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Everything posted by MBDiagMan

  1. BTW Paul. Any tricks to getting into Austin Executive? It is non towered. Is there much there now that the new airport has been in service for fifteen years or so now?
  2. Well, I am now waiting on the IA that did the prebuy to go ahead and finish the annual. He might be done this week. I have to fly my girlfriend to Austin tomorrow, 209 NM, so we will be putt-putting in the 140. Sure would be an ideal trip for the Mooney! Now that the purchase is imminent, I am like a ten year old waiting for Christmas. I was putting a new tailwheel tire on the 140 today and a few friends dropped by. They all said the same thing, "Don't get rid of the 140. They all also said that both planes will fit in the hangar. I hope their eyes are all in calibration. I give it about a fifty fifty chance. The broker that sold me the Mooney said to fly the 140 there, pick up the Mooney and leave the 140 for him to sell. Not sure yet if I can part with it. SO....... Looks like I will officially be joining your ranks as a Mooney owner.
  3. I grew up in my Dad's independent auto repair shop in the fifties and sixties. That was the day of engine overhauls. Something that is rarely done on cars today. In those days, we would take the head(s) off of an engine and measure the bores. If they were within proper specification, we would replace the rings without boring or replacing Pistons. If they weren't okay the engine would be torn apart the rest of the way for rebuild or a remanufactured engine installed. From my old world AUTOMOTIVE experience one would think that the same thing would be practical on an aircraft engine, but I have never seen it done. It might very well be illegal to do so without having the cylinders reconditioned and new Pistons used, providing yellow tagged parts. From my auto experience and what I have read in this thread, I believe it is very possible that the overheating of the engine being discussed, may have overheated the rings causing them to lose their tension. That said, one thing I have learned about auto engines is that you never know what it will need until you take it apart. Then it is peeling the onion. Hope this is helpful somehow.
  4. Thanks Paul! That confirms what I thought. The transponder sending ADS-B out, is basically electronically independent of dealing with ADS-B in. Since I already have the KT 76A, it would be easier to integrate the KT 74 and it would be functionally identical to the Stratus ESG.
  5. Meister, is the Stratus 2 permanently mounted? Is the Stratus 2 integrated with the Stratus ESG in any way? The reason I ask is that since I have a KT76A, I can get ADS-B out with a KT 74 transponder, but if the ESG integrates withe the Stratus 2 better, it might be a wiser choice.
  6. Lots of great tips and suggestions. I already have part of the yoke mount in the 140 that I use for the IPhone. It is quite handy sometimes. I don't want to be moving things back and forth between planes if I don't have to. That said, once I have the Mooney it will be my traveler, so I probably won't need such navigational items in the 140 any more.
  7. Yeah, looking to one side or the other could be a problem. That is quite a panel Marauder!
  8. GuitarMeister, what kind of transponder is that? Is it new enough for ADS-B OUT? thanks for the comment about the IPad in the lap during IFR flying. I guess I was expecting to see some folks mounting their IPad somewhere in the cockpit other than the yoke. I think it must be psychological with me, worrying about it obstructing my view. May be something I need to just bite the bullet and get used to it. In my 140 I have my IPhone mounted on the yoke.
  9. Thanks Meister! Does this arrangement not obstruct the view of switches or other items on the panel?
  10. I started to pose this question in my existing thread about my new baby, but decided it might be worthy of a stand alone discussion. I have flown my Cessna 140 for 6 years with Foreflight on my IPad. When I first got the IPad, I started looking for mounts and places to put it, but the cockpit had no good spot for it. I ended up just setting it in my lap and it has worked great that way. When I go on a trip, I tie it to a lanyard just to make sure that it doesn't end up under the rudder pedals if I get in some turbulence or something. So.... Now I am moving into a different cockpit, is there a good location for the IPad, or should I just continue pitching it on my lap?
  11. As Piloto says, oil is making its way into the combustion chamber. This is the only explanation. Cylinders/Pistons/rings is the cure. Leaning on the ground will help some, but not much. Leaning is the cure for fuel fouling, not oil fouling. Be advised, that if you choose to use a bead blaster plug cleaner, go to all lengths to see that a glass bead does not remain on a plug. They are too small for a filter to catch and can continue to circulate, doing damage as they go.
