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Everything posted by Stetson20

  1. Tigers, Where in northern MI? Congrats and, as usual, post pics! Roy
  2. Army 88-95 Navy 95-08 So confused on Army/Navy game day! 20 and a wakeup! Wouldn't trade *most* of it!
  3. Paul, Good info. Yes, exactly what I'd like to find. The search continues! Roy
  4. Pics? Any tips regarding your buying experience? Congratulations!
  5. Matt how's progress? Still searching for my Mooney..
  6. Those other planes in the background yours as well? There should be a limit on how many airplanes one guy has! I'm a socialist when it comes to airplanes- since I dont have one yet! lol I'll be a capitalist when I get mine Roy
  7. Good luck! Send pics when you close the deal! I saw a really nice J model there in Norfolk for 98k. Have you seen it? Is it out of your price range? I think it was on Trade-A-Plane Roy
  8. Dumb question. Do shop prices go up in winter? Or getting a project done in winter kinda like finding a short term rental in Florida from Jan-Mar (i.e. very hard to find)? Logic tells me get your upgrades done when weather keeps you from flying anyway...
  9. Ahh.. So that's how Matt comes up with his estimates on speed increases.
  10. I was looking at this one, too. Very nice custom panel! Post a couple pics, please.
  11. I see what you did there!
  12. Mike, Post the specs here. I'm looking, as well as others. Sad to give your plane away, but maybe a bright note is you'll know someone will enjoy it (her) as much as you did! Roy
  13. Great to meet you & your BIL, Jason Thanks for letting me pick your brain about your Mooney and climb in for a tour! Safe travels back to Georgia! Roy
  14. I'll try to stop by around noon tomorrow if that's okay. I think I went out there a day early, didn't I? Oops!
  15. Tell him I love the P&I. I'm looking for a more modern panel, though. Congrats to him if he buys it!
  16. Chris, My sister lives in Sparta. Maybe I could buy you lunch and pick your brain about buying/owning a Mooney? Roy
  17. Jason, I stopped by the air park. No Mooney. Maybe next time! It's a really nice field. I met Jason(?), the guy who has all the mobile advertising trucks. Nice guy. Anyway, safe travels! Roy
  18. So what would you have done differently? I've got Mooney fever BAD. It's like a teenager at the homecoming dance! Thanks Matt for putting up with my incessant questions, btw! Anyway, your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Fire away!
  19. How long is the flight? And do you stop along the way? If I see a Mooney parked out on Downwind Ln, I'll stop in for a few minutes Sat around noon, if that's okay. I won't intrude long, maybe 10 min to ogle your plane! Driving a gray Dodge 1500. Have a safe flight! Roy
  20. Hat tip to ya, Matt. Like I said, project planes aren't my thing. Check your email. I may have found a better fit for me.
  21. I'm seeing J models in the 90k price range with modern avionics panels. Matt gave me some good advice- get a plane with the avionics I want already installed. Mid time engines are less concerning than one that is low time compared to airframe age. His first reaction was "Better have a good engine pre-purchase inspection. Doesn't look like it flies much." All good advice. And I like your taste in P&I! That's why I like this one so much. Roy
  22. Got any pics and a spec sheet? As I wrote to others here, I think I just kinda fell in love with that paint job and interior. Back to the search!
  23. Yeah I think I'm falling in love with a paint job. And I really dig that interior. BUT.. P&I aren't gonna get me to/from MDW with crappy weather.
  24. Holy smokes! I live like 5 miles away. Ever been out to Long Lake? I own the store on the SW side of the lake (not the one by the public access). Right under GIBER intersection. I've been up Grow Rd several times- never knew there was an air park there!
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