I posted this over on the Mooney Facebook group and Dev asked me to share it here too.
- 2nd flight on the new aspen E5.
- MGY to POF filed IFR in a little over 3 hrs on Victor airways. Left 1935z Got gas and some cargo and headed back after no more than 30 mins on the ground.
- coming back VFR, heading ~060, 7500 msl, unsure of OAT.
- roughly 2 hrs into the return trip my avidyne displays an error bottom right of the screen. Arnic (spelling) failure.
- Look over at the Aspen and its pitch black. 1-2 seconds and then it comes back on just as it does when it turns on. 8 seconds or so and its back online.
No issues the rest of the flight.
Worried this issue will repeat itself in real IMC. Avionics guy is in contact with Aspen and assures me they will resolve it.
Edit - mid post i got a call from my installer who just talked with Mike from Aspen. Supposedly mine is the only one to have this failure, so far.
The working theory is that around dusk I flipped on all 3 light, LED landing and original position/beacon. They're going to pull battery logs tomorrow and see if the diaplay went into battery mode at that point, ran out of battery, then came back alive with normal bus voltage? He seemed to think it was a logical explanation and with JPI and Aspen logs fealt sure he could confirm or bust their theory.
Stratus 2s and foreflight was supposed to be a battery backup redundancy I never had to use. That we broke out in our 2nd trip with the new hardware.
Dev was wanting this info here with all the max upgrades using this same hardware / processors I believe.
I'll update as I know more. Should have another 20 hrs on the Moonship next 2 weeks so hopefully will flush this out completely.
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