  12. In my question I meant to write GTN 650. If I do the GN430W to GTN 650 upgrade priced in the post above at less than $6,000, would that give me ADS-B out? Would it also give Flightstream connection to Foreflight? thanks
  13. Will the gtn350 upgrade alone give me ADS-B out?
  14. Yeah, gsx, the best approach in the beginning, I think, is to develop the flight plan in Foreflight and then get practice entering them on the 430 panel. Even if I do go to the Flightstream later, I will not only have a better understanding, but also an alternative method. I will be watching lots of 430 videos while waiting for him to complete the annual and finalizing the purchase. I talked to the transition trainer in San Antonio today about possible scenarios for training and getting her to her new home. Because of his schedule, we will probably take this approach: he will fly it to my home field one morning and spend the remainder of the day with me before I take him or send him home. I will then finish up my complex endorsement/transition training with my local Mooney guru flight instructor. The gentlemen doing my prebuy/annual is not feeling well so it might be the end of next week before he is done and I finalize the purchase. Might even be longer. I am hoping to get the plane, get the endorsement, get in the insurance solo time, all before Spring break. I told my girlfriend that I will fly her to Galveston for Spring Break. Certainly would be a quicker trip in the Mooney, rather than getting the taildragger in the air and wait for the Earth to rotate underneath.:) Now that the purchase appears imminent I am getting excited. Natural I suppose.
  15. GREAT! I googled flightstream. It looks like one or one and a half AMU's will give some amazing connectivity. You guys on here are awesome!
  16. Yes, I have wondered if the 430 is new enough technology to support Bluetooth.
  17. Among all the other things I am involved in, I will need time to learn the 430W. Is there software that will generate an Instrument flight plan and then make a file that you can plug into the 430 with the corresponding waypoints? OR........ Will I needt o enter waypoints manually on the 430 panel?
  18. A tedious prebuy is going well. Being done by a very knowledgable and highly respected retired Mooney employee in Kerrville. He has said many good things about the plane such as "amazingly corrosion free," and "I would buy it myself." He is going to finish the prebuy tomorrow by removing seats and checking the tube. I felt very good about the plane to begin with, but now that he is closely scrutinizing it, I am feeling even better. Looks like she will be mine. Starting to work toward setting up the transition training. I have been doing a lot of reading here and other good sources.
  19. I would check input voltage first before replacing the box. If there is voltage being supplied to the box and no output from the box, THEN, go to the trouble and expense. If there is no voltage being supplied, go back to the switch and see if there is voltage there. hope this helps.
  20. Yeah Hank, I wouldn't be surprised if that hangar is close to fifty feet wide. Mine is 41' wide and I think 33' deep. I wrote the. Dimensions down, but they are still in the hangar. I also wrote down the plane dimensions in the same place. I think the Mooney is 35' wing span and 23'6" long and the 140 is 33' wing span and 21'6" long. I will be out of pocket until Wednesday and won't be to the hangar before then. The prebuy might be done by then. Once the plane is home I will be tying down outside at a different airport until I am checked out. Then I will put it in the hanger for longer periods when I am not flying. My new hangar will be finished in early May. My 140 May have to be out some until then if they both won't fit.
  21. Thanks horse racer! My hangar is a box rather than a T. Do you happen to know the width and depth of your hangar?
  22. Lycomings have them am up high. If it sits for a long period of time, the oil drips off of the cam, so is not lubricated for the first few seconds of the next startup. As I understand it, the only way to inspect the cam is to pull a cylinder. Theree is an additive CAMGUARD, that can be used in the oil to make the oil stick to the cam longer before draining off. I understand that the Shell oil with PLUS at the end of its name has this additive already in the oil. Hope this helps.
  23. Congratulations on the new wings! I am probably only a few weeks behind you. Prebuy begins Monday in Kerville, so either I go to Kerrville for the endorsement and fly it home or have it ferried the two Mooney hours home to NE Texas and do the training here. Many variables for me, not the least of which is the weather. I am a tailwheeler, so I am accustomed to paying close attention to high gusty winds. It seems as if our "March winds" are here in February this year. I am not all that far from Gastons, but I have never spent the flight time to get there in my 140. It will be more easily reachable in the Mooney. Maybe we will join you guys there at one point.
  24. Welcome from another newcomer in Texas. Prebuy takes place Monday for my short bodied Mooney.
  25. I have done some measuring, but havent done any templates in a box. It is a three dimensional fit that require tail over/under wing or wing under wing. I was looking at it again this morning and I give it a 50/50 chance.
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