At last annual, 15 Hrs tach time ago, my IO360A1A had metal in the filter. It was running great with great oil pressure and temperature and good compressions. After oil and filter I flew it fifteen hours without having to add oil, and running like a Swiss watch holding 81 PSI oil pressure and 179 degree oil temperature very steadily. I stayed very close to home while doing this flying. Within glide distance of the field most of the time.
At that point we drained a sample and cut the filter to find metal again. It had been running so well that I was suspecting the prop Governor. We sent the oil sample which took almost a month to reach the lab (thank you USPS,) and it came back with high iron which indicated a cylinder or rotating shaft.
We started pulling cylinders and they all looked really good. With cylinders off, we found the problem. The second cam lobe from the front is severely worn down and that lifter looks as if someone has been practicing their use of a hammer and chisel.
Our plan is to IRAN the cylinders and replace the cam and lifters and probably main bearings hopefully nothing further is found when we split it.
BTW, this is an 1100 hour engine that had a few years of setting still. After setting still it had cylinders removed, everything inspected, cylinders honed and new rings then put back in service. I would have to check my logs, but I think it has run about 85 hours since that point.