to look at the reviews they get on places like VansAirForce to know you'll do far worse than them. I'm sure they have their issues with customers too, what business wouldn't, but they've never resorted to bashing them on an internet newsgroup for all and sundry to see. And no, I have no connection with Stein or his staff whatsoever (I'm not even on the same continent!), beyond buying switches and other avionicky knick-knacks from their web store. But I use that webstore over others because of the help they've given to so many other RV builders...
  8. I'd send an email and follow it up with a phone call the following morning if I had a newly-installed G5 as an HSI that wasn't working and I needed it repaired. You sound like you're surprised that someone would do such a thing? I installed a Dynon GPS antenna in my RV and it went bad. But the funny thing is, Dynon never, not once, quibbled or said "we've sold thousands of these and never had a problem". The RMA was accepted, it was sent back and I had a new one on the way and in my hands within the week - and that's the other side of the world...And IIRC it was ultimately found a particular batch did have a trend of failing. Yet here you are... I'd suggest you've failed spectacularly at that so far...Even by simply posting Bob R's surname here. I'd be royally pi$$ed if you did that about my account.... Anyway, there's quite a few, uhh, "interesting" other forum posts when you google the name Dana Blix and Chief Aircraft. Coupled with the reply here, I certainly know who I won't be using for any future work.
  9. Work it backwards based on the "new" prices: GTN750 $17,000USD , Aspen E5$ $4,500USD Each, GTX345 $4,800USD, Stec-50 $19,000USD = ~$50,000. Plus a new engine @ $30,000 and I would say yes, it is worth it if it had a new engine. As it is? Not a chance. You can put an RV-10 in the air for less than that if you're careful and it'll blow the doors off that F. It won't have as fancy an avionics package, but you won't be stuck paying an A&P/IA for your annuals either.
  10. I often run a tank dry in my RV and it is a total non-event. Fuel pressure drops, RPM drops a few hundred, and recovers in a few seconds after switching to the full tank. Of note, FAR23 certificated aircraft have to demonstrate continued safe operation after running a tank dry... Here's a video of it happening showing the indications on the EMS. Ignore the hunting volts & amps, the PP alternator went bad & was replaced with a B&C unit...
  11. I've got a SkyView Classic in my RV-9A and love it! EMS, 2-Axis autopilot, ADS-B transponder, Wi-fi Ipad interface, datalogging, audible alerts and on-screen charts are wonderful. While the certified HDX is slightly different, I'd never go back to a standard panel now. If you can afford it, you will not be disappointed.
  12. IT has happened. Continental 1515 in El Paso ingested an engineer a few years ago. The aftermath was what you'd imagine. When I was doing my Loadmaster thing on the Herc's, I was amazed at the number of people, aircrew as well as groundcrew, that would walk through the prop arc of #2 & 3. I got asked several times why I was always brushing the fuselage walking front-back or vice versa.
  13. An awful lot of RV'ers use EI (So the VAF forums is the place to check) and in some cases full EFII - I have twin PMags on my RV-9A and from what I can see, they're virtually identical in function to the SIM's, with the exception of the PMag's having their own generator. I couldn't be happier. Coupled with the Rotec TBI, it usually starts within a blade or two cold and instantly when hot.
  14. I wouldn't say the RV's are a PITA to build. I built my RV-9 and loved almost every minute of it, and it was just like lego. Yes there were a lot of dimples, but mostly in long, straight rows, and with the DRDT-2 tool, once you get lined up, you can do a row of 100 dimples in under 15 minutes or so. Best part about the -10? You can deck it out with whatever you want, and maintain it yourself. Worst part about the -10? You can deck it out with whatever you want, and that "whatever you want" can be horrendously expensive.
  15. Great camera positioning...I've not sat in a Mooney in 20 years, so seeing how the size compares to the RV-9 from behind is interesting.
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