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Everything posted by mcrouch

  1. There is a Mooney Service Center in Dalton, Georgia that's not far from you. I don't recall the name but shouldn't be hard to track down. You might give them a call after the holiday. A great bunch of people and easy to work with.....
  2. Okay. Thanks.
  3. I'll take them. Send payment instructions to me at mwcrouch@gmail.com
  4. Put my name in the hat for the tail beacon if it is still available....... Mark Crouch Georgia
  5. There are updated counterweights available for the 67F and you can get them with installation for about $500 a pair. I don't have the part numbers off the top of my head but they are shown in the Mooney maintenance binder with the part number. Any Mooney dealer should be able to get them for you if you call and inquire. Of course the original part numbers have changed but a Mooney dealer will have the conversation list for them. The original weights were put on with rivets, I think. The updated ones use bolts instead of rivets, which makes installation a bit easier after you the get the original rivets drilled out.
  6. Thank you. I kinda figured it wouldn't work but it's nice to know that my hunches are confirmed.......
  7. If I was certain that these fit a 67 "F" model I'd be all over it....................
  8. All the information that everyone has contributed on this threat is fantastic and extremely informative. For anyone looking to get a "feel" for which option they should choose for their own aircraft will not be disappointed in reading the experiences that the comments provided, whether good or bad. Given what's been said, my choice will be the wingtip unit. It seems to be the most trouble free not only with the install but with the configuration as well. It also seems to be the simplest of the two units once it's up and running as it should. Please accept my thanks for all the helpful information everyone has provided. As usual, this community rises up with the great wealth of knowledge it has and shares it with candor and frankness.... Kudos to everyone.
  9. Now that we have a fair amount of Uvonix installs already completed on a variety of different Mooney models, how do you now feel about them? Do you prefer the wingtip units over the tailbeacon or the other way around. Seem like there is about a $150 difference in price. Did you decide to change out/purchase a different transponder when you installed whatever uvonix unit you chose or did you keep the one you had. Especially looking for comments from "F" model owners. Thanks for any pireps you would care to share......
  10. What plane did you have when you bought it and do you know what models it fits?
  11. Same here. It's not very worthwhile or efficient to require a visit to the forum just to read the content of the post when it was quite economical to read the complete post in the email and log in only if one was inclined to reply or comment. Can we please have an option to go back to the way it was???
  12. Somehow I didn't think it would. Seems I'm a dollar late and a dollar short nearly all the time these days. Must be getting older. LOL Thanks everyone. Mark Crouch N9522M
  13. Any idea if this also fits an 67 F model without doing any mods to it? Mark Crouch N9522M
  14. Well, since no one else has asked, mind sharing what the turn key cost was?
  15. This article caught my attention. But it seems unclear (although plausible) this this would work in an aircraft, driven by whatever smartphone one might be using and their associated app. If anyone tries it, please report back on whether it works and how well...... https://the-gadgeteer.com/2019/03/19/fixd-automotive-puts-a-vizr-heads-up-display-in-your-car/
  16. I've got to wonder whether any of these "landing fees" are in anyway associated with ownership of the airport. Lawrenceville, Georgia, for example, is county owned. No landing fees. Cornelia, Georgia (abt 30 miles north of Lawrenceville) is county owned and no landing fees. Same with Winder, Georgia, which is about 30 miles east of Lawrenceville. If any FBO's at those locations charge a fee, I'm not aware of it. I was based at Lawrenceville for 8 or 9 years and while I was there I did not experience any FBO fee. Transients may be treated differently but I don't think so. I don't know who owns the airports previously mentioned in this thread so I can not offer any comment on those.
  17. YIKES!! There is no freaking logical reason that spark plugs should cost that much $$. That is ridiculous.
  18. What's the price of the 2 front seats?
  19. I'll see if I can find a phone number for them and give them a call. At the moment I'm wondering whether the replacement using the method MikeOH suggested would require some form of a 337 or an IA signoff. Maybe Mooney engineering would have some thoughts on that as well. Insofar as I know, replacement of those weights has never come on on this forum so I posted for the education of us all as eventually everybody with an older model Mooney will face the problem of replacing those particular parts. Although I have an MSC near me I would feel much more comfortable getting the opinion of DMax or Kelly and was hoping they would chime in with their thoughts. They didn't (that I know of) and that's okay. I most appreciate all the input from you gals and fellas and will reach out the Mooney engineering as soon as I can locate a phone number.
  20. That is most helpful. Thanks...... Well, the power of the internet has let me down. The only phone number I can find rings at the sales manager's desk and that phone goes to voice mail. I would have thought Mooney would at least had a receptionist answering phone but I guess not. If anyone has a number for Mooney engineering, I would appreciate someone sending it by private message. thanks
  21. Hi folks. Looking for some advice and information from the a&p's and IA's out there, as well as any one else that may have experience with this item or personal knowledge about the repair. Each elevator on our mooneys (this question happens to involve a 67 M20F) has on the outboard side a counterweight shaped like a wide piece of pie, about 2.5 or 3.0 inches wide and about 3/4ths inch tall where it attaches to the elevator. Visually it appears to be pressed on to a cylinder shaped rod but I have no idea how it is actually mounted and secured. I believe (but do not know) that these are made mostly of lead with perhaps an alloy or two mixed in. Mine have developed a tiny horizontal crack about 1.5 inches long along the top edge of the weight that runs from the outboard side towards the fuselage. A couple of questions about that picture. (1) What would be the involved in removing and replacing those weights; (2) would any skins have to be disturbed to do so; (3) would the elevators have to be re-balanced after replacement presuming the replacement weights are the specific part number assigned to that part on that particular model a/craft; (4) what's your best guess on time to accomplish the removal and replacement for a reasonably competent a&p; and (5) would you consider the cracks to be an "airworthy" item that would ground the plane until repair. I won't ask about labor cost as that varies widely in different parts of the country. But if you would care to chime in on that topic that would be okay. Any knowledge or information you could share on what is to me this most perplexing subject would be most appreciated...... Mark Crouch [N9522M]
  22. Sorry, folks. I forgot to put the link in my earlier message..... https://www.pcworld.com/article/3287917/computers/surface-go-vs-ipad.html#tk.rss_all
  23. Im not sure where the original thread appeared on Mooneyspace so I can't post in that particular group. Perhaps someone who does remember can repost this to that particular forum. But it appears that there might be a replacement for the Ipad mini on the horizon. Now sure how software makers will respond with aviation specific stuff for this new entry or whether they will respond at all. At the moment, I don't think this is available in anything smaller than the 9.7 inch size but they may shrink it in the future. I post only to make folks aware of it. No connection with the item, no stock in it, blah, blah, blah.
  24. To whoever started the thread on auto start apps and any others that are interested, try "sis startup" in the Google play store. I know it works in android but don't know if there is an IOS version. I'm just throwing It out there for what's it's worth. It may not do what you need. No root required.
  25. All of my manuals are at the airport (about a 3hour round trip) or I would look it up myself. Was hoping someone could post the inside dimensions (handle to handle) of the pilot's side yoke in a 67 M20F. I presume that both yokes would be the same but one never knows.... Mark Crouch, Cornelia Georgia
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