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AH-1 Cobra Pilot

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Everything posted by AH-1 Cobra Pilot

  1. "I don't 'waterski' because, one, I'm on probation..." Pretty much says it all.
  2. It also depends on your ratings and hours. I would love to see a chart that details all the factors into prices. As an ATP, CFI-I, with thousands of hours, my rates are pretty low. My co-owner, however, is a PP with a few hundred hours, which drives our rate.
  3. I have seen car engines that are run short times in cold weather. You will likely find a pasty build up of hydrogenated oil on the oil cap. It is tan colored and the consistency of butter. Unless you are seeing that, you probably do not have much of a problem with water condensation in your oil. Do not necessarily presume engine companies employ the pinnacle of experts on engines. A friend uses B&S engines to pump oil wells and has routinely had engines running 15-20 times as long as the B&S people thought possible. Most people simply fall into accepting the prevailing knowledge, and very few actually experiment with new possibilities.
  4. Who is with me in signing a petition to have the FAA and every other applicable law enforcement agency put this small P.o.S. in jail for at least 10 years?
  5. The point of my post is that some people tend to overhype things and not tell the WHOLE truth. They definitely DO NOT have an 800hp, 200 lb airplane engine.
  6. SFC = 0.83!?! Gawd, is that crappy! That is possibly the main reason it has/will not "go(ne) anywhere".
  7. If you do the Math with the listed specs, you find that the engine speed is at 10,000 rpm. At a more airplane-normal 2500 rpm, that will be 200 hp. Or you can have a heavy, expensive, and high-maintenance gear box added to the mix.
  8. Did someone put glue underneath? It may take some Dremmel Tool work.
  9. Apparently you do not realize that that would take almost double the energy it takes to get the payload into low Earth orbit.
  10. I have a VW diesel Jetta that averages 53 mpg. It cost $27,000 in 2015, and lately diesel has been cheaper than regular gasoline. Did you have to change the batteries in the Prius? What did/would that cost? What I object to is having to subsidize your Prius, and/or Tesla, to the tune of $16,100, (or probably much more), in taxes.
  11. I presume that is a joke? Would you be willing to pay $30,000-$50,000 per pound? Not to mention the possibility of a failed launch?
  12. Which would you rather have, BPS or Autoland? It seems to me that Autoland would be far cheaper to install/integrate in an old design, or even a new design. New autopilot software and an actuator for the throttle should be sufficient, versus a whole new structural design, hardpoints, compartment to store the parachute and rocket, etc., etc. $$$. Put the question to anyone who thinks a BPS sells airplanes, "Which is safer, Mooney with Autoland or Cirrus with BPS?"
  13. Mine are ABS. An acetone-based paint sticks well to them. Nylon might be better, but is difficult to paint. This is what Klixon covers look like from the back side.
  14. Never get divorced! Divorce is just plain wrong! It is also stupid! Don't you know that hitmen are cheaper than lawyers?
  15. How wide do you make your patterns? If a guy can make his downwind inside of you, you might be too wide. The easy way to tell is cut power at the abeam position; if you cannot make a power-off-180, you are probably too wide.
  16. As long as they are Klixon switches, I have quite a few, even some in reverse colors.
  17. The last time I had heard of a price for them was from my dad on his T-210 about 20 years ago; over $1000 for a pair.
  18. Just do not ask the price...
  19. According to this chart, it does not appear to be negligible.
  20. I would be curious to find out how these 220 have fared since. (Obviously, only some fraction were the PICs, and we need not consider the passengers.) How many have used the CAPS again? How many have crashed since? How many have not flown since? As I have written elsewhere on MooneySpace, I am under the impression that the first guy to use CAPS did it just because he wanted to be the first. How do you calculate how many of them would have actually been able to land safely without the CAPS? How many died even though they tried to use the CAPS? The bottom line is that 220 is a dubious number. I used to fly with a parachute, and that often included an ejection seat. Did I feel safer? Did I fly any differently? I suppose I felt safer with one when I was getting shot at.
  21. Nope. See below. How do you get a wrench on that nut from the other side, let alone turn it?
  22. Just do not be a bastard as this guy was:
  23. I finally decided to do something about my overhead vent covers. I have one in unbroken condition, and the other three are/were definitely missing sections. They are an incredible PITA to remove, and this one took a beating getting it out. You need to get a 1/4" lock-nut off from the top of the knurled knob. I put a wrench up through the vent hole and could turn it a little at a time. There has to be a better way! Does anyone have a special tool to accomplish this? It needs to ratchet and be able to meet some weird angles. At any rate, I designed and printed a cover. The tabs are too tall and too sharp, so I will fix that next iteration. I used PLA, (less expensive), but will use ABS for the final pieces, (stronger and paintable). Hopefully, this one will fit fairly well, so I do not have to adjust the size too much. It may need a little larger filleting, too. I know somebody sells the covers online, for $50/each, but they use vacuum forming and mine never seemed to work that well for directing air, anyway. I will test this one and write all about it.
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